Geochemical characteristics of stream sediments and metallogenic prediction in the Wandashan area, eastern Heilongjiang Province
Abstract:Located in the eastern part of Northeast China, the Wandashan area mainly consists of basalts, cumulates, (ultra)basic lavas, silicalite and pelites. It contains the only succession of Mesozoic marine facies sedimentary strata in eastern China, known as the Hyperplasia Complex. Mineral resources are rich, and 1 medium-sized deposit and 4 small deposits have been discovered in this area. In addition, it shows more ore potential. Based on the 1:200000 geochemical data of stream sediments in Wandashan area, the authors carried out the correlation analysis, cluster analysis, factor analysis, single element anomaly analysis and combination analysis of 16 kinds of ore-forming elements. The analytical results show that Au, Ni, Cr, Bi, Hg have lots of high points, strong discreteness, favorable geological and geochemical conditions, and strong metallogenic potential. Au mineralization is mainly related to acidic magmatic rocks, and Ni, Cr mineralization is related to the (ultra)basic magma liquation. Combined with geology, tectonics, geophysical exploration and ore deposits (ore spots), the authors selected four metallogenic prospective areas:258 highland gold metallogenic prospective area, Baliqiao -Xianrentai copper -nickel -tungsten -tin metallogenic prospective area, Sipingshan-358 highland gold-silver metallogenic prospective area, and Yuejinshan-Xianfengbeishan gold-silver-copper-iron metallogenic prospect area. These metallogenic prospective areas provide the scientific basis for the deployment of ore-prospecting work and the study of regional metallogenic regularity of the Wandashan area.
图 1 完达山地区区域地质图(据张国宾, 2014修改)
Figure 1.
图 7 完达山地区成矿远景区划分图(据张国宾, 2014修改)
Figure 7.
表 1 完达山地区水系沉积物地球化学特征参数
Table 1. Geochemical parameters of the stream sediment samples from Wandashan area
表 2 完达山地区水系沉积物成矿元素相关系数矩阵
Table 2. Correlation coefficient matrix of metallogenic elements from Wandashan area
表 3 完达山水系沉积物成矿元素主因子分析
Table 3. Principal factor analysis of metallogenic elements from Wandashan area
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