新生代以来,欧亚与印度两大板块间的碰撞拼合及后续的汇聚挤压塑造了现今青藏高原的高海拔地形地貌和巨厚地壳。位于青藏高原最北缘的榆木山构造带,其内部构造变形的几何学和运动学特征记录了地球最新演化历史过程中,构造、剥蚀和气候变化之间的复杂关系。长期以来,其构造成因和属性一直存在争议。本文通过对最近完成的深地震反射剖面的初步处理,其反射剖面初步揭示了榆木山构造带的深部地壳结构:榆木山构造带之下莫霍面深度为45~48 km,整体由北向南加深;同时,深部反射和地表层析速度成像结果显示榆木山下方存在明显的反射透明区、高速异常体,结合地表地质调查,推测其可能为花岗岩体,同早古生代祁连洋的闭合有关;在榆木山构造带之下存在明显的壳内滑脱面,推测其隆升受控于两条背向逆冲断裂带的控制。本文同时结合其他地质地球物理资料,初步提出了青藏高原北缘的演化模型,为青藏高原北缘的向北扩展、盆山耦合及块体间关系提供了新的思路。
Abstract:Since early Cenozoic, the collision and ongoing continuous convergence of the Indian and Eurasian plates have resulted in the high elevation and thick crust of the Tibetan Plateau. Yumushan thrust belt is located at the north front of the Qilian Mountain, and is the newest joined part of the Tibetan Plateau. Its geometry and kinematics of the crustal deformation recorded the complex relationship between the tectonics, erosion and climate change of the newest evolution of the earth. The deep structure and uplift mechanism have been controversial for a long time. In this paper, the authors unraveled the crustal structure of the Yumushan thrust belt by the newest acquired deep seismic reflection profile. The Moho depth beneath the Yumushan belt is 45-48 km with a shallower trend to the north; the deep reflection structure and subsurface tomography velocity structure show the apparent transparent zone and high velocity zone beneath the Yumushan, which may represent the intrusion of a large amount of granitoids beneath the Yumushan related to the closure of the Qilian Ocean in early Paleozoic, and the uplift was driven by two back-back thrust faults. Combined with other geological and geophysical data, the authors propose a new growth pattern in the northmost Tibetan Plateau, which may shed some light on the northward growth as well as the basin-range coupling relation.
Key words:
- Qilian orogeny /
- Yumushan thrust belt /
- deep structure /
- uplift mechanism /
- deep exploration engineering
图 1 青藏高原东北缘及周缘构造位置图(修改自Duvall et al., 2013; Yuan et al., 2013; Gao et al., 2013; Zuza and Yin, 2016;红线为2016年采集的深地震反射剖面位置)
Figure 1.
图 3 榆木山构造带地质简图(修改自陈宣华等,2019)
Figure 3.
图 6 榆木山构造带及邻区地表露头(详细位置见图 3)
Figure 6.
表 1 采集参数表
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