海南岛是位于华南地块南部的一个相对独立地块,其成因机制有多种说法。本文基于地理地貌、地层、断裂带、岩浆岩、矿带分布、地震勘探剖面、古生物,以及环绕海南岛的3个盆地的成因等诸多证据的系统分析研究,结果表明海南岛是从北部湾旋转分离出去的,从原始位置逆时针旋转了约150°达到当前位置。其分离起始时间大约起始于65 Ma,旋转漂移主期发生在40~24 Ma,目前还在整体向东南方向漂移同时伴随着逆时针旋转。海南岛的成因机制和印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞过程密切相关,动力机制是印支地块的大规模挤出和旋转带动了海南岛从华南的裂离和旋转漂移。本研究为该碰撞过程的构造演化阶段性时限提供了远程约束。同时也对海南岛的成矿区带研究具有一定指导意义。
Abstract:Hainan Island is a relatively independent block located in the southern part of the South China Block. There exist many viewpoints for its origin. This paper is based on the systematic analysis of many pieces of evidence such as geographic geomorphology, strata, fault zone, magmatic rock, ore belt distribution, seismic exploration profile, paleontology, and genesis of three basins surrounding Hainan Island. The results show that Hainan Island was separated from Beibu Gulf and rotated about 150℃ounterclockwise from the original position to the current position. The starting time for the separation is about 65 Ma, and the main rotation drift occurred at 40-24 Ma. At present, it is still drifting toward the southeast and is accompanied by counterclockwise rotation. The genesis of Hainan Island is closely related to the collision process between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. The dynamic mechanism is that the large-scale extrusion and rotation of the Indochina block has driven Hainan Island's fission and rotation drift from South China. This study provides remote constraints for the structural evolution of the collision process. At the same time, it also has certain guiding significance for the study of the metallogenic belt in Hainan Island.
Key words:
- genesis of Hainan Island /
- India Eurasian collision /
- block rotation /
- Indochina block
图 1 东南亚区域构造简图(改自Cung and John, 2013; Lelout et al., 2001; Takemoto et al., 2005)
Figure 1.
图 3 海南岛当前山脉图(a)及海南岛山脉复原图(b)(复原后五指山与华南的云开大山走向一致,修改自马丽芳, 2002)
Figure 3.
图 4 海南岛区域地质图(a)及复原后的区域地质图,图中地层、断层、岩浆岩吻合良好(b)(据程裕淇,2002修改)
Figure 4.
图 5 海南岛复原后的成矿带分布图(据程裕淇,2002修改)
Figure 5.
图 6 北部湾地震勘探剖面构造发育历史恢复(据李春荣等,2012修改)
Figure 6.
图 7 环绕海南岛的3个盆地分布及其成因分析(底图据朱伟林等, 2008)
Figure 7.
图 8 南海北部大陆边缘盆地演化阶段与地层分布(朱伟林等, 2008)
Figure 8.
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