Laboratory simulation study on soil surface loss and underground leakage in the epikarst fissure zone
Abstract:The study area, Guanling-Zhenfeng Huajiang demonstration area of karst plateau canyon, covers 51.62 km2 with the karst area of 45.39 km2. It is a typical area of karst plateau canyon on the Guizhou plateau with an elevation difference between 370 and 1,355 meters. In this study, a simulation device was developed by researchers to investigate soil surface loss and underground leakage in the epikarst fissure zone. By simulating indoor rainfall and controlling the rainfall intensity, slope, fracture width and fracture occurrence, a 90-minute experiment was carried out to probe into the influence of soil surface loss and underground leakage. During the experiment, the data such as run-up time of underground leakage, water and soil surface loss and underground leakage was obtained every 4 minutes. EXCEL 2016 was used for statistical analysis of the data, and Origin 2017 for mapping.Results show that soil surface loss is mainly affected by rainfall intensity and slope. The lose increases with the intensifying of rainfall and the rising of slope, reaching the highest at 30° slope gradient. Besides, soil underground leakage is mainly affected by fissure width, occurrence and slope, but not obviously affected by rainfall intensity. The leakage is positively correlated with the fissure width, and most likely to occur when the fissure direction is 30° to the slope direction. The slope gradient is negatively correlated with the occurrence of soil underground leakage. During the rainfall, the underground leakage rate changes greatly, experiencing a decrease after an increase and finally reducing to 0. Surface loss is the main form of soil loss on the karst slope without sinkholes and funnels, and soil underground loss contributes less than 5% of the soil loss. Large karst pipelines such as sinkholes and funnels are the main channels of soil underground leakage. These experimental results can provide theoretical reference to the control of soil and water loss as well as the ecological restoration of karst sloping land in southwest China.
Key words:
- karst /
- simulation experiment /
- soil surface loss /
- soil underground leakage
表 1 实验土样物理性质
Table 1. Physical properties of soil samples
取样深度/cm 含水量/% 密度/g·cm−3 液限/% 塑限/% 塑性指数/% 天然孔隙比 10~15 10.9 1.31 54 36 18 1.165 表 2 实验条件的设置
Table 2. Test conditions
实验条件 实验设置 坡度/° 5、10、20、30 降雨强度/mm·h−1 40、60、80 裂隙宽度/mm 5、10、20 裂隙走向/° 0、30、60、90 表 3 不同降雨强度和坡度情况下的实验条件
Table 3. Test conditions under different rainfall intensities and slopes
实验条件 实验设置 坡度/° 10、20 降雨强度/mm·h-1 40、80 裂隙宽度/mm 5 裂隙走向/° 90 -
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