A metallogenic model for transmagmatic fluid of vanadium-titanium magnetite deposit:Evidence from Zhaka intrusion of Madagascar
目前,国内外学术界对赋存于镁铁-超镁铁杂岩体中的钒钛磁铁矿床的成因存在多种不同的解释,在一定程度上对这类矿床的资源勘查造成了困惑。因此,阐明镁铁-超镁铁侵入体中成矿物质大规模聚集的机理依然是矿床学界和勘查学界面临的重要科学前缘问题。马达加斯加中北部Alaotra湖地区的扎卡岩体是一个赋存有超大型钒钛磁铁矿床的典型镁铁质层状侵入体,已探明铁矿石远景资源量8亿t(含333),伴生钛6000万t,伴生钒230万t,为阐明钒钛磁铁矿床的成因提供了良好的条件。本文报道了扎卡岩体的地质学、矿体地质学、岩相学、矿相学和岩石地球化学特征,主要得出以下认识:(1)扎卡岩体发育韵律性火成层理,为一个典型的镁铁质层状岩体,但伟晶岩可构成独立的侵入单元;(2)矿体主要赋存在层状岩体中,可划分为整合型、不整合型和伟晶岩型等3种不同的类型;(3)辉长岩具有橄榄石→斜长石→单斜辉石或橄榄石→斜长石+单斜辉石的结晶顺序,暗示扎卡岩体为一浅成层状岩体,岩浆侵位深度约3 km;(4)矿石矿物与硅酸盐矿物呈热力学不平衡关系,且与含水暗色矿物平衡共生,暗示成矿作用发生在岩浆演化晚期的富含挥发分环境;(5)致密块状铁矿石的REE四分组效应也表明成矿过程伴随着富F、Cl等组分的流体活动。据此,本文提出扎卡岩体中钒钛磁铁矿床的形成与透岩浆流体过程有关。
Abstract:At present, there are many different interpretations for the genesis of the vanadium-titanium magnetite deposits in the mafic-ultramafic complex, which has to a certain extent caused confusion to the resource exploration of these deposits. Therefore, it is very important to discuss the mechanism of large-scale aggregation of ore-forming minerals in mafic-ultramafic intrusion. The Zhaka rock mass in the Alaotra Lake area of the northeast of Madagascar is a typical mafic layered intrusion with a very large vanadium-titanium magnetite deposit. The Shenyang center of CGS has found the vanadic titianomagnetite deposit with 800 million tons of iron ore (including 333), associated with 60 million tons of Ti and 2.3 million tons of V. These results provide a good condition for clarifying the genesis of the vanadium and titanium magnetite deposit. This paper reports the geology, orebody geology, petrography, mineralogy and petrological geochemical characteristics of the Zhaka rock mass. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) The rhythmic layering is a typical mafic layered rock mass, whereas the pegmatite can form an independent invasive unit; (2) orebodies mainly occur in the layered rock mass, and can be divided into three different types, i.e., integrated type, unconformity type and pegmatite type; (3) gabbro has the crystallization sequence of olivine → plagioclase → clinopyroxene or olivine → plagioclase+clinopyroxene, suggesting that the Zacha rock mass is a shallow stratigraphic rock mass, with the emplacement depth of ~ 3 km; (4) ore mineral and silicate minerals are thermodynamically unbalanced and shared with water-dark mineral minerals, suggesting that mineralization occurred in the rich volatiles in the late magma evolution; (5) The REE quadruple effect of dense massive iron ore also indicates that the mineralization process was accompanied by fluid activities of F, Cl and other components. It is held that the formation of vanadium-titanium magnetite deposit in the Zacha rock mass was related to the process of the magmatic fluid.
表 1 扎卡地区辉长岩地球化学分析结果(主量元素:%;微量元素:10-6)
Table 1. Compositions of major elements (%) and trace elements (10-6) of gabbro in Zhaka area
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