尕海镇幅位于柴达木盆地东北缘的巴音河山前平原,是1:50 000国际标准图幅。其水文地质图是根据中国地质调查局组织编制并即将颁布实施的《水文地质图编制规范(1:50 000)》的基本要求,结合区内发展建设的需求,利用2016年1:50 000水文地质调查最新获取的尕海镇幅钻孔抽水试验成果数据(本次施工以及收集已有钻孔资料共48个钻孔),水化学(61个水样)、同位素(12个同位素样)和土壤易溶盐(55个土样)分析成果数据,地下水位统测成果数据(68个统测点),以及已有资料与成果数据编制而成。编图以地下水系统理论和生态水文地质理论为指导,按地下水系统、水文地质结构、含水岩组及富水性、地下水补给-径流-排泄条件、地下水化学特征、地下水水位埋深与流场、地下水与生态植被关系、地下水开发利用等分类加工处理数据形成水文地质图数据集,使大量的信息在图面上以主图结合镶图的形式主次分明、层次清晰地加以展现,以便为当地水资源开发利用和生态环境保护提供直观易用的地下水资料支撑。
Abstract:Gahai Town, located in the Bayin River piedmont plain on the northeastern edge of the Qaidam Basin, is an area of the 1:50 000 map sheet that meets international standards. In accordance with the basic requirements of the Specification for Preparation of Hydrogeological Maps (1:50 000), which was developed under the guidance of China Geological Survey (CGS), and is to be issued and implemented, the hydrogeological map of Gahai Town is prepared in line with the needs of the development and construction of the town. Besides existing information and data, the hydrogeological map is based on the results and data obtained from the latest 1:50 000 hydrogeological survey in Gahai Town in 2016. It includes the results of borehole pumping tests (48 boreholes in total, including those drilled for this survey as well as already in existence, according to the data collected) and analytical results from analysis of water chemistry (61 water samples), isotope (12 isotope samples) and soluble salts in soil (55 soil samples) and the results of simultaneous measurement of groundwater level (68 simultaneous-measurement points). With the guidance of groundwater system and eco-hydrogeology theories, the dataset of the hydrogeological map is formed, based on the data processing of the groundwater system, hydrogeological structure, water-bearing rock formation and water yield properties, groundwater recharge-runoff-discharge condition, chemical characteristics of the groundwater, groundwater level depth and flow field, the relationship between groundwater and eco-vegetation, groundwater development and exploitation. Thus, it is possible to present massive information on the map by the combination of a master map with mosaic maps, clearly and hierarchically, providing groundwater data in a visualized and easy-to-use way for the development and exploitation of the local water resources, as well as for the protection of the local ecology and environment.
Key words:
- Qaidam Basin /
- Gahai Town /
- hydrogeological map dataset /
- 1:50 000
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
表 2 1:50 000尕海镇幅水样采样点类型和水质类型统计表
表 3 尕海镇幅1:50 000水文地质图图层划分表
表 4 尕海镇幅钻孔抽水试验成果数据表
表 5 尕海镇幅水化学分析成果数据表
表 6 尕海镇幅同位素分析成果数据表
表 7 尕海镇幅土壤易溶盐分析成果数据表
表 8 尕海镇幅地下水位统测成果数据表
Table 1. Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Table 2. Statistics of Water Sampling Point Type and Water Quality Type for the 1:50 000 Hydrogeological Survey in Gahai Town
Table 3. Layers Division of 1:50 000 Hydrogeological Map of Gahai Town
Table 4. Borehole pumping test results of Gahai Town
Table 5. Hydrochemical Analysis Results of Gahai Town
Table 6. Water Isotope Analysis Results from Gahai Town
Table 7. Soil Soluble Salt Analysis Results from Gahai Town
Table 8. Simultaneous Measurement Results of Groundwater Level of Gahai Town
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