中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办

雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集

张源, 赵凯, 李海涛, 尤冰, 王永波, 王世雄. 2018. 雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集[J]. 中国地质, 45(S2): 1-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2018Z201
引用本文: 张源, 赵凯, 李海涛, 尤冰, 王永波, 王世雄. 2018. 雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集[J]. 中国地质, 45(S2): 1-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2018Z201
ZHANG Yuan, ZHAO Kai, LI Haitao, YOU Bing, WANG Yongbo, WANG Shixiong. 2018. Dataset of the 1: 50 000 Hydrogeological Map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area[J]. Geology in China, 45(S2): 1-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2018Z201
Citation: ZHANG Yuan, ZHAO Kai, LI Haitao, YOU Bing, WANG Yongbo, WANG Shixiong. 2018. Dataset of the 1: 50 000 Hydrogeological Map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area[J]. Geology in China, 45(S2): 1-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2018Z201

雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集

  • 基金项目:
    中国地质调查局地质大调查项目“白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质调查”(DD20160239)
    作者简介: 张源, 男, 1986年生, 工程师, 硕士研究生, 主要从事地下水监测与水资源评价研究;
    通讯作者: 赵凯, 男, 1987年生, 高级工程师, 博士研究生, 主要从事地下水监测与水环境评价研究;

Dataset of the 1: 50 000 Hydrogeological Map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

  • Fund Project: CGS's grand geological survey project " Hydrogeological Survey (1:50 000) on the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin" (DD20160239)
More Information
    Author Bio: ZHANG Yuan, male, born in 1986, engineer and master degree candidate, primarily engaged in research on groundwater monitoring and water resource evaluation; E-mail: .
    Corresponding author: ZHAO Kai, male, born in 1987, senior engineer and doctoral candidate, primarily engaged in research on groundwater monitoring and water environmental evaluation; E-mail:
  • 本数据集依托2016年中国地质调查局"白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质调查"项目,在充分收集以往地质资料的基础上,开展了隶属雄安新区规划建设核心区域的安新县幅、雄县幅1:50 000水文地质及专项生态环境地质调查工作,编制了标准的1:50 000水文地质图及说明书,依照行业规范将此次调查获取的数据建立了1:50 000水文地质调查成果数据集。本数据集包含8种数据类型,包含895个基础调查数据,22个野外地质综合调查点数据,82个地层岩性界限调查点数据,540个水文地质调查点数据,22个环境地质调查点数据,12个钻孔基本情况数据,71个抽水试验综合成果数据,2 200个野外照片数据,共计3 844个数据。本数据集对认识白洋淀及周边区域水文地质条件,评价地下水资源,以及研究湿地生态功能退化等生态地质环境问题具有一定的参考意义。

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  • 图 1  雄安新区白洋淀流域工作区交通位置图

    图 2  典型地质钻孔柱状图

    Figure 1. 

    Figure 2. 

    表 1  数据库(集)元数据简表

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    表 2  调查数据类型统计表

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    表 3  雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集基础调查数据属性表

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    表 4  雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集野外地质综合调查点属性表

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    表 5  雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集地层岩性界限调查点属性表

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    表 6  雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集水文地质调查点属性表

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    表 7  雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集环境地质调查点属性表

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    表 8  雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集钻孔基本情况属性表

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    表 9  雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集抽水试验综合成果属性表

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    表 10  雄安新区白洋淀流域平原区1:50 000水文地质数据集野外照片属性表

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    Table 1.  Metadata table of database (dataset)

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    Table 2.  Table of the category of surveyed data

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    Table 3.  Properties of data from basic survey for the dataset of the 1:50 000 hydrogeological map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

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    Table 4.  Properties of data from combined geological field survey points for dataset of 1:50 000 hydrogeological map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

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    Table 5.  Properties of data from stratum lithological boundary survey points for dataset of 1:50 000 hydrogeological map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

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    Table 6.  Properties of data from hydrogeological survey points for the dataset of the 1:50 000 hydrogeological map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

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    Table 7.  Properties of data from environmental geological survey points for the dataset of the 1:50 000 hydrogeological map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

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    Table 8.  Properties of data from basic information of drill boreholes for the dataset of the 1:50 000 hydrogeological map of the Plain Area of Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

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    Table 9.  Properties of data from comprehensive results of pumping tests for the dataset of the 1:50 000 hydrogeological map of the Plain Area of Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

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    Table 10.  Properties of data from field pictures for the dataset of the 1:50 000 hydrogeological map of the Plain Area of the Baiyangdian Lake Basin, Xiongan New Area

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    Li Yinghua, Cui Baoshan, Yang Zhifeng. 2004. Influence of hydrological characteristic change of Baiyangdian on the ecological environment in wetland[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 19(1):62-68 (in Chinese with English abstract)

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  • PDF下载数:  32
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收稿日期:  2018-05-03
修回日期:  2018-11-10
刊出日期:  2018-12-25
