The 1:50 000 Original Measurement Dataset on Stream Sediments for 7 Map Sheets including the Raofeng Map in the Integrated Survey Area of the Shiquan-Xunyang Gold Ore Zone, Shaanxi
首次汇集了陕西石泉-旬阳金矿带整装勘查区内7个图幅1:50 000水系沉积物测量18种元素(Au、Cu、Zn、As、Sb、Hg、Bi、Ti、V、Ag、Sn、Pb、W、Mo、Ni、Co、Cr、Cd)的测试数据,共包含数据点13 169个,数据180 944个,第一次建立了该勘查区的地球化学数据库。在此基础上,编制了233张各类地球化学系列图件,并建立了空间数据库。通过本数据集在区内共圈定各类单元素异常2 083处,其中金元素异常304处;圈定金找矿靶区10处,金成矿远景区12处;经过后期矿产综合检查,整装勘查区内共发现金矿产(点)53处,其中,中型规模金矿床8处,小型规模金矿床18处,金元素异常与金矿床(点)对应程度较好,矿致异常达189处,显示1:50 000水系沉积物测量是勘查区内较好的找矿手段之一。
Abstract:This paper describes the collection of measured and tested data of 18 elements (Au, Cu, Zn, As, Sb, Hg, Bi, Ti, V, Ag, Sn, Pb, W, Mo, Ni, Co, Cr and Cd) in the stream sediments of seven 1:50 000 map sheets in the integrated survey area of the Shiquan-Xunyang gold ore zone, Shaanxi, including 13 169 data points and 180 944 total pieces of data, and the establishment of a geochemical database in the survey area for the first time. Building on this, 233 sheets of a variety of geochemical maps are developed and a spatial database established. Within the database, 2 083 places of various single-element anomalies are delineated in the area, including 304 Au anomalies; 10 Au prospecting target areas and 12 Au prospective areas are delineated; with subsequent comprehensive checking of minerals throughout the integrated survey area, there are 53 Au deposits (points), including 8 medium-scale Au deposits and 18 small-scale ones, indicating that Au anomalies correspond well with Au deposits (points), and there are 189 places of mineralized anomalies, indicating that the measurement of 1:50 000 stream sediments is one of the best means of prospecting in the survey area.
Key words:
- Shiquan-Xunyang Au Ore Zone /
- Shaanxi /
- Integrated Survey Area /
- Stream sediment /
- Geochemical data /
- Spatial Database
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 陕西石泉–旬阳金矿带整装勘查区饶峰幅等7个图幅区1∶50 000水系沉积物测量原始数据集 数据库(集)作者 谈 乐,陕西地矿第一地质队有限公司
王才进,陕西地矿第一地质队有限公司数据时间范围 2013—2018年 地理区域 陕西省石泉县–旬阳县地区 数据格式 *.xlsx 数据量 2.01MB 数据服务系统网址 基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目(121201004000150017-53、121201004000160901-54、121201004000172201-45、12120113048100) 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 数据集为Excel表格,包括7个独立的工作表(sheet),分别为“饶峰幅采样点位及元素分析结果表”、“铁佛寺幅采样点位及元素分析结果表”、“汉阴幅采样点位及元素分析结果表”、“大河口幅采样点位及元素分析结果表”、“赵家湾幅采样点位及元素分析结果表”、“迎丰街幅采样点位及元素分析结果表”、 “安康幅采样点位及元素分析结果表” 表 2 陕西石泉−旬阳金矿带整装勘查区涉及的7幅1∶50 000地形图
图幅名称 图幅号 饶峰幅 I49E17001 迎丰街幅 I49E18002 铁佛寺幅 I49E18003 汉阴幅 I49E19003 大河口幅 I49E19004 赵家湾幅 I49E19005 安康幅 I49E02005 表 3 勘查区18种元素分析方法、检出限及报出率统计表
分析方法 元素含量 1∶50 000地球化学测量规定检出限 所用方法检出限 报出率(%) GF-AAS w(Au)/10−9 0.3~1 0.23 100 F-AAS w(Cu)/10−6 2 1.00 100 w(Zn)/10−6 20 5.00 100 HG-AFS w(As)/10−6 0.5~1 0.20 100 w(Sb)/10−6 0.3 0.05 100 CV-AFS w(Hg)/10−9 10~50 2.00 100 w(Bi)/10−6 0.3 0.1 100 ICP-OES w(Ti)/10−6 100 9.3 100 w(V)/10−6 20 5 100 OES w(Ag)/10−6 0.050 0.019 100 w(Sn)/10−6 2 0.5 100 ICP-MS w(Pb)/10−6 5~10 0.91 100 w(W)/10−6 1 0.048 100 w(Mo)/10−6 1 0.056 100 w(Ni)/10−6 1 0.21 100 w(Co)/10−6 1 0.10 100 w(Cr)/10−6 10 1.00 100 w(Cd)/10−6 0.2 0.02 100 表 4 陕西石泉−旬阳金矿带整装勘查区水系沉积物测量数据结构表
序号 数据项名称 量纲 数据类型 字段长度 实例 1 样品编号 − 字符型 20 57C2 2 图幅号 − 字符型 20 I49E018002 3 地层 − 字符型 20 O3-S1b 4 高斯横坐标 − 字符型 20 255460 5 高斯纵坐标 − 字符型 20 3672075 6 经度 − 字符型 20 108°22′45″ 7 纬度 − 字浮型 20 33°08′48″ 8 Au 10−9 浮点型 20 1.03 9 Ag 10−6 浮点型 20 42 10 Cu 10−6 浮点型 20 35.9 11 Pb 10−6 浮点型 20 35.9 12 Zn 10−6 浮点型 20 83.7 13 As 10−6 浮点型 20 3.88 14 Sb 10−6 浮点型 20 2.13 15 Hg 10−9 浮点型 20 49 16 Bi 10−6 浮点型 20 0.85 17 Sn 10−6 浮点型 20 3 18 W 10−6 浮点型 20 2.14 19 Mo 10−6 浮点型 20 0.93 20 Cd 10−6 浮点型 20 0.1 21 Co 10−6 浮点型 20 22.3 22 Cr 10−6 浮点型 20 94.6 23 Ni 10−6 浮点型 20 41.9 24 Ti 10−6 浮点型 20 − 25 V 10−6 浮点型 20 − 表 1 Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Items Description Database (dataset) name The 1∶50 000 Original Measurement Dataset on Stream Sediments for 7 Map Sheets including the Raofeng Map in the Integrated Survey Area of the Shiquan-Xunyang Gold Ore Zone, Shaanxi Database (dataset) authors Tan Le, Team No.1, Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Co. Ltd.
Zhang Yongqiang, Team No.1, Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Co. Ltd.
Liu Xiaopeng, Team No.1, Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Co. Ltd.
Li Xiaoming, Team No.1, Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Co. Ltd.
Wang Caijin, Team No.1, Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Co. Ltd.Data acquision time 2013—2018 Geographic area Shiquan-Xunyang, Shaanxi Data format *.xlsx Data size 2.01MB Data service system URL Fund project China Geological Survey Project (121201004000150017-53, 121201004000160901-54, 121201004000172201-45, 12120113048100). Language Chinese Database(dataset) composition The dataset consists of 7 separate Excel sheets: Raofeng Sampling Points and Element Analytical Result Sheet, Tiefosi Sampling Points and Element Analytical Result Sheet, Hanyin Sampling Points and Element Analytical Result Sheet, Dahekou Sampling Points and Element Analytical Result Sheet, Zhaojiawan Sampling Points and Element Analytical Result Sheet, Yingfengjie Sampling Points and Element Analytical Result Sheet and Ankang Sampling Points and Element Analytical Result Sheet. 表 2 Topographic map of seven 1∶50 000 Map Sheets involved in the Integrated Survey Area of the Shiquan-Xunyang Gold Ore Zone, Shaanxi
Map sheet name Map sheet number Raofeng I49E17001 Yingfengjie I49E18002 Tiefosi I49E18003 Hanyin I49E19003 Dahekou I49E19004 Zhaojiawan I49E19005 Ankang I49E02005 表 3 Analytical methods, detection limits and report percentages of the 18 elements in the survey area
Analytical method Element content Specified detection limit for the 1∶50 000 geochemical measurement Detection limit of the method used Report percentage (%) GF-AAS w(Au)/10−9 0.3~1 0.23 100 F-AAS w(Cu)/10−6 2 1.00 100 w(Zn)/10−6 20 5.00 100 HG-AFS w(As)/10−6 0.5~1 0.20 100 w(Sb)/10−6 0.3 0.05 100 CV-AFS w(Hg)/10−9 10~50 2.00 100 w(Bi)/10−6 0.3 0.1 100 ICP-OES w(Ti)/10−6 100 9.3 100 w(V)/10−6 20 5 100 OES w(Ag)/10−6 0.050 0.019 100 w(Sn)/10−6 2 0.5 100 ICP-MS w(Pb)/10−6 5~10 0.91 100 w(W)/10−6 1 0.048 100 w(Mo)/10−6 1 0.056 100 w(Ni)/10−6 1 0.21 100 w(Co)/10−6 1 0.10 100 w(Cr)/10−6 10 1.00 100 w(Cd)/10−6 0.2 0.02 100 表 4 Dataset structure of the measured original data of the stream sediments in the integrated survey area of the Shiquan-Xunyang gold ore zone, Shaanxi
No. Name of data item Dimension Data category Field length Real example 1 Sample No. Character type 20 57C2 2 Map sheet No. Character type 20 I49E018002 3 Stratigraphy Character type 20 O3−S1b 4 Gauss horizontal coordinate Character type 20 255460 5 Gauss vertical coordinate Character type 20 3672075 6 Longitude Character type 20 108°22′45″ 7 Latitude Character type 20 33°08′48″ 8 Au 10−9 Floating-point type 20 1.03 9 Ag 10−6 Floating-point type 20 42 10 Cu 10−6 Floating-point type 20 35.9 11 Pb 10−6 Floating-point type 20 35.9 12 Zn 10−6 Floating-point type 20 83.7 13 As 10−6 Floating-point type 20 3.88 14 Sb 10−6 Floating-point type 20 2.13 15 Hg 10−9 Floating-point type 20 49 16 Bi 10−6 Floating-point type 20 0.85 17 Sn 10−6 Floating-point type 20 3 18 W 10−6 Floating-point type 20 2.14 19 Mo 10−6 Floating-point type 20 0.93 20 Cd 10−6 Floating-point type 20 0.1 21 Co 10−6 Floating-point type 20 22.3 22 Cr 10−6 Floating-point type 20 94.6 23 Ni 10−6 Floating-point type 20 41.9 24 Ti 10−6 Floating-point type 20 25 V 10−6 Floating-point type 20 -
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