WU Liangjun, WANG Pujun, ZHANG Jing, XIN Cunlin, RONG Yuebing, CHEN Weihai, ZHANG Yuanhai, HUANG Chao. Sedimentary and palaeoclimatic characteristics of planation surface at the edge of typical karst plateau: A case study of Luota and Jiaba sctions in Xiangxi[J]. Carsologica Sinica, 2024, 43(2): 253-271. doi: 10.11932/karst20240202
Citation: WU Liangjun, WANG Pujun, ZHANG Jing, XIN Cunlin, RONG Yuebing, CHEN Weihai, ZHANG Yuanhai, HUANG Chao. Sedimentary and palaeoclimatic characteristics of planation surface at the edge of typical karst plateau: A case study of Luota and Jiaba sctions in Xiangxi[J]. Carsologica Sinica, 2024, 43(2): 253-271. doi: 10.11932/karst20240202

Sedimentary and palaeoclimatic characteristics of planation surface at the edge of typical karst plateau: A case study of Luota and Jiaba sctions in Xiangxi

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  • Figure 1. 

    Figure 2. 

    Figure 3. 

    Figure 4. 

    Figure 5. 

    Figure 6. 

    Figure 7. 

    Table 1.  Development characteristics of karst landform and planation surface in Xiangxi

    No.Karst stratificationLevel of planation surface
    Example of planation surface (mountain)[19]Period of platform [20-21]Elevation of platform (m)Deposit [21]Forming age of
    1Layer ILevel 1-2Huping mountaom, Xihai, Xihuang mountain, Laer mountain, Daqingshan, etc.Tiziyan period > 1,300Residual slope, ice water accumulationPaleogeneSolitary peaks, ponors, residual caves, stone forests, karst hills
    2Level 3Badongxianshan period1,230Red gravel accumulationNeogenekarst hills, dolines, karst depressions, shafts, karst ridges, clints, stone forests, ponors
    3Yabusi period1,030Flowing water phase accumulationLate Neogene− Early Quaternarykarst hills, deep valleys, karst ridges, stone forests, clints
    4Layer IILevel 4Damijie, Hejia mountain, Paibi, etc.Luota valley period(High valley−wide valley−Cheshuiping river sub-stage)650−900Red-yellow clay sand gravel, gray black siltPleistocenevalleys, canyons, karst hills
    5Layer IIILevel 5Baofeng lake, Nanhua mountain, etc.Luota valley period(canyon sub-stage)400−600Sand gravel, sub-clayHoloceneUnderground rivers, horizontal karst caves, dolines, karst depressions
    6Layer IVLevel 6Both sides of the Yuanshui river and Lishui riverModern period300−400Clay, gravelHolocenehorizontal karst caves, shallow karst depressions, shallow dolines, swallet streams
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    Table 2.  Sedimentary characteristics of Luota section and Jiaba section

    Sample Component/% Mass MS/
    Sample Component/% Mass MS/
    Sample Component/% Mass MS/
    Clay Silty Fine
    Clay Silty Fine
    Clay Silty Fine
    LT01 40.16 59.10 0.74 26.25 LT16 42.74 56.83 0.43 17.97 JB01 38.07 53.87 6.39 1.28 0.39 10.31
    LT02 41.26 58.24 0.50 16.09 LT17 41.80 57.82 0.38 20.94 JB02 34.84 55.50 8.86 0.67 0.12 11.56
    LT03 43.05 56.61 0.35 18.26 LT18 41.72 57.78 0.50 22.50 JB03 41.71 53.92 4.37 0 0 12.66
    LT04 39.67 59.77 0.56 24.22 LT19 42.85 56.76 0.39 19.22 JB04 35.91 56.88 7.21 0 0 11.88
    LT05 40.17 59.37 0.52 21.88 LT20 41.04 58.41 0.55 24.38 JB05 43.75 52.15 4.11 0 0 11.72
    LT06 42.42 57.26 0.32 16.88 LT21 43.01 56.64 0.35 19.38 JB06 41.00 55.76 3.24 0 0 12.03
    LT07 42.46 57.14 0.40 19.69 LT22 41.92 57.55 0.53 22.34 JB07 44.22 50.26 5.52 0 0 14.69
    LT08 42.86 56.56 0.58 16.72 LT23 39.73 59.65 0.62 10.47 JB08 42.13 52.21 5.66 0 0 15.00
    LT09 43.22 56.47 0.32 20.51 LT24 39.73 59.55 0.73 11.72 JB09 37.61 53.22 7.86 0.98 0.33 12.19
    LT10 44.55 55.09 0.36 15.16 LT25 42.47 56.97 0.56 11.09 JB10 35.48 51.76 12.07 0.56 0.13 12.19
    LT11 42.07 57.60 0.34 18.44 LT26 42.87 56.59 0.55 9.53 JB11 36.27 54.66 8.29 0.62 0.17 14.38
    LT12 42.08 57.59 0.33 14.69 LT27 39.46 59.19 1.35 8.59 JB12 36.62 54.69 7.78 0.76 0.16 13.91
    LT13 42.91 56.78 0.31 15.47 LT28 41.37 57.35 1.29 10.31 JB13 42.55 51.99 5.46 0 0 14.22
    LT14 42.13 56.93 0.94 12.81 LT29 41.66 57.49 0.86 10.63 JB14 36.06 54.97 8.01 0.84 0.12 14.06
    LT15 41.97 57.35 0.68 22.81 LT30 42.74 56.79 0.48 11.56 JB15 38.60 58.37 3.03 0 0 14.69
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