中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办


颜玲亚, 高树学, 陈正国, 焦丽香, 孙莉, 刘艳飞, 周雯. 2018. 中国石墨矿成矿特征及成矿区带划分[J]. 中国地质, 45(3): 421-440. doi: 10.12029/gc20180301
引用本文: 颜玲亚, 高树学, 陈正国, 焦丽香, 孙莉, 刘艳飞, 周雯. 2018. 中国石墨矿成矿特征及成矿区带划分[J]. 中国地质, 45(3): 421-440. doi: 10.12029/gc20180301
YAN Lingya, GAO Shuxue, CHEN Zhengguo, JIAO Lixiang, SUN Li, LIU Yanfei, ZHOU Wen. 2018. Metallogenic characteristics and metallogenic zoning of graphite deposits in China[J]. Geology in China, 45(3): 421-440. doi: 10.12029/gc20180301
Citation: YAN Lingya, GAO Shuxue, CHEN Zhengguo, JIAO Lixiang, SUN Li, LIU Yanfei, ZHOU Wen. 2018. Metallogenic characteristics and metallogenic zoning of graphite deposits in China[J]. Geology in China, 45(3): 421-440. doi: 10.12029/gc20180301


  • 基金项目:
    作者简介: 颜玲亚, 女, 1968年生, 高级工程师, 主要从事非金属矿资源潜力评价工作;
  • 中图分类号: P619.25+2

Metallogenic characteristics and metallogenic zoning of graphite deposits in China

  • Fund Project: Supported by China Geological Survey " The investigation of special non- metallic minerals such as crystalline graphite in the central and western regions 2016-2018 project (No. DD2016058)" and"Dynamic evaluation of mineral resources potential in China"(No. 121201103000160910)"
More Information
    Author Bio: YAN Lingya, female, born in 1968, senior engineer, mainly engages in the evaluation of the potential of non-metallic mineral resources; E-mail: .
  • 石墨广泛应用于冶金、机械、航空、航天、电子信息、新能源汽车等领域,已成为高新技术领域中的重要原料。近年来陆续发现了内蒙古查汗木胡魯、四川南江等大型区域变质型石墨矿,尤其在新疆黄羊山地区发现了特大型岩浆岩型晶质石墨矿,为石墨成矿规律研究提供了新的方向。本文在广泛收集和研究以往石墨成果的基础上,结合野外实地调研和最新石墨勘查成果,系统总结了石墨时空分布规律、成矿地质作用,划分了石墨成矿区带。中国石墨矿矿床类型以区域变质型为主,成矿期以前寒武纪为主,其形成的石墨鳞片大,结晶程度高,经济意义大;岩浆岩型晶质石墨矿赋矿围岩为海西期碱性花岗岩,成矿时代与岩浆侵入时代一致;接触变质型石墨矿赋矿层位较集中在二叠—侏罗纪,其成矿作用与燕山期—海西期中酸性岩浆活动密切相关。稳定隆起区的大型复式褶皱构造翼部及转折端是石墨成矿有利的构造单元。初步划分了石墨成矿区带21个,提出佳木斯—兴凯(地块)石墨成矿带、华北陆块北缘中段石墨成矿带、胶北隆起石墨成矿带、准噶尔地块石墨成矿带、华北陆块南缘—秦岭等石墨成矿带较为重要。本次石墨成矿规律总结及成矿区带初步划分对指导石墨找矿勘查部署具有一定意义。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  2008—2016年我国晶质和隐晶质石墨资源储量统计

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  中国石墨矿床与太古宙—元古宙地层分布图

    Figure 2. 

    图 3  中国不同成矿时代区域变质型晶质石墨矿资源储量分布

    Figure 3. 

    图 4  中国不同成矿时代接触变质型(隐晶质石墨矿)资源储量分布比例

    Figure 4. 

    图 5  中国石墨成矿区带图

    Figure 5. 

    图 6  刘戈庄石墨矿地质简图(据颜玲亚等,2012

    Figure 6. 

    图 7  查汗木胡鲁石墨矿床地质简图(据郑永涛,2016

    Figure 7. 

    图 8  ② 号石墨矿体地质简图(据李作武等,2017

    Figure 8. 

    图 9  ② 号石墨矿体地表石墨构造形态特征(据野外照片)

    Figure 9. 

    表 1  晶质石墨矿主要成矿时代及成矿层位统计

    Table 1.  Statistical table of main metallogenic epochs and metallogenic horizons of crystalline graphite deposits

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    表 2  中国石墨矿主要成矿期

    Table 2.  The main metallogenic periods of the graphite deposits in China

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    表 3  准噶尔地块石墨成矿带石墨矿床地质特征一览

    Table 3.  A list of geological features of graphite deposits in the graphite metallogenic belt of the Zhungeer block

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    表 4  伊犁微板块北东缘(造山带)石墨成矿带石墨矿床特征

    Table 4.  Characteristics of graphite deposits on the northeast margin (orogenic belt) graphite metallogenic belt of the Yili

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    表 5  扎鲁特旗隐晶质石墨成矿带石墨矿床一览

    Table 5.  A list of graphite deposits in Jarut Banner-crystalline graphite metallogenic belt

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    表 6  佳木斯—兴凯(地块)石墨成矿带代表性矿床

    Table 6.  Representative deposit of graphite metallogenic belt of Jiamusi-Xingkai (massif)

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    表 7  辽吉裂谷石墨成矿带代表性矿床一览

    Table 7.  A list of representative deposits in the Liaoji rift valley graphite metallogenic belt

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    表 8  华北陆块北缘中段石墨成矿带代表性矿床一览

    Table 8.  A list of representative deposits in the middle part of the north margin of North China continental block graphite metallogenic belt

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    表 9  康滇隆起石墨成矿带石墨矿床特征

    Table 9.  Characteristic table of graphite deposits in Cangdian uplift graphite metallogenic belt

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    表 10  黄陵断穹石墨成矿带石墨矿床特征一览

    Table 10.  A list of characteristics of graphite deposits in Huangling fault dome graphite metallogenic belt

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    表 11  新华夏古陆石墨成矿带石墨矿床一览

    Table 11.  A list of graphite deposits in the new Cathaysian paleo-continental graphite metallogenic belt

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    表 12  湘中南—粤北坳陷中生代隐晶质石墨成矿带石墨矿床一览

    Table 12.  A list of graphite deposits in the Mesozoic cryptocrystalline graphite metallogenic belt in the central-south Hunan-North Guangdong depression

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    表 13  中国石墨矿床类型一览

    Table 13.  The list of graphite deposits types in China

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