Rapid and accurate positioning concealed fault using geophysical and geochemical techniques in cities and surrounding areas——A case study of Lingui District, Guilin City, Guangxi
研究目的 城市及其周边地区隐伏断层构造的探测对城市建设和经济发展具有重要影响而引起人们重点关注,根据城市的地质背景及人文条件要求,采用适宜的方法是对隐伏断层能否快速精确定位的关键,同时探测方法须具有经济快速、绿色环保及强抗干扰能力等特点。
研究方法 以广西桂林市临桂区为例,为快速精确定位被第四系覆盖的隐伏断层F1,依据该区的地质背景和地表景观特点,采用了可控源音频大地电磁测深法(CSAMT)、土壤汞气测量、氡气测量等物化探综合方法。
研究结果 经试验发现低电阻率异常与土壤汞气、氡气高值异常高度吻合,推测多方法异常重合的部位为隐伏断层的位置,而经钻探查证,揭露到了隐伏断层构造及丰富的地下水,为该区寻找与开发深部地下热水提供了依据。
结论 显然CSAMT、土壤汞气测量和氡气测量是实现桂林市及周边地区隐伏断层快速精确定位的技术组合,也为其他地区隐伏断层的探测工作提供了参考。
Abstract:This paper is the result of hydrogeological survey engineering.
Objective The detection of concealed fault structure in the city and its surrounding areas has an important impact on urban construction and economic development, which has attracted people's attention. According to the geological background and human conditions of the city, the key to the rapid and accurate location of concealed fault is to adopt appropriate methods, which must have the characteristics of rapid economy, green environmental protection and strong anti-interference ability.
Methods Taking Lingui District of Guilin city as an example, in order to quickly and accurately locate the concealed fault F1 covered by the quaternary system, according to the geological background and the characteristics of the surface landscape of the District, a comprehensive geophysical and geochemical exploration method, such as CSAMT, soil mercury gas measurement, radon gas measurement, is adopted.
Results It is found that the low resistivity anomaly is highly consistent with the high value anomaly of soil mercury gas and radon gas, It is speculated that the location of the multi method abnormal coincidence is the location of the concealed fault, and through drilling verification, the concealed fault structure and rich groundwater are exposed, which provides a basis for the search and development of deep geothermal water in this area.
Conclusions It is obvious that CSAMT, soil mercury gas measurement and radon gas measurement are the technical combination to realize the rapid and accurate location of concealed faults in Guilin and its surrounding areas, and also provide reference for the detection of concealed faults in other areas.
表 1 物性参数统计
Table 1. Statistical table of physical parameters
表 2 11线、13线汞与氡气含量测试结果
Table 2. Test results of mercury and radon in lines 11 and 13
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