A study of genetic type characteristics and important distribution zones of global iron deposits
Abstract:China is the world's largest consumer of iron ore. The annual import of iron ore has exceeded 900 million tons, and its imports exceed 60% of the global iron ore trade volume. The summarization and potential analysis of global iron ore type characteristics and important distribution zones are of important theoretical and practical significance. This paper sums up the endowment characteristics of global iron ore resources. The authors divide global iron deposits into five genetic types:BIF-related, sedimentary, volcanic, magmatic, and contact-hydrothermal (skarn) deposits, with the emphasis placed on the analysis of geological characteristics of BIF-related and volcanic iron ore deposits as well as genesis and prospecting indicators. According to the comprehensive factors such as tectonic units, stratigraphic sequence, ore-bearing structure characteristics, deposit types and metallogenic ages of iron ore deposits, a total of 33 iron ore distribution areas and 47 important distribution belts of iron ore deposits are delineated in the major geotectonic units of the world. In addition, the resource potential of each important distribution belt is discussed.
图 2 全球主要铁矿石生产国家铁矿石平均品位情况(USGS, 2015; 李莎, 2017)
Figure 2.
图 4 铁建造的时间与发育程度(丰度)关系示意图, 包括一些重要的铁建造及其产地(据Trendall, 2002和Klein, 2005修改)
Figure 4.
图 5 BIF沉积环境示意图(据Wang et al., 2009和Bekker et al., 2010修改)
Figure 5.
图 6 澳大利亚哈默斯利盆地铁矿区地质略图(Taylor et al., 2001)及哈默斯利群地层柱状图及SHRIMP年龄(Barley et al., 1997)
Figure 6.
图 7 巴西铁四角地区地质简图(据赵宏军等, 2017)
Figure 7.
图 10 玢岩铁矿的理想模式图(转引宁芜研究项目编写小组, 1978)
Figure 10.
图 11 全球重要铁矿分布区带图(图中序号与表 5中的铁矿分布区带号一致)
Figure 11.
表 1 全球铁矿资源量统计
Table 1. Global iron ore resource statistics
表 2 全球及重要铁矿资源国家大型、超大型铁矿床统计
Table 2. Statistics of large and giant iron deposits in the world and important iron ore resources countries
表 3 两种BIF矿床地质特征对比(王长乐等, 2012)
Table 3. Comparison of geological features between two types of BIF abroad (after Wang et al., 2012)
表 4 全球重要铁矿床(区)地质特征
Table 4. Geological characteristics of important iron deposits (regions) in the world
表 5 全球主要铁矿分布区带
Table 5. Distribution of major iron ore deposits in the world
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