Deep continental scientific drilling engineering in Songliao Basin: Progress in earth science research
松辽盆地大陆深部科学钻探工程"两井四孔"之一的松科二井东孔(简称松科二井),位于黑龙江省安达市境内,于2018年5月26日正式完井。松科二井的科学目标涵盖古气候研究、资源能源探索、基础地质研究和发展深部探测技术四个方面。自2014年正式开钻以来,松科二井科学钻探工程组织实施了钻井取芯、原位测井、岩芯元素化学分析以及井周边深部结构探测等工作,目前已取得初步科研进展:获取长4134.81 m原位岩芯资料,完成了对白垩纪最完整最连续陆相地层厘米级高分辨率的精细刻画,初步建立起陆相地层标准剖面;发现了松辽盆地深部非常规天然气资源与盆地型干热岩良好的勘探开发前景;首次重建了白垩纪陆相百万年至十万年尺度气候演化历史,并发现白垩纪气候波动重大事件;揭示了古大洋板块俯冲、聚合的深部证据,为松辽盆地成因再认识及深层油气勘探提供了理论依据。松辽盆地大陆深部科学钻探工程的实施,对探索地球奥秘、解决深部能源环境等重大问题,具有重要意义,是"向地球深部进军"道路上迈出的坚实一步。
Abstract:The eastern borehole of Well SK-2, among the "two wells and four boreholes" of the deep continental scientific drilling engineering in Songliao Basin, is situated in Anda of Heilongjiang Province and was finished officially on May 26th, 2018. Well SK-2 mainly focused on four scientific objections, i.e., paleoclimate research, resource and energy exploration, basic geological research and development of deep exploration technology. During the process if drilling which began in 2014, drilling, coring, logging, analysis of chemical element and structural exploration of surrounding areas were carried out during the SK-2 drilling engineering, and some preliminary progresses were made in scientific research:4134.8 m-long in-situ core data were acquired, and the most complete and continuous continental strata of the cretaceous were described with high resolution of centimeter-level, thus building the standard continental stratigraphic profile. Besides, evolution history of the continental facies in the Cretaceous period from scale of one million to one hundred thousand years was reconstructed for the first time, and an important climatic event of the Cretaceous was found. Apart from these achievements, evidence of Paleo-Pacific plate subduction and convergence in the deep was found, which contributes to genetic re-recognition and deep hydrocarbon exploration in Songliao basin. The implementation of deep continental scientific drilling engineering in Songliao Basin is of great significance in exploring the earth's mystery, seeking for deep energy and solving environmental problems. It is considered to be a solid step in the way of heading deep of the earth.
图 1 松辽盆地大陆深部科学钻探工程钻孔分布图(据王璞珺等,2017修改)
Figure 1.
图 2 松辽盆地纵剖面图(图 1A-A’)及“松辽盆地大陆深部科学钻探”井位(Wang et al., 2013a)
Figure 2.
图 8 四方台组—明水组古土壤碳酸钙碳氧稳定同位素记录与全球对比(修改自Gao et al., 2015)
Figure 8.
图 9 白垩—古近纪绝灭时期温度和二氧化碳浓度变化及物种绝灭(Zhang et al., 2018)
Figure 9.
图 10 嫩江组一段莓球黄铁矿分布箱形(a,蓝色五角星为有孔虫出现层位)及有机地球化学数据对比图(b,Hu et al., 2015)
Figure 10.
图 13 松科二井南北向深地震反射剖面解释模型(位置见图 1剖面C-C’)
Figure 13.
表 1 松科二井嫩江组至火石岭组岩心岩性和厚度统计
Table 1. The statistical table of the lithologic thickness in the 450~5525m interval of SK-2 well
表 2 松科二井沙河子组烃源岩分析数据
Table 2. Data of hydrocarbon source rock analysis of Shahezi Formation in SK-2 well
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