Development characteristics and formation mechanism of transverse faults along the Kuqa thrust belt
Abstract:Transverse faults are widespread in the thrust belt, and the study of these faults is significant and valuable. Having experienced multi-episodic tectonic changes, the Kuqa thrust belt has had the structural foundation of developing transverse faults. In combination with the remote sensing image, deep geophysical data and seismic section analysis, the authors studied the tectonic characteristics and genetic types of transverse faults in the Kuqa thrust belt. Some conclusions have been reached:(1) There are 16 transverse faults in the Kuqa thrust belt, with structure and properties of nine faults being confirmed. These transverse faults are mainly distributed in northern monocline tectonic zone, Kelasu tectonic zone and Qiulitag tectonic zone; (2) Transverse faults can be divided into three genetic types, i.e., basement activation transverse fault, cover-tear fault and tensional transverse fault; (3) Transverse faults have some geological significance in adjusting the thrust displacement difference between segments, developing transverse rivers, enriching structural styles and controlling oil and gas migration.
图 1 库车前陆冲断带构造纲要图(据漆家福等,2013修改)
Figure 1.
图 8 库车前陆盆地基底结构(据曾庆全等,2003)
Figure 8.
图 9 康村断裂地震剖面图(据吴晓智等,2010)
Figure 9.
图 10 喀拉玉尔滚断裂地震剖面图(据唐鹏程等,2010)
Figure 10.
图 11 库车河地区地质图以及东秋5段、东秋8段剖面特征(据杨明慧等,2006)
Figure 11.
图 12 大宛齐构造平面及剖面图(据余一欣等,2006)
Figure 12.
图 17 盖层撕裂型横断层形成机制图(据边海光等,2011略改)
Figure 17.
图 20 大宛齐油藏构造平面图(据余一欣等,2006)
Figure 20.
表 1 库车地区横断层存在证据及结构特征
Table 1. Evidence of existence and tectonic characteristics of transverse faults in Kuqa thrust belt
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