A study of key metallogenetic zones and principal metallogeic regularities of iron ore resources in South American countries
Abstract:South America is rich in iron ore resources, which are characterized by widely distributed world-class iron deposits, high grade of orebodies, and a variety of deposit types. An analysis of tectonic framework of South America shows that the most important types of iron deposits include sedimentary metamorphic type which is distributed in cratonic shield area and its edge, and volcanic origin type which is distributed in Andean coastal orogenic belt. The former mainly formed in the Archean Proterozoic, whereas the latter mainly formed in Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The results of comprehensive studies show that 10 important iron metallogenic zones can be delineated:Bolivar iron zone of Venezuela, Amapa iron zone of Brazil, Para iron zone of Brazil, Minas gerais iron zone of Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte iron zone of Brazil, balaiba iron zone of Brazil, Bahia iron zone of Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul iron zone of Brazil, Santa Cruz iron zone of Bolivia, Ika-Arequipa iron zone of Peru, and Calama-Santiago coastal iron zone of Chile. Based on an analysis of typical deposits in important metallogenic zones and statistical analysis methods, the authors have summarized the temporal and spatial distribution regularities of iron mineralization in South America with the purpose of providing references so as to find more iron ore resources in this area in the future.
Key words:
- South America /
- iron ore /
- important iron ore forming area /
- metallogenic regularity /
图 1 南美地质构造分区略图(据Cordani et al. 2000)
Figure 1.
图 3 巴西铁四角地区地质简图(据郭维民等,2013修改)
Figure 3.
表 1 南美洲各国铁矿资源概况
Table 1. Summary of iron ore resources in South America
表 2 南美洲铁矿重要成矿区带
Table 2. Major metallogenetic zones of iron in South America
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