中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办


王东辉, 倪化勇, 李鹏岳, 郝明. 2019. 城市地下空间资源综合利用实践−以成都市地质环境图集(2017)数据集为例[J]. 中国地质, 46(S2): 21-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z203
引用本文: 王东辉, 倪化勇, 李鹏岳, 郝明. 2019. 城市地下空间资源综合利用实践−以成都市地质环境图集(2017)数据集为例[J]. 中国地质, 46(S2): 21-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z203
WANG Donghui, NI Huayong, LI Pengyue, HAO Ming. 2019. Practice in Comprehensive Utilization of Urban Underground Space Resources―Taking the Dataset of Geological Environmental Atlas of Chengdu (2017) as a Case Study[J]. Geology in China, 46(S2): 21-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z203
Citation: WANG Donghui, NI Huayong, LI Pengyue, HAO Ming. 2019. Practice in Comprehensive Utilization of Urban Underground Space Resources―Taking the Dataset of Geological Environmental Atlas of Chengdu (2017) as a Case Study[J]. Geology in China, 46(S2): 21-29. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z203


  • 基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“成都多要素城市地质调查”(DD20189210)
    作者简介: 王东辉,男,1982年,高级工程师,硕士,从事水工环、城市地质调查相关工作;

Practice in Comprehensive Utilization of Urban Underground Space Resources―Taking the Dataset of Geological Environmental Atlas of Chengdu (2017) as a Case Study

  • Fund Project: China Geological Survey Project “Multi-element Urban Geological Survey of Chengdu” (DD20189210).
More Information
    Author Bio: WANG Donghui, male, born in 1982, senior engineer with master of science, engages in hydrogeology, engineering geology, and environmental geology as well as urban geological survey; E-mail: .
  • 在全面收集地质和工程勘察资料基础上,系统梳理了成都市地下空间资源综合利用需要防范关注的7类地质问题以及需要统筹保护的4类地质资源。根据城市地下空间资源综合利用约束性地质要素(地质问题、地质资源)和地质结构在垂向上的差异,将成都市0~200 m地下空间划分为0~30 m、30~60 m、60~100 m、100~200 m 4个层位,在此基础上,提出了成都市地下空间分区、分层开发利用建议,编制了《支撑服务成都市地下空间资源综合利用地质环境图集》。图集范围覆盖成都市中心城区、高新西区、高新南区、国际生物城、天府新区成都直管区、天府空港新城、简州新城、淮州新城等重点地区,包括39张图件和1个地质调查报告。图集为成都市城市地下空间综合利用、城市空间优化拓展、城市功能品质提升以及国土空间开发、空间转型升级和城市集约、绿色、可持续发展提供了地质依据,对于全国其他城市开展同类图集编制具有示范和借鉴意义。

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  • 图 1  编图范围示意图

    Figure 1. 

    表 1  数据库(集)元数据简表

    条目 描述
    数据库(集)名称 支撑服务成都市地下空间资源综合利用地质环境图集(2017)数据集
    数据库(集)作者 王东辉,中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心
    数据时间范围 2017
    地理区域 东经102°54′~104°53′、北纬30°05′~31°26′
    数据格式 shp、png
    数据量 4 GB
    基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“成渝经济区宜宾-万州沿江发展带1∶50 000
    语种 中文
    数据库(集)组成 本图集包含基础地理类、地质剖面类、专题类及地质调查报告附件4大类空间图层:
    1. 基础地理类图层:编图区乡镇、成都市机场、成都市县界、高速、国道、省道、四川省地级市、四川省会、四川省市界、四川省县、四川水系、铁路、乡镇。
    2. 地质剖面类图层:地铁1号线、地铁2号线、地铁7号线、30~60 m C-C’剖面图、100~200 m C-C’剖面图、60~100 m D-D’剖面图、100~200 m D-D’剖面图、60~100 m E-E’剖面图、B-B’剖面综合建议图、C-C’剖面综合建议图。
    3. 专题类图层:0~30 m适宜性、30~60 m适宜性、30~60 m相对隔水层分布区、60~100 m含膏盐泥岩分布区、60~100 m基岩含水层分布区、60~100 m适宜性、60~100 m微咸水分布区、60~100 m优质水源地分布区、100~200 m含膏盐泥岩分布区、100~200 m基岩含水层、100~200 m适宜性、100~200 m微咸水分布区、100~200 m下部含水层、成都市地质灾害、地层、地层产状、地埋管地源热泵潜力评价、地下水水源热泵潜力评价、地貌分区、地下水富水性分区、地震、地震动峰值加速度区划、地质遗迹、第四系厚度等值线、第一隔水层底板埋深等值线、断裂、富水砂砾石分布区、工程地质分区、轨道交通、含膏盐泥岩分布区、环城生态带、活动断裂、夹关组分布区、矿泉水、芒硝厂区、膨胀性黏土分布区、平原区相对隔水层分布区、软土分布区、生态涵养区、瓦斯分布区、微咸水分布区、文物古迹、优质水源地分布区、综合适宜性分区。
    4. 附件:支撑服务成都市城市地下空间资源综合利用地质调查报告(2017)
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    表 2  主要数据基础简表

    亚类 主要内容 资料来源
    区域地质背景类 基础地质类 1∶200 000、1∶250 000区域地质调查成果 朱兵等,2013
    水文地质类 地下水资源评价、水文地质普查及1∶200 000、1∶500 000区域水文地质调查成果 李永健等,2002
    环境地质类 水工环综合勘查、矿山地质环境调查、地下水污染调查、城市群环境地质调查、地质环境监测、地质灾害调查等成果 汪天寿等,2005
    地球化学类 多目标地球化学调查、土地质量地球化学调查等成果 刘应平等,2002
    资源类 地热、浅层地热能、地下水调查评价成果,文物古迹、公园湿地等资料 刘俊贤等,1990
    气象水文类 气候、降水、水文等资料
    城市建设规划类 城市社会经济现状 城市规模、人口、社会经济发展等资料
    城市规划建设现状 城市总体规划、重大工程建设规划、轨道交通规划等资料
    城市土地利用现状 多期遥感影像图及解译成果、土地三调成果
    城市地下空间开发利用现状 地铁、地下商场、人防工程、地下管线等资料
    地质勘查类 岩土工程勘
    桥梁、地铁、房屋等建设工程岩土工程勘查成果,含钻探、基坑及相应的测试成果,约3 000个钻孔。
    水源地勘查类 水文地质钻探成果、水质分析成果,约160个钻孔
    油气勘查类 钻探、二维地震成果,4个钻孔
    物探类 重力、磁法、电法、地震等综合研究成果
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    表 3  图层内容分类汇总表

    分类 要素 要素内容 表达内容
    遥感 遥感 遥感影像、地形阴影 植被、生态、建筑、水系等变化情况
    地理要素 交通 铁路、高速、省道、国道、 交通线路分布
    行政区划 地级市、县、乡镇、行政区边界、发展布局规划 各行政区界线及发展布局规划
    水系 水系,湖泊 河流、湖泊
    专题图 地质资源 文物古迹、矿泉水点、地质遗迹、优质水源、砂砾石厚度等值线,地埋管地源热泵分区、地下水水源热泵潜力评价 各类地质资源空间分布
    地质问题 地下水污染状况、地质灾害、断层、含膏岩泥岩等值线、成都黏土、软土、含瓦斯地层 各类地质问题空间分布
    地质建议 0~30 m/30~60 m/60~100 m/100~200 m地下空间开发利用地质适宜性 地下空间开发利用地质适宜性
    剖面图 构造 断裂构造、褶皱、背斜 构造形态
    地铁 地物、地下工程、监测点,换乘站,地下地铁线路、地铁运用地质建议 地铁空间展布、运营地质建议、监测点分布
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    表 4  各要素主要属性内容

    分类 要素 要素内容 要素主要属性内容
    遥感 遥感 遥感影像、地形阴影 OID,Value,Count
    专题图 地质资源 文物古迹、矿泉水点、地质遗迹、优质水源、砂砾石厚度等值线,地埋管地源热泵分区、地下水水源热泵潜力评价 Fid,shape*,年代,地质,名称,类别;出水量,孔深(m),矿泉水名,埋深,地貌区,适宜性分区,潜力
    地质问题 地下水污染状况、地质灾害、断层、含膏岩泥岩等值线、成都黏土、软土、含瓦斯地层 Fid,shape*,ID,统一编号,样品编号,经度,纬度,位置,类别,综合评价,备注;隐患点类型,规模等级;断层性质,产状倾角,倾向顶板埋深;代号,地质名称,标注
    地质建议 0~30 m / 30~60 m /
    60~100 m / 100~200 m地下空间开发利用地质适宜性
    剖面图 构造 断裂构造、褶皱、背斜 Fid,shape*,ID,花纹,填充图案,要素,注释文字
    地铁 地物、地下工程、监测点,换乘站,地下地铁线路,地铁运营地质建议 Fid,shape*,ID,DXF图元名,DXF图层名,高程,注释文字
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    Table 1.  Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)

    Items Description
    Database (dataset) name Dataset of Geological Environmental Atlas of Chengdu (2017) for Supporting and Serving Comprehensive Utilization of Urban Underground Space Resources
    Database (dataset) authors Wang Donghui, Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey
    Ni Huayong, Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey
    Guo Ziqi, Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey
    Wang Chunshan, Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey
    Li Pengyue, Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey
    Chen Xuyu, Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey
    Tang Yeqi, Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey
    Li Shengwei, Chengdu Center, China Geological Survey
    Data acquisition time 2017
    Geographic area E 102°54′−104°53′, N 30°05′−31°26′
    Data format .shp,.png
    Data size 4 GB
    Data service system URL
    Fund project China Geological Survey Projects named “1∶50 000-scale Environmental Geological Survey of Yibin–Wanzhou Development Belt Along the Yangtze River in the Chengdu–Chongqing Economic Zones” (DD20160249) and “Multi-element Urban Geological Survey of Chengdu” (DD20189210)
    Language Chinese
    Database (dataset) composition The Atlas covers map layers of four major categories, i.e., basic geographic layers, geologic profiles, thematic layers and a geological survey report.
    1. Basic geographic layers. This covers the towns, airports, county borders, expressways, national highways and provincial highways of the region to be mapped, and prefecture-level cities, capital, city borders, counties, water systems, railways and towns of Sichuan Province.
    2. Geologic profiles. This covers subways #1, #2 and #7, C-C’ profiles of the underground spaces at the depths of 30−60 m and 100−200 m, D-D’ profiles of the underground spaces at the depths of 60−100 m and 100−200 m, E-E’ profile of the underground spaces at the depth of 60−100 m and comprehensive recommendation maps of B-B’ and C-C’ profiles.
    3. Thematic layers. This covers the suitability of the underground spaces at the depths of 0−30 m, 30−60 m, 60−100 m and 100−200 m, distribution area of the relative aquiclude at the depth of 30−60 m, distribution area of mudstone bearing gypsum salt at the depths of 60−100 m and 100−200 m, bedrock aquifer distribution area at the depths of 60−100 m and 100−200 m, brackish water distribution area at the depths of 60−100 m and 100−200 m, distribution area of high-quality water sources at the depths of 60−100 m, and aquifer distribution area at the depth of 100−200 m, geological disasters, strata, stratum occurrence, assessment of ground-source and groundwater-source heat pump potential, landform-based zones, groundwater-yield-property-based zones, earthquakes, peak ground acceleration zoning, geological relics, quaternary thickness contours, depth contours of the footwall of the first aquiclude, fractures, distribution area of sandy gravel bearing rich water, engineering geology-based zones, rail transit, distribution area of mudstone bearing gypsum salt, ecological belt encircling the city, active fractures, distribution area of Jiaguan Formation, mineral water, sodium sulphate factory area, distribution area of expansive clay, distribution area of relative aquiclude in plains, distribution area of soft soil, ecological conservation area, gas distribution area, distribution area of brackish water, cultural relics, distribution area of high-quality water sources and comprehensive suitability-based zones.
    4. Attachment. one geological survey report supporting and serving comprehensive utilization of urban underground space resources in Chengdu (2017)
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    Table 2.  Main Basic Data

    Category Sub-category Main content References
    Regional geological background Basic geology 1∶200 000-scale and 1∶250 000-scale regional geological survey results Zhu B et al., 2013
    Hydrogeology groundwater resource assessment, hydrogeological reconnaissance survey and 1∶200 000-scale and 1∶500 000-sclale regional hydrogeological survey results Li YJ et al., 2002,
    Huang RK et al., 1977;
    Liu YC et al., 1978;
    Li JK et al., 1977;
    Xu QB et al., 1977
    Environmental geology Results of the comprehensive survey of hydrogeology, engineering geology and environmental geology; as well as the geo-environmental survey of mines, groundwater pollution survey, environmental geological survey of urban agglomerations, geological environmental monitoring, geologic disaster survey, etc. Wang TS et al., 2005;
    Liu JX et al., 1990
    Geochemistry Results of the multi-purpose geochemical survey, geochemical survey of land quality, etc. Liu YP et al., 2002
    Resources Results of survey and assessment of geothermal energy, shallow geothermal energy and groundwater; information on cultural relics, parks, wetlands, etc. Liu JX et al., 1990;
    Yang M et al., 2013
    Urban construction planning Hydrometeorology Data on climate, precipitation and hydrology, etc.
    Urban society and economy Data on the area, population, social and economic development of the urban area, etc.
    Urban planning and construction Data on overall urban planning, construction planning of major projects, rail transit planning, etc.
    Utilization of urban land Multi-phase remote sensing images and their interpretation of results and results of the third nationwide land survey
    Development and utilization of urban underground spaces Data on subways, underground malls, civil air defense projects, underground pipelines, etc.
    Geological investigation Geotechnical investigation Results of geotechnical investigations for the construction of bridges, subways, houses, etc. including the information on drilling of about 3 000 boreholes and foundation pits, including the test results
    Water source investigation Results of hydrogeological drilling of about 160 boreholes and analytical results of water quality
    Oil & gas exploration Results of drilling of four boreholes and 2D seismic exploration
    Geophysical prospecting Comprehensive research results of gravity, magnetic and electrical prospecting and seismic exploration
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    Table 3.  Map Layer Contents Summary by Categories

    Category Element Contents of element Contents to be expressed
    Remote sensing Remote sensing Remote sensing images, topographic shadow Changes in vegetation, ecology, buildings, water systems, etc.
    Geographical element Transportation Railways, expressways, national and provincial highways Distribution of transport routes
    Administrative division Borders and development layout & planning of prefecture-level cities, counties, towns and administrative districts Borders and development layout & planning of various administrative districts
    Water systems Water systems and lakes Rivers, lakes
    Thematic layer Geological resources Cultural relics, location of mineral water, geological relics, high-quality water sources, sandy-gravel thickness contour, geothermal heat pump-based zones and potential assessment of groundwater-source heat pumps Spatial distribution of various geological resources
    Geological problems Groundwater pollution, geological disasters, faults, contour of mudstone bearing gypsum salt, Chengdu clay, soft soil and gas-bearing strata Spatial distribution of various geological problems
    Geological recommendations Geological suitability for the development and utilization of underground spaces at the depths of 0−30 m, 30−60 m, 60−100 m and 100−200 m Geological suitability for the development and utilization of underground spaces
    Profile Structures Fractures, folds and anticlines Tectonic patterns
    Subways Surface features, underground projects, monitoring points, interchange stations, subway routes and geological recommendations for subway construction Spatial distribution of subways, geological recommendations for subway operation and distribution of monitoring points
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    Table 4.  Contents of Main Attributes of Each Element

    Category Element Contents of element Contents of main attributes of the element
    Remote sensing Remote sensing Remote sensing images, topographic shadow OID, Value, Count
    Geographical element Transportation Railways, national and provincial highways, expressways Fid, shape*, PYNAME, NAME, MAPID, ID, KIND, SNODE_ID, ENODE_ID, FUNCCLASS, LENGTH, ADMINCODEL, SPEEDCLASS, VEHCL_TYPE, SPDLMTE2S, SPDSECS2e, SPDSRCE2S
    Administrative division Borders and development layout & planning of prefecture-level cities, counties, towns and administrative districts Fid, shape*, NAME, PYNAME, MAPID, KIND, ZIPCODE, ADMINCODE, DISPLAY_X, DISPLAY_Y, ADDRESS, FID_county border, AREA, PERIMETER, BOUNT_, BOUNT_ID, GBCODE, ADCODE99, SH2, DI2, X2, CENTRIOD_Y, CENTROID_X, LCFLAG724, Shape_Length, zone
    Water systems Water systems and lakes Fid, shape*, MAPID, ID, length, CODE, GB, HYDC, TN, NAME, KIND, ADMINCODE, AOICODE, DISPCLASS, XZQMC, KZMJ, JSMJ, ZXMC
    Thematic layer Geological resources Cultural relics, location of mineral water, geological relics, high-quality water sources, sandy-gravel thickness contour, geothermal heat pump-based zones, potential assessment of groundwater-source heat pumps Fid, shape*, age, geology, name, category; water yield, borehole depth (m), mineral water name, burial depth, landform-based zone, suitability-based zone, potential
    Geological problems Groundwater pollution, geological disasters, faults, contour of mudstone bearing gypsum salt, Chengdu clay, soft soil and gas-bearing strata Fid, shape*, ID, unified No., sample No., longitude, latitude, position, category, integrated assessment, remarks; type of potential risk spots, scale level; fault nature, occurrence strike, burial depth of roof; code, geological name, marking
    Geological recommendations Geological suitability for the development and utilization of underground spaces at the depth of 0−30 m / 30−60 m/ 60−100 m / 100−200 m Fid, shape*, suitability
    Profile Structures Fractures, folds and anticlines Fid, shape*, ID, ornamental pattern, filling symbol, element, notes
    Subways Surface features, underground projects, monitoring points, interchange stations, subway routes and geological recommendations for subway construction Fid, shape*, ID, DXF primitive name, DXF map layer name, elevation, notes
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