对贵州省清镇市站街镇林歹铝土矿第二矿区的油菜种植区、矿土上部树林区、废石堆积区、矿土堆积恢复区4类环境进行苔藓植物采集,并对具芽胞苔藓种类进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)经鉴定发现苔藓植物10科22属37种,优势种(频度大于10%)为日本大丛藓Molendoajaponica Broth.(18.72%)和银叶真藓Bryumargenteum Hedw.(11.06%);(2)发现8种具芽胞苔藓,占总种数的21.62%,隶属于丛藓科 Pottiaceae 和真藓科 Bryaceae,其中日本大丛藓和芽胞银藓Anomobryumgemmigerum Broth.为常见具芽胞苔藓;(3)油菜种植区中具芽胞苔藓种类最多(6种),但出现频度不高,非该类环境中的优势种,日本大丛藓在 4类环境中均有发现;(4)在 4类环境中,相对恶劣条件下具芽胞苔藓出现的几率更大;(5)瘤根真藓 Bryum bornholmense Winkelm.& Ruthe.和毛状真藓 Bryum apiculatum Schwagr.的芽胞长于假根上,其余种类芽胞均见于叶腋处,呈扫帚状,芽胞形态上呈现多样性,有球形、棒形、棒槌形、芽形、纺锤状和火炬状。
Bryophytes were collected from four different habitats in Lindai #2 bauxite mine in Zhanjie town, Qingzhen City,Guizhou Province,and the bryophytes with gemmae were statistically analyzed.The result showed that,(1)120 samples were collected from sampling sites,and 10 families,22 genera and 37 species were identified.The dominant species (frequency >10%)were Molendoa japonica Broth (18.72%)and Bryumargenteum Hedw.(11.06%).(2)8 kinds of bryophytes had gemmae,which were attached to Potti-aceae and Bryaceae,accounting for 21.62% of the total.Of these,Molendoajaponica Broth and Bryumar-genteum Hedw.were common bryophytes with gemmae,found in 44 samples and 16 samples respectively. (3)The largest quantities of bryophytes with gemmae were found in areas where rape was cultivated (6 spe-cies);however,frequency was low and there was no dominant species.Additionally,Molendoa japonica Broth.appeared in four different habitats.(4)In summary,bryophytes with gemmae preferred to the rela-tive pollution conditions.(5)The gemmae of Bryumbornholmense Winkelm.&Ruthe.and Bryumapicula-tum Schwagr.occurred on the rhizoids,while other kinds of gemmae were found on the axil which were in the shape of broom.The forms of gemmae were multiple such as sphere,clavate,wooden stick,bud,spin-dle and torch.