

肖妍姗, 周正华, 苏杰, 魏鑫. 2021. 地表水平正反敲击激振下孔法剪切波速测试理论依据讨论. 物探与化探, 45(5): 1288-1294. doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.0020
引用本文: 肖妍姗, 周正华, 苏杰, 魏鑫. 2021. 地表水平正反敲击激振下孔法剪切波速测试理论依据讨论. 物探与化探, 45(5): 1288-1294. doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.0020
XIAO Yan-Shan, ZHOU Zheng-Hua, SU Jie, WEI Xin. 2021. Discussion about the theoretical basis of the down-hole method for shear wave velocity test under surface forward and reverse horizontal hammer strikes. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 45(5): 1288-1294. doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.0020
Citation: XIAO Yan-Shan, ZHOU Zheng-Hua, SU Jie, WEI Xin. 2021. Discussion about the theoretical basis of the down-hole method for shear wave velocity test under surface forward and reverse horizontal hammer strikes. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 45(5): 1288-1294. doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.0020


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    作者简介: 肖妍姗(1995-),女,硕士研究生,研究领域为岩土地震工程。Email:
  • 中图分类号: P631

Discussion about the theoretical basis of the down-hole method for shear wave velocity test under surface forward and reverse horizontal hammer strikes

  • 地表水平正反敲击激振下孔法常用于现场剪切波速测试。本文基于动力有限元方法建立了地表水平正反敲击激振下孔法剪切波速测试三维分析模型,采用时域集中质量动力有限元显式逐步积分方法求解了地表水平敲击下线弹性半空间波动响应,分析了不同深度点波形特征及地表水平正反敲击激振下孔法剪切波(S波)波速测试理论依据的合理性。结果表明:地表水平正反敲击下孔法S波波速测试的理论依据,即地表水平正反敲击下压缩波(P波)初动不反向而S波初动反向的理论依据不成立。此外,依据地表水平正反激振下线弹性半空间波动解析解,进一步佐证数值模拟结果的可靠性。
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收稿日期:  2021-01-13
修回日期:  2021-10-20
刊出日期:  2021-12-15
