中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办


王珍珍, 李进孝, 张珂, 马家亮, 张绍韡, BlokhinMaksim G, 张飘飘, 蔺敬妍, 孙明晓, 申伟刚, 赵存良. 2021. 山西沁水煤田首阳山矿15#煤的稀土元素分布规律、赋存状态及其对成煤环境的指示[J]. 中国地质, 48(3): 777-784. doi: 10.12029/gc20210308
引用本文: 王珍珍, 李进孝, 张珂, 马家亮, 张绍韡, BlokhinMaksim G, 张飘飘, 蔺敬妍, 孙明晓, 申伟刚, 赵存良. 2021. 山西沁水煤田首阳山矿15#煤的稀土元素分布规律、赋存状态及其对成煤环境的指示[J]. 中国地质, 48(3): 777-784. doi: 10.12029/gc20210308
WANG Zhenzhen, LI Jinxiao, ZHANG Ke, MA Jialiang, ZHANG Shaowei, Blokhin MaksimG, ZHANG Piaopiao, LIN Jingyan, SUN Mingxiao, SHEN Weigang, ZHAO Cunliang. 2021. Distribution and occurrence of rare earth elements in No.15 coal in Shouyangshan Mine, Qinshui Coalfield, Shanxi Province and its indication to the coal-forming environment[J]. Geology in China, 48(3): 777-784. doi: 10.12029/gc20210308
Citation: WANG Zhenzhen, LI Jinxiao, ZHANG Ke, MA Jialiang, ZHANG Shaowei, Blokhin MaksimG, ZHANG Piaopiao, LIN Jingyan, SUN Mingxiao, SHEN Weigang, ZHAO Cunliang. 2021. Distribution and occurrence of rare earth elements in No.15 coal in Shouyangshan Mine, Qinshui Coalfield, Shanxi Province and its indication to the coal-forming environment[J]. Geology in China, 48(3): 777-784. doi: 10.12029/gc20210308


  • 基金项目:
    作者简介: 王珍珍, 女, 1995年生, 硕士生, 主要从事煤中锂同位素研究; E-mail:
    通讯作者: 赵存良, 男, 1982年生, 教授, 研究生导师, 主要从事煤地球化学的研究; E-mail:
  • 中图分类号: P618.11

Distribution and occurrence of rare earth elements in No.15 coal in Shouyangshan Mine, Qinshui Coalfield, Shanxi Province and its indication to the coal-forming environment

  • Fund Project: Funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (No.D2016402104) and Science and Technology Research Project of Higher Education of Hebei Province (No.BJ2017022)
More Information
    Author Bio: WANG Zhenzhen, female, born in 1995, master candidate, engaged in lithium isotope in coal; E-mail: .
    Corresponding author: ZHAO Cunliang, male, born in 1982, professor, engaged in research of coal geochemistry; Email:
  • 文章以沁水煤田长治首阳山矿15号煤为研究对象,运用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)和X射线荧光光谱(XRF)等方法对煤中的稀土元素进行测试和分析。探讨了15号煤中稀土元素的富集机理、配分模式、赋存状态以及成煤环境等地球化学特征。结果表明:(1)研究区煤层中的稀土元素含量均值为49.28 μg/g,整体含量较低;(2)15#煤(除SYS15-2外)和夹矸中稀土元素均为轻稀土富集型(LREY),并且夹矸中轻稀土富集更加明显;(3)稀土元素主要赋存在黏土矿物中;(4)成煤环境整体上以弱还原环境为主,稀土元素物质来源主要为陆源碎屑。

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  • 图 1  沁水煤田地质构造图和研究区域煤层柱状图

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  煤样(a)和夹矸(b)稀土元素配分模式曲线图

    Figure 2. 

    图 3  稀土元素与SiO2、Al2O3的相关性

    Figure 3. 

    表 1  长治首阳山15#煤中的稀土元素含量(μg/g)

    Table 1.  Content of rare earth elements of No. 15 Coal in Shouyangshan Mine, Changzhi (μg/g)

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    表 2  长治首阳山15#煤稀土元素的地球化学参数

    Table 2.  Geochemical parameters of rare earth elements of No.15 coal in Shouyangshan Mine

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    表 3  长治首阳山15#煤中SiO2、Al2O3和灰分含量(全煤基,%)

    Table 3.  Contents of SiO2, Al2O3 and ash in No. 15 coal of Shouyang mine, Changzhi (whole basis, %)

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收稿日期:  2020-02-23
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刊出日期:  2021-06-25
