Abstract:In the process of historical development, many researchers have done a lot of research work on the formation and evolution of each continent on the earth, but their opinions are quite different from each other. The earliest theory was continental drift, and later, there appeared the theory of sea floor expansion and plate tectonics. Based on years of research, the author believes that the six continents of the world do not drift, and it is impossible to divide the earth into several plates on a sufficient basis, because the dynamic mechanism of plate tectonics is basically reasonable. However, the basis of plate division is not enough, the boundary of each plate is not clear, and the geological differences and characteristics of each plate are not clear. Therefore, the author thinks that the whole continent of the world is inseparable, and the change of the geological period of each landmass is the result of the change of sea and land.
Key words:
- global /
- tectonic movement /
- plate tectonics /
- land-sea change
图 1 寒武纪海陆分布图(据李江海等,2013)
Figure 1.
图 2 石炭纪海陆分布图(据李江海等,2013)
Figure 2.
图 3 侏罗纪海陆分布图(据李江海等,2013)
Figure 3.
图 4 始新世海陆分布图(据李江海等,2013)
Figure 4.
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