以贵州普定县喀斯特受损生态系统石生藓类为研究对象,对其区系及多样性进行研究.结果显示,该区共有石生藓类植物8科24属54种,其中丛藓科和灰藓科为优势科,扭口藓属、真藓属、曲柄藓属、拟合睫藓属和细喙藓属为优势属;物种多样性丰富度指数在0.471~ 0.297之间变化,均匀度指数在0.617~0.566之间不明显变化,受损区域藓类植物多度明显低于水土保持长期观测样方(E);有丛集型(53.8%)、交织型(26.9%)、平铺型(11.5%)和悬垂型(7.7%)4种生活型,主成分分析(PCA)显示不同样方中的苔藓植物生态分布存在差异性.
This work studied the flora and species diversity of epilithic mosses in karst rock desertification ar ea in Puding,Guizhou Province.The results show that there are 8 families,24 genera and 54 species of epil ithic mosses.Among them,the pottiaceae and hypnacea are the dominant families.Barbula,btyum,campy lopus,pseudosymblepharis broth and rhynchostegiella are dominant genera.There is significant change in richness index of species,ranging 0.471 to-0.297.The evenness index is inconspicuous,which ranges from 0.671 to 0.566;and the abundance of the epilithic mosses in the ecologically damaged area is significantly lower than long-term observation of samples(E) of soil and water conservation.There are 4 types of life forms,including cluster pattern (53.8%),wefts (26.90%),mats (11.5%) and pendants (7.7%),in which the cluster pattern is absolutely dominant.The result of PCA shows that through quadrat analysis,the ecology and distribution of the epilithic mosses are different.