Characteristics of petroleum systems and resources potential in the Afghan-Tajik Basin
阿富汗-塔吉克盆地是中亚地区常规油气具有良好勘探潜力的前陆叠合盆地之一。基于最新的数据资料,应用石油地质综合评价和含油气系统分析的方法,本文研究了阿富汗-塔吉克盆地的油气分布规律及主控因素,以成藏组合为评价单元,评估了油气待发现可采资源量,并探讨了油气资源潜力和未来勘探领域。研究表明,盆地发育2套主力含油气系统,分别为中下侏罗统-卡洛夫牛津阶含油气系统和始新统/下白垩统-古新统Bukhara含油气系统。区域上,盆地的油气主要分布于西南吉萨尔隆起和苏尔汉坳陷,盆地总体表现为"贫油富气"特征。其中,74.0%的天然气储量分布在西南吉萨尔隆起,71.5%的石油储量分布在苏尔汉坳陷,几乎所有凝析油都分布于西南吉萨尔隆起。层系上,油气在侏罗系、白垩系以及古近系分布,但集中分布于侏罗系。油气分布整体表现出"盐上构造圈闭富油,盐下地层圈闭聚气"的特征,有利生储盖组合和局部构造控制盐下层系油气分布,新生代构造运动等控制盐上层系油气分布和富集程度。资源评价结果表明,阿富汗-塔吉克盆地待发现可采石油、天然气和凝析油的资源量分别为202.74 MMbbl、8680.15 Bcf和126.65 MMbbl,合计油当量1776.09 MMboe,最具有勘探潜力的成藏组合为中上侏罗统卡洛夫-牛津阶成藏组合。
Abstract:The Afghan-Tajik Basin is one of the most prospective superimposed foreland basins in Central Asia. Based on the updated data and using the method of comprehensive evaluation of geology and petroleum system analysis, the authors focused on the hydrocarbon distribution and the main controlling factors, evaluated the undiscovered recoverable resources, and discussed the potential of oil and gas resources and the future exploration areas. The results indicate that two petroleum systems are developed in Afghan-Tajik Basin, i.e., the Lower-Middle Jurassic-Callovian-Oxfordian petroleum system and Eocene/Lower CretaceousBukhara petroleum system. In this region, oil and gas are mainly distributed in the southwest Gissar uplift and the Surhandarya depression. The basin is characterized by the richness of gas and lack of oil, about 74.0% of the natural gas reserves are distributed in the southwest Gissar uplift, 71.5% of the oil reserves are distributed in the Surhandarya depression, and almost all condensate reserves are distributed in southwest Gissar uplift. Stratigraphically, the hydrocarbon is mainly stored in Jurassic strata, followed by Cretaceous and Paleogene units. In the basin, the gas is rich in sub-salt stratigraphic trap, and the oil is concentrated in post-salt structural trap, and the distribution is controlled by the favorable reservoir-cap assemblage, effective source rocks and the Cenozoic tectonic movement. Petroleum resources assessment shows that the amounts of undiscovered oil, gas and condensate resources are respectively 202.74 MMbbl, 8680.15 Bcf and 126.65 MMbbl, with an oil equivalent account of 1776.09 MMboe. The LowerMiddle Jurassic-Callovian-Oxfordian play is the most favorable exploration target.
图 2 阿富汗—塔吉克盆地东西向区域地质剖面(据尹继全,2015)
Figure 2.
表 1 阿富汗—塔吉克盆地含油气系统不同成藏组合已发现油气探明和控制可采储量和待发现可采资源量
Table 1. Summary of the proved and probable recoverable reserves and undiscovered oil and gas resources of petroleum systems in Afghan-Tajik Basin
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