数值模拟技术广泛应用于地下水资源评价工作中,为水资源合理开发利用提供科学依据。本文针对岩溶区的数值模拟技术展开研究,综述了岩溶区地下水流建模技术的主要方法和研究进展,介绍了 SWMM 模型、UGRFLOW 模型、CAVE模型、CFP模型等多重介质模型的建模方式和运行原理。岩溶区地下水赋存介质复杂,管道、裂隙和空隙多重介质并存,水流特征多样,等效连续介质模型不能很好地刻画岩溶区复杂的地下水流特征。随着对岩溶水流系统研究的深入,二重和三重介质模型逐渐应用于岩溶区地下水流模拟工作中,取得较好成果,但仍存在如忽略中宽裂隙的导水作用、岩溶管道设置单一、模型适用性不强等问题。今后应从解析岩溶含水介质的结构特征入手,关注中宽裂隙在地下水流系统中的导水作用和水流特征,改进管道流模块以更好地刻画复杂的地下河管道,改进不同介质间水流交换量算法,提高模型精确性和适用性。
Numerical simulation techniques have been widely applied in the field of groundwater flow model-ing,providing a scientific basis for reasonable exploitation and utilization of grounder water resources.This paper reviews the main methods and recent advances in groundwater flow modeling of karst areas.The prin-ciples and methods for the SWMM,UGRFLOW,CAVE and CPF models are introduced and the main prob-lems in actual application are discussed.Traditional finite difference methods are not adequate to simulate water flow in karst aquifers,with their heterogeneity and complexity.Taking into account the characteristics of karst aquifers,a model was developed with a dual porosity medium and triple medium,producing good re-sults for depiction of the groundwater flow field.Problems in actual application,such as how to account for wide fissures and conduits and application of the model,are discussed.From the perspective of numerical simulation of karst aquifers,the structural and flow characteristics of wide fissures are very important.To improve the accuracy and practicality of numerical models,the pipe flow module and flow algorithm should be revised.