中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办

1∶50 000矿产地质图编制与数据库建设要求

李永胜, 张生辉, 张彤, 何进忠, 张家瑞, 杜泽忠, 甄世民, 公凡影, 吕鑫. 2020. 1∶50 000矿产地质图编制与数据库建设要求[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 1-15. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z201
引用本文: 李永胜, 张生辉, 张彤, 何进忠, 张家瑞, 杜泽忠, 甄世民, 公凡影, 吕鑫. 2020. 1∶50 000矿产地质图编制与数据库建设要求[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 1-15. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z201
LI Yongsheng, ZHANG Shenghui, ZHANG Tong, HE Jinzhong, ZHANG Jiarui, DU Zezhong, ZHEN Shimin, GONG Fanying, LYU Xin. 2020. Requirements of Map Compilation and Database Building of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Maps[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 1-15. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z201
Citation: LI Yongsheng, ZHANG Shenghui, ZHANG Tong, HE Jinzhong, ZHANG Jiarui, DU Zezhong, ZHEN Shimin, GONG Fanying, LYU Xin. 2020. Requirements of Map Compilation and Database Building of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Maps[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 1-15. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z201

1∶50 000矿产地质图编制与数据库建设要求

  • 基金项目: 中国地质调查局项目“整装勘查区矿产地质调查与找矿预测”(DD20190159)和国家重点研发计划“深地资源勘查开采”重点专项(2018YFC0603704)联合资助
    作者简介: 李永胜,男,1983年生,博士,高级工程师,研究方向为矿产地质调查与找矿预测;E-mail:

Requirements of Map Compilation and Database Building of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Maps

  • Fund Project: Jointly funded by China Geological Survey project titled “Mineral Geological Survey and Prospecting Prediction in the Integrated Exploration Area”(DD20190159) and the National Key R&D Program of China named “Deep Resources Exploration and Mining” (2018YFC0603704)
More Information
    Author Bio: LI Yongsheng, male, born in 1983, doctoral degree, senior engineer, mainly engages in geological and mineral resources survey and prospecting prediction; E-mail: .
  • 1∶50 000固体矿产地质调查是保障国家能源资源安全的长期的基础性、公益性、战略性地质工作,是矿产勘查的重要基础和先导性工作,是国家地质调查与地球系统科学研究程度的重要指标,目的是摸清国家矿产资源家底、实现重大找矿突破或新发现、引导和拉动后续矿产勘查,在服务国家重大战略、社会发展和生态文明建设中发挥着重要的作用。2019年中国地质调查局正式印发《固体矿产地质调查技术要求(1∶50 000)》(DD2019–02),创建了以成矿作用类型为主线、以成矿要素为对象、以预研究为基础、以矿产地质专项填图为核心、按成矿作用类型填(编)建造构造图的新方式和基于矿床模型综合地质信息预测方法的矿产资源潜力评价技术体系,建立了地质潜力、技术经济可行性和环境影响“三位一体”综合评价工作体系,为固体矿产地质调查及其成果表达指明方向,为支撑固体矿产勘查提供技术保障。其中1∶50 000矿产地质图是固体矿产地质调查核心成果图件,在此结合技术要求简要阐述1∶50 000矿产地质图编制与数据库建设要求。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  矿产地质图示例图例

    Figure 1. 

    表 1  图层信息表

    具体图层名称 空间特性 数据表 备注
    1 地理
    主要行政境界图层 线 直接引用数字填图背景图层
    主要线状水系图层 线
    2 建造构造图层 建造构造图层 根据地质体面实体(_GeoPolygon.wp)编制
    地质(界)线 线 根据地质(界)线(_GeoLine.wl)编制
    构造变形带图层 根据(_TECOZONE.wp)编制
    褶皱图层 线 本次新增(_FOLD.wt)
    断裂图层 线 由地质界线中提取后,根据_FAULT挂接属性
    产状要素图层 引用_ATTITUDE.wt图层
    重要钻孔图层 引用_DRILLHOLE.wt图层
    化石样点图层 引用_FOSSIL.wt图层
    同位素年龄图层 引用_ISOTOPE.wt图层
    3 矿产地图层 引用_MINERAL_PNT.wt图层
    4 整饰
    地质注记与建造花纹 根据a_GEOPOLYGON.wt
    指引线 线 a_GEOPOLYGON.wl
    断层倾向、倾角及断层性质 a_GEOLINE.wt
    产状倾角 a_ATTITUDE.wt
    同位素注记 a_ISOTOPE.wt
    图切剖面 线、点 a_PROFILE.wl
    方里网 线 FRAME.wl
    接图表 点、线、面 MAP_SHEET.wt
    图例 点、线、面 LEGEND.wt
    建造柱状图 点、线、面 COLUMNAR_SECTION.wt
    图切剖面 点、线、面 CUTTING_PROFILE.wt
    责任表 DUTY_TABLE.wt
    点、线、面 图名、比例尺、方里网注记、局徽及其他
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    表 2  建造构造图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束
    默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    地质体面实体标识号 *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL 引用地质体面实体(_GEOPOLYGON.wp)属性
    原编码 Source_Id Character 30 O
    地质体面实体类型代码(地质代码) *Feature_Type Character 30 M
    地质体面实体名称 Geobody_Name Character 50 M
    地质体面实体时代 Geobody_Era Character 20 M
    建造大类 Formation Character 10 M 填写沉积岩建造、侵入岩建造、火山岩建造、变质岩建造等大类(汉字名称)
    建造类型 Metallogenic Character 60 M 填写与建造大类相对应的建造类型(汉字名称)
    岩石组合 Combination Character 100 M 填写岩石自然共生组合(汉字名称)
    大地构造环境 Structural_Env Character 100 M 填写所处大地构造单元名称(汉字名称)
    地质体面实体下限年龄值 Geobody_Age1 Double 10.2 O 引用地质体面
    地质体面实体上限年龄值 Geobody_Age2 Double 10.2 O
    子类型标识 Subtype Integer 4 O
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    表 3  地质界线图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束
    默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL 引用地质(界)线(_GeoLine.wl)属性内容
    原编码 Source_Id Character 30 O
    地质界线(接触)代码 *Feature_Type Character 30 M
    地质界线类型 Boundary_Name Character 50 M
    界线左侧地质体代号 Left_Boundary_Code Character 30 M
    界线右侧地质体代号 Right_Boundary_Code Character 30 M
    界面走向 Strike Integer 3 O
    界面倾向 Dip_Direction Integer 3 O
    界面倾角 Dip_Angle Integer 2 O
    子类型标识 Subtype Integer 4 O
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    表 4  构造变形带图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束
    默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL 引用(_TECOZO
    原编码 Source_Id Character 30 O
    变形带代码 *Feature_Type Character 30 M
    Deformation_Name Character 60 M
    Defor_Rockname Character 60 M
    Fabric_Character Character 250 M
    变形力学特征 Mechanics Character 250 M
    形成时代 Ear Character 100 M
    活动期次 Movement_Period Character 200 M
    含矿性 Commodities Character 120 O
    子类型标识 Subtype Integer 4 O
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    表 5  断裂图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束
    默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    *Feature_Type Character 30 NOTNULL 引用_FAULT数据表属性
    断层类型(地质代码) Fault_Type Character 30 M
    断层名称 Fault_Name Character 80 M
    断层编号 Fault_Code Character 30 M
    断层性质 Fault_Character Character 250 M
    断层上盘地质体代号 Fault_Up_Body Character 30 M
    断层下盘地质体代号 Fault_Bottom_Body Character 30 M
    断层破碎带宽度 Fault_Wide Character 80 O
    断层走向 Fault_Strike Integer 3 O
    断层倾向 Fault_Dip Integer 3 O
    断层面倾角 Fault_Dip_Angle Integer 2 O
    估计断距 Fault_Distance Float 10.2 M
    Era Character 30 O
    活动期次 Movement_Period Character 100 O
    子类型标识 Subtype Integer 4 O
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    表 6  褶皱图层数据表

    序号 数据项名称 数据项
    数据类型 存储长度 小数位数 约束条件 默认值/初始值 值域 值单位 数据项填写规定 数据项词语定义或描述(即数据项词条定义或描述)
    1 图元编号 CHFCAC C 6 NOTNULL 按十进制数字码、从“000001”开始顺序
    2 褶皱名称 GZCAB C 40 O 填写通用的褶皱名称 填写图幅内褶皱的汉字名称
    3 褶皱类型 GZCE C 20 M 填写褶皱
    4 褶皱形态 GZCDD C 20 O 填写褶皱
    5 枢纽倾伏向 GZCCBE C 7 O 填写褶皱枢纽的倾伏向
    6 枢纽倾伏角 GZCCBF C 5 O 填写褶皱枢纽的倾伏角
    7 轴面倾向 GZCCAE C 7 O 填写褶皱轴面的倾向
    8 轴面倾角 GZCCAF C 5 O 填写褶皱轴面的倾角
    9 卷入褶皱的地层 GZCFA C 20 O 填写地层的时代、岩性和变质程度
    10 形成时代 GZEKG C 15 M 填写褶皱形成年代 根据卷入地层及与其他构造的关系判断褶皱的形成时间
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    表 7  化石采样点图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束条件 默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL 引用_FOSSIL.wt图层属性内容
    原编码 Source_Id Character 30 O
    化石样品编号 Sample_Code Character 20 O
    化石所属生物门类 *Feature_Type Character 50 M
    化石属或种名 Genus_Species Character 50 M
    化石产出层位 Bed Character 50 M
    含化石地层单位代号 Lithostrat_Unit Character 20 M
    化石时代 Era Character 40 M
    子类型标识 Subtype Integer 4 O
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    表 8  同位素年龄图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束
    默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL 引用_ISOTOPE.wt图层属性内容
    原编码 Source_Id Character 30 O
    样品编号 Sample_Code Character 30 M
    样品名称 Sample_Name Character 50 M
    年龄测定方法 Measuring_Kinds Character 60 M
    测定年龄 Age Character 100 M
    被测定出地质体单位及代号 Geobody_Code Character 30 M
    测定分析单位 Unit Character 50 M
    测定分析日期 Date Character 8 YYYYMMDD
    子类型标识 Subtype Integer 4 O
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    表 9  产状要素图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束
    默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL 引用_ATTITUDE.wt属性内容
    原编码 Source_Id Character 30 O
    产状类型名称代码 *Feature_Type Character 30 M
    产状类型名称 Attitude_Name Character 40 M
    走向 Strike Integer 3 M
    倾向 Dip_Direction Integer 3 M
    倾角 Dip_Angle Integer 2 M
    子类型标识 Subtype Integer 4 O
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    表 10  重要钻孔图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束
    默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL 引用(_Drillhole)图层属性内容
    原编码 Source_Id Character 30 O
    钻孔编号 Zk_Code Character 30 M
    钻孔深度 Zk_Depth Float 10.2 M
    基岩或目的层孔深 Rock_Depth Float 10.2 M
    基岩或目的层岩性 Rock_Type Character 200 O
    基岩或目的层时代 Base_Bed_Era Character 50 O
    松散沉积层的年代 Loose_Lay_Era Character 30 O
    松散沉积层的分层厚度 Loose_Lay_
    Float 10.2 O
    松散沉积层的岩性 Loose_Lay_
    Character 255 O
    子类型标识 Subtype Integer 4 O
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    表 11  矿产地图层数据表

    数据项名称 标准编码 数据
    数据存储长度 数据显示长度 约束
    默认值/初始值 值域范围 数据项描述
    要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL 引用_MINERAL_PNT.WT图层属性内容
    原编码 Source_Id Character 30 O
    矿种代码 *Feature_Type Character 50 M
    矿种名称 Commodities_
    Character 60 M
    共生矿 Paragenic_Ore Character 100 M
    伴生矿 Associated_Ore Character 80 M
    矿产地数 Ore_Sums Integer 3 O
    矿石品位 Ore_Grade Character 100 M
    规模 Deposite_Size Character 100 M
    成矿时代 Metallogenetic_
    Character 30 M
    矿产地名 Placename Character 60 M
    矿化类型 Genesis_Types Character 200 O
    成因类型 Industrial_Types Character 200 O
    子类型标识 1 SUBTYPE Integer 4 O
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    Table 1.  Data table of map layer information

    Map layer no.
    and name
    Specific map
    layer name
    Spatial characteristics Data
    1 Geographic map layer Map layer of major administrative boundaries/borders Line None Directly referring to the background layer of the digital mapping system
    Map layer of major residential areas Point None
    Map layer of major planar streams Polygon None
    Map layer of major linear streams Line None
    Map layer of major geographical annotations Point None
    2 Suite-tectonic map layer Suite-tectonic map layer Polygon Available Prepared based on geological polygon entity file (_GeoPolygon.wp)
    Geological (boundary) line Line Available Prepared based on geological line entity file (_GeoLine.wl)
    Tectonic deformation zone map layer Polygon Available Prepared based on (_TECOZONE.wp)
    Fold map layer Line Available (_FOLD.wt) is newly added
    Fault map layer Line Available Correlating attributes according to _FAULT after extracting faults from geological boundaries
    Attitude element map layer Point Available Referring to the map layer _ATTITUDE.wt
    Map layer of important boreholes Point Available Referring to the map layer _DRILLHOLE.wt
    Fossil sampling point layer Point Available Referring to the map layer _FOSSIL.wt
    Isotopic age layer Point Available Referring to the map layer _ISOTOPE.wt
    3 Mineral map layer Point Available Referring to the map layer _MINERAL_PNT.wt
    4 Decoration map layer Decorations inside the master map Geological annotation and suite pattern Point None Compiling formation patterns based on a_GEOPOLYGON.wt layer
    Leader line Line None a_GEOPOLYGON.wl
    Dip, dip angle, and property of a fault Point None a_GEOLINE.wt
    Dip angle of occurrence Point None a_ATTITUDE.wt
    Isotope annotation Point None a_ISOTOPE.wt
    Cross-section Line and point None a_PROFILE.wl
    Kilometer grid Line None FRAME.wl
    Decorations outside the master map Index map Point, line, and polygon None MAP_SHEET.wt
    Legend Point, line, and polygon None LEGEND.wt
    Suite histogram Point, line, and polygon None COLUMNAR_SECTION.wt
    Cross-section Point, line, and polygon None CUTTING_PROFILE.wt
    Typical mining area map Point, line, and polygon None TYPICALDEPOSITS.wt
    Duty table Points None DUTY_TABLE.wt
    Others Point, line, and polygon None Map title, scale, kilometer grid annotation, logo of the China Geological Survey, etc.
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    Table 2.  Data table of suite-tectonic map layer

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage length Display length Constraint Default value/initial value Value
    ID of a geological polygon entity *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of geological polygon entities (_GEOPOLYGON.wp)
    Original ID Source_Id Character 30 0
    Type code of a geological polygon entity (geological code) *Feature_Type Character 30 M
    Name of a geological polygon entity Geobody_Name Character 50 M
    Era of a geological polygon entity Geobody_Era Character 20 M
    Suite category Formation Character 10 M Filling in suite categories such as sedimentary rock suite, intrusive rock suite, volcanic rock suite, or metamorphic rock suite (in Chinese characters)
    Suite type Metallogenic Character 60 M Filling in the suite type corresponding to the suite category (name in Chinese)
    Lithologic association Combination Character 100 M Filling in natural paragenetic associations of rocks (name in Chinese)
    Geotectonic environment Structural_Env Character 100 M Filling in the name of the geotectonic unit (name in Chinese)
    Lower age limit of a geological polygon entity Geobody_Age1 Double 10.2 O Referring to the attributes of geological polygon entities (_GEOPOLYGON.wp)
    Upper age limit of a geological polygon entity Geobody_Age2 Double 10.2 O
    Subtype ID Subtype Integer 4 O
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    Table 3.  Data table of geological boundary map layer

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage length Display length Constraint Default value/Initial value Value range Description
    Feature ID *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of geological (boundaries) lines (_GeoLine.wl)
    Original ID Source_Id Character 30 O
    Geological boundary (contact) code *Feature_Type Character 30 M
    Geological boundary type Boundary_Name Character 50 M
    Code of the geologic block on the left side of a boundary Left_Boundary_Code Character 30 M
    Code of the geologic block on the right side of a boundary Right_Boundary_Code Character 30 M
    Interface strike Strike Integer 3 O
    Interface dip Dip_Direction Integer 3 O
    Interface dip angle Dip_Angle Integer 2 O
    Subtype ID Subtype Integer 4 O
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    Table 4.  Data table of structural deformation zone map layer

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage
    Constraint Default value/Initial value Value range Description
    Feature ID *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of (_TECOZONE.wp)
    Original ID Source_Id Character30 O
    Deformation zone code *Feature_Type Character 30 M
    Deformation zone name Deformation_Name Character 60 M
    Rock name of a deformation zone Defor_Rockname Character 60 M
    Fabric characteristics of a deformation zone Fabric_Character Character 250 M
    Mechanical characteristics of deformation Mechanics Character 250 M
    Formation era Ear Character 100 M
    Active stage Movement_Period Character 200 M
    Ore-bearing features Commodities Character 120 O
    Subtype ID Subtype Integer 4 O
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    Table 5.  Data table of fault map layer

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage
    Constraint Default value/Initial value Value range Description
    Feature type code *Feature_Type Character 30 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of the data table _FAULT
    Fault type (geological code) Fault_Type Character 30 M
    Fault name Fault_Name Character 80 M
    Fault code Fault_Code Character 30 M
    Fault characteristics Fault_Character Character 250 M
    Codes of geologic blocks on the hanging wall of a fault Fault_Up_Body Character 30 M
    Code of geologic blocks on the foot wall of a fault Fault_Bottom_Body Character 30 M
    Width of a fault fracture zone Fault_Wide Character 80 O
    Fault strike Fault_Strike Integer 3 O
    Fault dip Fault_Dip Integer 3 O
    Fault dip angle Fault_Dip_Angle Integer 2 O
    Estimated fault throw Fault_Distance Float 10.2 M
    Formation era Era Character 30 O
    Active stage Movement_Period Character 100 O
    Subtype ID Subtype Integer 4 O
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    Table 6.  Data table of fold map layer

    Serial no. Date item Code Data
    Storage length Decimal digits Constraint Default value/
    initial value
    Value range Unit Stipulation of filling Definition or description of data item
    1 Primitive code CHFCAC C 6 NOTNULL Filling with the decimal numbers in order, starting from "000001" Primitive codes are keywords linking graphics and attributes in spatial database (not summarized). Therefore, it must be consistent between graphics and attributes and coded according to sequence codes. They are mainly used at a provincial level.
    2 Fold name GZCAB C 40 O Filling in universal fold name Filling in the Chinese name of a fold in a map sheet
    3 Fold type GZCE C 20 M Filling in fold type Folds are roughly classified into anticlines, synclines, inverted folds, recumbent folds, and plunging folds according to their morphology(sourced from subordinate word volume GZCE of potential evaluation data items)
    4 Fold morphology GZCDD C 20 O Filling in fold morphology Filling in the fold morphology such as long axis, short axis, and ovate(sourced from subordinate word volume GZCD of potential evaluation data items)
    5 Fold hinge plunge direction GZCCBE C 7 O Degree (°) Filling in the plunge direction of a fold hinge
    6 Fold hinge plunge angle GZCCBF C 5 O Degree (°) Filling in the dip angle of a fold hinge
    7 Axial plane dip GZCCAE C 7 O Degree (°) Filling in the dip of a fold axial plane
    8 Axial plane dip angle GZCCAF C 5 O Degree (°) Filling in the dip angle of a fold axial plane
    9 Strata involved in a fold GZCFA C 20 O Filling in the era, lithology, and metamorphic degree of strata
    10 Formation era GZEKG C 15 M Filling formation era of a fold Judging the formation era of a fold according to the involved strata and the relationship between the involved strata and other structures
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    Table 7.  Data table of fossil sampling points

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage length Display length Constraint Default value/
    Initial value
    Value range Description
    Feature ID *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of _FOSSIL.wt
    Original code Source_Id Character 30 O
    Fossil sample ID Sample_Code Character 20 O
    Biological category *Feature_Type Character 50 M
    Fossil genus or species Genus_Species Character 50 M
    Fossil horizon Bed Character 50 M
    Code of fossil-bearing stratigraphic unit Lithostrat_Unit Character 20 M
    Fossil era Era Character 40 M
    Subtype ID Subtype Integer 4 O
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    Table 8.  Data table of isotopic age map layer

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage length Display length Constraint Default value/
    Initial value
    Value range Description
    Feature ID *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of _ISOTOPE.wt
    Original code Source_Id Character 30 O
    Sample code Sample_Code Character 30 M
    Sample name Sample_Name Character 50 M
    Dating method Measuring_Kinds Character 60 M
    Dated age Age Character 100 M
    Dated geologic block unit and code Geobody_Code Character 30 M
    Dating organization Unit Character 50 M
    Dating date Date Character 8 YYYYMMDD
    Subtype ID Subtype Integer 4 O
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    Table 9.  Data table of attitude feature map sheet

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage length Display length Constraint Default value/
    Initial value
    Value range Description
    Feature ID *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of _ATTITUDE.wt
    Source code Source_Id Character 30 O
    Attitude type code *Feature_Type Character 30 M
    Attitude type name Attitude_Name Character 40 M
    Strike Strike Integer 3 M
    Dip direction Dip_Direction Integer 3 M
    Dip angle Dip_Angle Integer 2 M
    Subtype ID Subtype Integer 4 O
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    Table 10.  Data table of important borehole map layer

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage length Display length Constraint Default value/
    Initial value
    Value range Description
    Feature ID *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of (_Drillhole)
    Original code Source_Id Character 30 O
    Borehole code Zk_Code Character 30 M
    Borehole depth Zk_Depth Float 10.2 M
    Borehole depth in bedrock or target stratum Rock_Depth Float 10.2 M
    Lithology of bedrock or target stratum Rock_Type Character 200 O
    Era of bedrock or target stratum Base_Bed_Era Character 50 O
    Era of loose sediment layer Loose_Lay_Era Character 30 O
    Thickness of loose sediments Loose_Lay_Thickness Float 10.2 O
    Lithology of loose sediments Loose_Lay_Lithology Character 255 O
    Subtype ID Subtype Integer 4 O
    Primary key name: Feature_Id;
    Index key name: Zk_Code
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    Table 11.  Data table of mineral deposit map layer

    Data item Standard code Data type Storage length Display length Constraint Default value/
    Initial value
    Value range Description
    Feature ID *Feature_Id Character 20 NOTNULL Referring to the attributes of _MINERAL_PNT.WT
    Source code Source_Id Character 30 O
    Mineral type code *Feature_Type Character 50 M
    Mineral type name Commodities_Name Character 60 M
    Paragenetic ore Paragenic_Ore Character 100 M
    Associated ore Associated_Ore Character 80 M
    Mineral deposit number Ore_Sums Integer 3 O
    Ore grade Ore_Grade Character 100 M
    Deposit scale Deposite_Size Character 100 M
    Metallogenetic epoch Metallogenetic_Epoch Character 30 M
    Name of mineral deposit Placename Character 60 M
    Mineralization type Genesis_Types Character 200 O
    Genesis type Industrial_Types Character 200 O
    Subtype ID 1 SUBTYPE Integer 4 O
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收稿日期:  2020-05-06
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