Geochemistry of dioritic enclaves related to magmatic mixing in the concentrically zoned Alatage igneous complex, central Tianshan Mountains
Abstract:There are various genetic models about the concentrically zoned igneous complexes. In order to investigate the genesis of the concentrically zoned Alatage igneous complex in central Tianshan Mountains, the authors studied the origin of dark coloured enclaves within the complex and their magmatic evolution in this paper. The enclaves are extremely unevenly distributed, and are concentrated in the southeastern part of the more acidic granitoids within the complex. Most of them are rounded or sub-rounded, with a microlithic to fine-grained texture. Some enclaves contain feldspar phenocrysts that were derived from the host rocks. Based on an analysis of major and trace elements, Sr-Nd isotope, and U-Pb geochronology of individual zircons of the dark coloured enclaves, it is suggested that they are mainly dioritic and granodioritic enclaves and belong to high-K calc-alkaline or K-rich basalt series, with low SiO2 (56.72%-61.80%) and high K2O+Na2O (8.12%-10.55%) content. Their Rittman index is 4.59-4.85, with enriched rare earth elements. The covariance diagrams of the major and trace elements of the enclaves and host rocks show varying degrees of linear relationships, and the curve patterns of REE and trace elements of the enclaves and host rocks are similar, which indicates that there are both similarities and differences in the geochemistry of the enclaves and host rocks. These characteristics indicate that the genesis of the circular granitoid complex is related to magma mixing of at least two types of magma. The enclaves have relatively low (87Sr/86Sr)t ratios (0.705204-0.705914), and positive εNd(t) values (1.65-2.57), which indicates that the primary magma of the enclaves is a mantle-derived basaltic magma. The relationship between the enclaves and host rocks suggests that mafic magma was injected into acidic magma to result in magma mixing. The results obtained by the authors provide important evidence for the multiple origins of the concentrically zoned Alatage igneous complex that was generated by magma mixing between crust-sourced acidic magma and mantle-derived mafic magma.
图 1 阿拉塔格岩体地质略图❶(李锦轶等,2006)
Figure 1.
图 3 包体及寄主岩石SiO2-K2O图(郭晓冬等,2011)
Figure 3.
图 6 包体及寄主岩石微量元素蛛网图和稀土标准化配分模式图(Boynton, 1984 and Sun &McDonough, 1989)
Figure 6.
图 10 阿拉塔格花岗岩体及包体(87Sr/86Sr)t-εNd(t)图(曹锐等,2012)
Figure 10.
图 11 包体和寄主岩MgO-TFeO演化图解(Rudnick et al., 2003)
Figure 11.
表 1 阿拉塔格环状杂岩体中包体和寄主岩的主量元素(%)、微量元素(10-6)组成及有关参数
Table 1. Major elements (10-2) and trace elements(10-6)of enclaves and host rocks of Alatage
表 3 阿拉塔格岩体中暗色包体锆石U-Pb分析结果
Table 3. U-Pb isotope analyses of zircons from MME OF the Alatage granitic rocks
表 2 阿拉塔格花岗岩及暗色包体Sr-Nd同位素组成
Table 2. Sr-Nd isotopic analyses of Alatage granitic rocks and MME
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