Primary Dataset of 1∶50 000 Stream Sediment Survey of Hunjiang City Map-sheet, Jilin Province
吉林省浑江市幅1∶50 000水系沉积物测量共采集1961件水系沉积物样品, 采样粒级为–10目~+80目, 平均采样密度为5.1个/km2。采用发射光谱法(AES)、泡沫塑料吸附石墨炉原子吸收分光光谱法(GFAAS)、原子荧光法(AFS)及等离子体质谱法(ICP–MS)分析了Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Sb、Bi、Hg、W、Sn、Mo、Cd、Co、Cr、Ni 等16种元素, 形成吉林省1∶50 000浑江市幅水系沉积物测量原始数据集。数据集包含有1961件样品以及其16元素的原始数据表1个(Excel), MapGIS格式图集1套(含有1张矿产地质图、1张采样点位图、16张单元素地球化学图、16张单元素异常图)。通过本数据集新发现单元素地球化学异常403处, 综合异常24处, 结合地质、物探、化探、遥感及已有成矿线索圈定金矿找矿靶区3处、铜及多金属找矿靶区2处。本文数据集为该区域提供了一套基础性的数据资源, 为基础地质及其他领域应用提供基础地球化学依据。
Abstract:During the 1∶50 000 stream sediment survey of Hunjiang City map-sheet, Jilin Province, a total of 1961 samples of stream sediments were collected, with the sample grain size ranging from –10 meshes to +80 meshes and average sampling density of 5.1 samples per km2. Sixteen elements, namely Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Bi, Hg, W, Sn, Mo, Cd, Co, Cr and Ni, were analyzed using the techniques of atomic emission spectrometry (AES), adsorption of foam plastic by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS), atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS), and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), forming the primary dataset of 1∶50 000 stream sediment survey of Hunjiang City map-sheet, Jilin Province (also referred to as the Dataset). The Dataset consists of one primary data table in Excel and a set of atlas in MapGIS format. The former is comprised of the primary analysis data of 16 elements for 1961 samples, and the later includes one mineral geological map, one sampling point bitmap, 16 single-element geochemical maps, and 16 single-element anomaly maps. On the basis of the Dataset, 403 single-element geochemical anomalies and 24 integrated anomalies were newly discovered. Meanwhile, three prospecting target areas of gold deposits and two of copper and polymetallic deposits were delineated based on the geological survey, geophysical and geochemical exploration, remote sensing data and existing metallogenic clues. The Dataset provides fundamental data for the map-sheet area and serves as a geochemical basis for geological research and applications in other fields.
Key words:
- geochemical data /
- stream sediment survey /
- dataset /
- mineral survey engineering /
- Hunjiang City /
- Jilin Province
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 吉林省浑江市幅1∶50 000水系沉积物测量原始数据集 数据库(集)作者 吴玉诗, 吉林省第四地质调查所
王海建, 吉林省第四地质调查所
车海龙, 吉林省第四地质调查所
赵虹旭, 吉林省第四地质调查所
马录录, 吉林省第四地质调查所数据时间范围 2018.05—2018.12 地理区域 吉林省1∶50 000浑江市幅, 位于吉林省东南部, 吉林省白山市板石沟地区铁及金矿整装勘查区中部, 面积384 km2。地理坐标: E126°15′00″~126°30′00″; N41°50′00″~42°00′00″ 数据格式 *.xlsx, *.wt, *.wl, *.wp 数据量 75.7 MB 数据服务系统网址 基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“整装勘查区找矿预测与技术应用示范(121201004000172201)”子项目“吉林省白山市板石沟地区铁及金矿整装勘查区矿产调查与找矿预测(121201004000172201–06)” 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 本数据集包括1个Excel数据表, 为1961件样品×16种元素的原始分析数据; 1个MapGIS图集, 内含有1张矿产地质图、1张采样点位图、16张单元素地球化学图、16张单元素异常图 表 2 分析方法及配套方案
分析方法 检验元素 测试精度 发射光谱法(AES) Ag ≥0.01 nm 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法(GFAA) Au ≥0.002 nm 原子荧光法(AFS) As、Hg ≥0.3 nm 等离子质谱法(ICP–MS) Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Mo、Cd、Sn、 Sb、W、Pb、Bi 0.01~10 μg/L 表 3 分析要求检出限与方法检出限对比表
序号 元素 方法检出限 要求检出限 单位 分析方法 1 Cr 铬 10 15 μg/g ICP–MS 2 Co 钴 0.5 1 μg/g ICP–MS 3 Ni 镍 2 3 μg/g ICP–MS 4 Cu 铜 1 1.5 μg/g ICP–MS 5 Zn 锌 5 15 μg/g ICP–MS 6 Mo 钼 0.2 0.5 μg/g ICP–MS 7 Cd 镉 0.1 0.1 μg/g ICP–MS 8 Sn 锡 0.5 1 μg/g ICP–MS 9 Sb 锑 0.03 0.2 μg/g ICP–MS 10 W 钨 0.2 0.5 μg/g ICP–MS 11 Pb 铅 2 5 μg/g ICP–MS 12 Bi 铋 0.1 0.1 μg/g ICP–MS 13 As 砷 0.5 1 μg/g AFS 14 Hg 汞 0.005 0.0005 μg/g AFS 15 Ag 银 0.02 0.03 μg/g AES 16 Au 金 0.0003 0.0003 μg/g GFAAS 表 4 浑江市幅元素地球化学分析数据表
序号 字符名称 数据类型 实例 序号 字符名称 数据类型 实例 1 分析批号 字符型 2018化302 11 Bi 浮点型 0.25 3 矿样号 字符型 HJS001C1 12 Hg 浮点型 0.034 4 Au 浮点型 1.00 13 W 浮点型 1.41 5 Ag 浮点型 70.80 14 Sn 浮点型 2.30 6 Cu 浮点型 16.40 15 Mo 浮点型 0.84 7 Pb 浮点型 19.40 16 Cd 浮点型 0.09 8 Zn 浮点型 88.10 17 Co 浮点型 14.60 9 As 浮点型 6.44 18 Cr 浮点型 71.20 10 Sb 浮点型 0.57 19 Ni 浮点型 27.00 注: 元素含量单位: Au、Hg为ng/g, 其他元素为μg/g。 表 5 浑江市幅元素地球化学图点元数据特征与类型
序号 字符名称 数据类型 实例 1 ID 长整型 1 2 异常编号 字符串 Ag–1 3 位置 字符串 (292208.88, 4653922.84) 4 异常点数 长整型 3 5 异常下限 双精度型 1 6 异常面积 双精度型 0.558407 7 异常面积序数 长整型 7 8 平均值 双精度型 1.143667 9 平均值序数 长整型 12 10 极大值 双精度型 1.231 11 极大值序数 长整型 12 12 衬度 双精度型 1.143667 13 衬度序数 长整型 12 14 AD 双精度型 0.638632 15 AD序数 长整型 8 16 AP 双精度型 0.080224 17 AP序数 长整型 11 18 NAD 双精度型 0.638632 19 NAD序数 长整型 8 20 NAP 双精度型 0.080224 21 NAP序数 长整型 8 22 分带数 长整型 1 表 6 浑江市幅元素地球化学图线元数据特征与类型
序号 字符名称 数据类型 实例 1 ID 长整型 1 2 长度 双精度型 80.55664 3 高度 双精度型 1 4 元素编号 字符串 Ag–1 5 bh 字符串 Ag–1 6 UserID 长整型 –1 7 MAPCODE 字符串 K52E013002 8 CHFCAC 字符串 1 9 YSYCZ 浮点型 0.12 10 YSYCLX 字符串 0 11 YCTZ 字符串 0 12 YCDZ 浮点型 0.15 13 HLZ 浮点型 0.08 表 7 浑江市幅元素地球化学图面元数据特征与类型
序号 字符名称 数据类型 实例 1 ID 长整型 16 2 面积 双精度型 433.29 3 周长 双精度型 271.77 4 MAPCODE 字符串 K52E013002 5 Start_vaiue 双精度型 1 6 end_vaiue 双精度型 2 表 8 分析方法的检出限及分析元素报出率
序号 被检测元素 分析方法的检出限 规范要求的检出限 报出率/% 分析方法 1 Au 0.0003 0.0003 100 GFAAS 2 Ag 0.02 0.03 100 AES 3 Cu 1.0 1.5 100 ICP–MS 4 Pb 2 5 100 ICP–MS 5 Zn 5 15 100 ICP–MS 6 As 0.5 1 100 AFS 7 Sb 0.03 0.2 100 ICP–MS 8 Bi 0.1 0.1 100 ICP–MS 9 Hg 0.005 0.0005 100 AFS 10 W 0.2 0.5 100 ICP–MS 11 Sn 0.5 1 100 ICP–MS 12 Mo 0.2 0.5 100 ICP–MS 13 Cd 0.1 0.1 100 ICP–MS 14 Co 0.5 1 100 ICP–MS 15 Cr 10 15 100 ICP–MS 16 Ni 2 3 100 ICP–MS 注:等离子体质谱法(ICP–MS)、原子荧光法AFS、泡沫塑料吸附石墨炉原子吸收法(GFAAS) 表 9 主要成矿元素综合异常特征一览表④
类别浑浑18HS–1 Cd–As–Hg–Au–Bi 7.28 Cd(3.67) 乙3 浑浑18HS–2 Au–Cr–Hg–As–Cd–Cu–Ni 34.20 Au(22.81) Cr(4.12) 甲1 浑浑18HS–3 Au–Cr–Hg 13.1 Au(7.85) Cr(4.77) 乙3 浑浑18HS–4 As–Hg–Sb–Cr–Mo–W–Ni–Ag–
Co–Sn–Cu47.76 Sb(10.69) Cr(5.35) Mo(3.52) W(1.48) Ni(1.41) Ag(1.12) Co(1.03) 乙2 浑浑18HS–5 Cr–Au–Cu–Ni–Sb–Mo–W 33.32 Cr(13.69) Au(6.75) Cu(4.41) Ni(3.55) Sb(2.57) Mo(1.64) 乙2 浑浑18HS–6 Hg–Sb–Au–W–Mo–Cd–As–Pb 36.77 Sb(9.45) Au(5.38) W(2.24) Mo(1.96) Cd(1.50) 乙2 浑浑18HS–7 Cr–Mo–Cu–Ni–As–Sb 8.04 Cr(2.65) Mo(2.23) Cu(2.13) Ni(1.49) 乙3 浑浑18HS–8 Au–Sb–Cr–Hg–W–Cu–As–Mo 48.54 Au(19.96) Sb(11.73) Cr(7.34) W(2.38) 乙2 浑浑18HS–9 W–Cr–Au–Sb 7.68 W(2.69) Cr(2.60) Au(1.75) 乙3 浑浑18HS–10 Cr–As–Sb–Bi–Cu–Zn–Pb–Co–
Mo–Au–Ni–Sn–Cd41.59 Cr(12.4) Sb(4.11) Bi(3.24) Cu(2.33) Zn(2.23) Pb(1.75) Co(1.63) Mo(1.43) Au(1.36) 乙3 浑浑18HS–11 Sb–Mo–W–As–Hg–Cu–Ni 6.49 Sb(1.38) Mo(1.05) W(1.03) 乙3 浑浑18HS–12 Co–Cr–Mo–Cu–Pb–Sn–Au–Ni–Bi 22.74 Co(10.21) Cr(3.37) Mo(3.30) Cu(2.32) Pb(1.37) 乙3 浑浑18HS–13 Mo–Au–Cu–W–Cd–Sb–Cr–Hg 44.54 Mo(12.72) Au(7.39) Cu(6.98) W(5.75) Cd(3.92) Sb(3.42) Cr(3.21) 乙2 浑浑18HS–14 Cr–Sb–Mo–Ni–As–Cu–Co–Ag–Cd 23.19 Cr(8.35) Sb(5.19) Mo(2.70) Ni(2.26) 乙3 浑浑18HS–15 Au–Cr–Ag–Cu–Cd–Pb–Bi–Sb–Zn–As–W–Co 26.89 Au(7.23) Cr(4.17) Ag(3.57) Cu(2.80) Cd(2.60) Pb(2.01) Bi(1.21) Sb(1.10) 乙2 浑浑18HS–16 Au–Ag–Cu–Cr–Cd–Bi–Zn–Pb–Mo–As–Sb–W 90.87 Au(41.68) Ag(9.37) Cu(6.68) Cr(6.20) Cd(6.05) Bi(4.54) Zn(4.53) Pb(4.46) Mo(3.03) Sb(1.17) W(1.00) 甲1 浑浑18HS–17 Au–Ag–Cu–Mo–Sb–Hg–As–Cr–Pb–W–Cd–Ni–Sn 80.04 Au(41.68) Ag(6.87) Cu(5.57) Mo(5.40) Sb(5.30) Cr(3.41) Pb(2.01) W(1.42) 甲1 浑浑18HS–18 Sb–As–Au–Cd–W–Co–Cu 12.04 Sb(3.37) Au(2.20) Cd(1.61) W(1.14) 乙3 浑浑18HS–19 Cr–Au–Cu–Sn–Hg–Bi 13.59 Cr(5.70) Au(2.99) Cu(2.88) Sn(1.08) 乙3 浑浑18HS–20 As–Sb–Co–Cr–Au–Ag–Cu–Pb–
Cd–Ni–Zn–Hg–Sn–W55.60 Sb(7.41) Co(6.81) Cr(5.79) Au(5.60) Ag(4.32) Cu(3.76) Pb(3.41) Cd(2.84) Ni(2.59) Zn(2.20) 乙2 浑浑18HS–21 Cr–Cu–Ag–Co–Ni–Hg–Pb–Sn–Bi 24.87 Cr(6.95) Cu(4.66) Ag(3.47) Co(3.41) Ni(2.66) 乙3 浑浑18HS–22 W–Hg–Cr–Mo–Au–Bi–As–Sn–
Zn–Cu–Pb13.71 W(3.28) Cr(2.13) Mo(1.27) 乙3 浑浑18HS–23 Pb–As–Cd–Hg–Mo–Cu–Ni 8.75 Pb(2.18) Cd(1.90) 乙3 浑浑18HS–24 Hg–Sb–Cr–Cd–Cu–Pb–Bi–W–
Ni–Co25.83 Sb(5.32) Cr(4.05) Cd(3.77) Cu(1.75) Pb(1.20) 乙3 Table 1. Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Item Description Database (dataset) name Primary Dataset of 1∶50 000 Stream Sediment Survey of Hunjiang City Map-sheet, Jilin Province Database (dataset) authors Wu Yushi, The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin Province
Wang Haijian, The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin Province
Che Hailong, The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin Province
Zhao Hongxu, The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin Province
Ma Lulu, The Fourth Geological Survey of Jilin ProvinceData acquisition time From May 2018 to December 2018 Geographical area 1∶50 000 Hunjiang City map-sheet, Jilin Province lies in the southeastern part of Jilin Province and in the middle part of the integrated exploration area of iron and gold deposits in Banshigou, Baishan City, Jilin Province, covering an area of 384 km2;Coordinates: 126°15′00″−126°30′00″E; 41°50′00″−42°00′00″N Data formats *.xlsx, *.wt, *.wl, *.wp Data size 75.7 MB Data service system URL Fund project The project titled Mineral Survey and Prospecting Predication of Integrated Exploration Area of Iron and Gold Deposits in Banshigou, Baishan City, Jilin Province (No.: 121201004000172201–06), which is a subject of the geological survey project titled Prospecting Predication and Technical Application Demonstration of Integrated Exploration Areas (No.: 121201004000172201) initiated by the China Geological Survey Language Chinese Database (dataset) composition The Dataset consists of one data table in Excel and a set of atlas in MapGIS format. The former is composed of the primary analysis data of 16 elements for 1961 samples, and the later includes one mineral geological map, one sampling point bitmap, 16 single-element geochemical maps and 16 single-element anomaly maps Table 2. Analysis methods and scheme
Analysis method Elements tested Testing accuracy Atomic emission spectrometry (AES) Ag ≥ 0.01 nm Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) Au ≥ 0.002 nm Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS) As, Hg ≥ 0.3 nm Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo,
Cd, Sn, Sb, W, Pb, Bi0.01−10 μg/L Table 3. Comparison between required detection limits of analysis and method detection limits
No. Elements Method detection limit Required detection limit Unit Analysis method 1 Cr 10 15 ×10–6 ICP–MS 2 Co 0.5 1 ×10–6 ICP–MS 3 Ni 2 3 ×10–6 ICP–MS 4 Cu 1 1.5 ×10–6 ICP–MS 5 Zn 5 15 ×10–6 ICP–MS 6 Mo 0.2 0.5 ×10–6 ICP–MS 7 Cd 0.1 0.1 ×10–6 ICP–MS 8 Sn 0.5 1 ×10–6 ICP–MS 9 Sb 0.03 0.2 ×10–6 ICP–MS 10 W 0.2 0.5 ×10–6 ICP–MS 11 Pb 2 5 ×10–6 ICP–MS 12 Bi 0.1 0.1 ×10–6 ICP–MS 13 As 0.5 1 ×10–6 AFS 14 Hg 0.005 0.0005 ×10–6 AFS 15 Ag 0.02 0.03 ×10–6 AES 16 Au 0.0003 0.0003 ×10–6 GFAAS Table 4. Geochemical analysis data table of elements of Hunjiang City Map-sheet
Serial number Field
typeExample Serial number Field
typeExample 1 Analysis batch no. character 2018 Hua 302 11 Bi floating point 0.25 3 Mineral sample no. character HJS001C1 12 Hg floating point 0.034 4 Au floating point 1.00 13 W floating point 1.41 5 Ag floating point 70.80 14 Sn floating point 2.30 6 Cu floating point 16.40 15 Mo floating point 0.84 7 Pb floating point 19.40 16 Cd floating point 0.09 8 Zn floating point 88.10 17 Co floating point 14.60 9 As floating point 6.44 18 Cr floating point 71.20 10 Sb floating point 0.57 19 Ni floating point 27.00 Notes: the content unit of Au and Hg is ×10–9, and that of other elements is ×10–6. Table 5. Metadata features and types of points in element geochemical maps of Hunjiang City Map-sheet
No. Field name Data types Example 1 ID long integer 1 2 Anomaly no. character Ag–1 3 Location character (292208.88, 4653922.84) 4 Anomaly point number long integer 3 5 Threshold of anomaly double precision 1 6 Anomaly area double precision 0.558407 7 Ordinal of anomaly area long integer 7 8 Mean double precision 1.143667 9 Ordinal of mean long integer 12 10 Maximum double precision 1.231 11 Ordinal of maximum long integer 12 12 Contrast double precision 1.143667 13 Ordinal of contrast long integer 12 14 AD 0.638632 15 Ordinal of AD long integer 8 16 AP double precision 0.080224 17 Ordinal of AP long integer 11 18 NAD double precision 0.638632 19 Ordinal of NAD long integer 8 20 NAP double precision 0.080224 21 Ordinal of NAP long integer 8 22 Number of belts long integer 1 Table 6. Metadata features and types of lines in element geochemical maps of Hunjiang City Map-sheet
Serial number Field name Data type Example 1 ID long integer 1 2 Length double precision 80.55664 3 Height double precision 1 4 Element no. character Ag–1 5 bh character Ag–1 6 UserID long integer –1 7 MAPCODE character K52E013002 8 CHFCAC character 1 9 YSYCZ floating point 0.12 10 YSYCLX character 0 11 YCTZ character 0 12 YCDZ floating point 0.15 13 HLZ floating point 0.08 Table 7. Metadata features and types of polygons in element geochemical maps of Hunjiang City Map-sheet
Serial number Field name Data type Example 1 ID long integer 16 2 Area double precision 433.29 3 Perimeter double precision 271.77 4 MAPCODE character K52E013002 5 Start_value double precision 1 6 end_value double precision 2 Table 8. Detection limits and reported rates of analysis methods
detectedDetection limit of analysis method Detection limit required in
the SpecificationReported
method1 Au 0.0003 0.0003 100 GFAAS 2 Ag 0.02 0.03 100 AES 3 Cu 1.0 1.5 100 ICP-MS 4 Pb 2 5 100 ICP-MS 5 Zn 5 15 100 ICP-MS 6 As 0.5 1 100 AFS 7 Sb 0.03 0.2 100 ICP-MS 8 Bi 0.1 0.1 100 ICP-MS 9 Hg 0.005 0.0005 100 AFS 10 W 0.2 0.5 100 ICP-MS 11 Sn 0.5 1 100 ICP-MS 12 Mo 0.2 0.5 100 ICP-MS 13 Cd 0.1 0.1 100 ICP-MS 14 Co 0.5 1 100 ICP-MS 15 Cr 10 15 100 ICP-MS 16 Ni 2 3 100 ICP-MS Notes: inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS) and adsorption of foam plastic by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) Table 9. Features of integrated anomalies of major metallogenic elementsD
Anomaly no. Element association (descending order by scale) Scale
(NAP)Major and associated metallogenic elements (scale) Anomaly class Hunhun18HS–1 Cd–As–Hg–Au–Bi 7.28 Cd(3.67) B3 Hunhun18HS–2 Au–Cr–Hg–As–Cd–Cu–Ni 34.20 Au(22.81) Cr(4.12) A1 Hunhun18HS–3 Au–Cr–Hg 13.1 Au(7.85) Cr(4.77) B3 Hunhun18HS–4 As–Hg–Sb–Cr–Mo–W–Ni–Ag–Co–Sn–Cu 47.76 Sb(10.69) Cr(5.35) Mo(3.52) W(1.48) Ni(1.41) Ag(1.12) Co(1.03) B2 Hunhun18HS–5 Cr–Au–Cu–Ni–Sb–Mo–W 33.32 Cr(13.69) Au(6.75) Cu(4.41) Ni(3.55) Sb(2.57) Mo(1.64) B2 Hunhun18HS–6 Hg–Sb–Au–W–Mo–Cd–As–Pb 36.77 Sb(9.45) Au(5.38) W(2.24) Mo(1.96) Cd(1.50) B2 Hunhun18HS–7 Cr–Mo–Cu–Ni–As–Sb 8.04 Cr(2.65) Mo(2.23) Cu(2.13) Ni(1.49) B3 Hunhun18HS–8 Au–Sb–Cr–Hg–W–Cu–As–Mo 48.54 Au(19.96) Sb(11.73) Cr(7.34)W(2.38) B2 Hunhun18HS–9 W–Cr–Au–Sb 7.68 W(2.69) Cr(2.60) Au(1.75) B3 Hunhun18HS–10 Cr–As–Sb–Bi–Cu–Zn–Pb–
Co–Mo–Au–Ni–Sn–Cd41.59 Cr(12.4) Sb(4.11) Bi(3.24) Cu(2.33)Zn(2.23) Pb(1.75) Co(1.63) Mo(1.43) Au(1.36) B3 Hunhun18HS–11 Sb–Mo–W–As–Hg–Cu–Ni 6.49 Sb(1.38) Mo(1.05) W(1.03) B3 Hunhun18HS–12 Co–Cr–Mo–Cu–Pb–Sn–Au–Ni–Bi 22.74 Co(10.21) Cr(3.37) Mo(3.30)Cu(2.32) Pb(1.37) B3 Hunhun18HS–13 Mo–Au–Cu–W–Cd–Sb–Cr–Hg 44.54 Mo(12.72) Au(7.39) Cu(6.98) W(5.75) Cd(3.92) Sb(3.42) Cr(3.21) B2 Hunhun18HS–14 Cr–Sb–Mo–Ni–As–Cu–Co–Ag–Cd 23.19 Cr(8.35) Sb(5.19) Mo(2.70) Ni(2.26) B3 Hunhun18HS–15 Au–Cr–Ag–Cu–Cd–Pb–Bi–Sb–Zn–As–W–Co 26.89 Au(7.23) Cr(4.17) Ag(3.57) Cu(2.80) Cd(2.60) Pb(2.01) Bi(1.21) Sb(1.10) B2 Hunhun18HS–16 Au–Ag–Cu–Cr–Cd–Bi–Zn–Pb–Mo–As–Sb–W 90.87 Au(41.68) Ag(9.37) Cu(6.68) Cr(6.20) Cd(6.05) Bi(4.54) Zn(4.53) Pb(4.46) Mo(3.03) Sb(1.17) W(1.00) A1 Hunhun18HS–17 Au–Ag–Cu–Mo–Sb–Hg–
As–Cr–Pb–W–Cd–Ni–Sn80.04 Au(41.68) Ag(6.87) Cu(5.57) Mo(5.40) Sb(5.30) Cr(3.41) Pb(2.01) W(1.42) A1 Hunhun18HS–18 Sb–As–Au–Cd–W–Co–Cu 12.04 Sb(3.37) Au(2.20) Cd(1.61) W(1.14) B3 Hunhun18HS–19 Cr–Au–Cu–Sn–Hg–Bi 13.59 Cr(5.70) Au(2.99) Cu(2.88) Sn(1.08) B3 Hunhun18HS–20 As–Sb–Co–Cr–Au–Ag–Cu–Pb–Cd–Ni–Zn–Hg–Sn–W 55.60 Sb(7.41) Co(6.81) Cr(5.79) Au(5.60) Ag(4.32) Cu(3.76) Pb(3.41) Cd(2.84) Ni(2.59) Zn(2.20) B2 Hunhun18HS–21 Cr–Cu–Ag–Co–Ni–Hg–Pb–Sn–Bi 24.87 Cr(6.95) Cu(4.66) Ag(3.47) Co(3.41) Ni(2.66) B3 Hunhun18HS–22 W–Hg–Cr–Mo–Au–Bi–As–Sn–Zn–Cu–Pb 13.71 W(3.28) Cr(2.13) Mo(1.27) B3 Hunhun18HS–23 Pb–As–Cd–Hg–Mo–Cu–Ni 8.75 Pb(2.18) Cd(1.90) B3 Hunhun18HS–24 Hg–Sb–Cr–Cd–Cu–Pb–Bi–W–Ni–Co 25.83 Sb(5.32) Cr(4.05) Cd(3.77) Cu(1.75) Pb(1.20) B3 -
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