Status and progress of treatment technologies for arsenic-bearing groundwater
摘要: 【研究目的】 全世界有70多个国家的上亿人口面临高砷地下水的威胁,长期饮用高砷地下水会导致慢性砷中毒,诱发癌症,严重危害身体健康。地下水中砷的浓度分布和变化是受到沉积环境、气象水文、矿物环境、人类活动影响等多种因素共同作用的结果,因此需要从砷的不同理化性质特征进行着手,选择适当且有针对性的治理技术。【研究方法】 基于现阶段含砷地下水的污染现状,综合考虑去除量、处理成本、修复速率、可逆性等多种因素,分析含砷地下水的治理现状与进展。【研究结果】 本文全面地介绍含砷地下水治理技术,涵盖了化学氧化、混凝沉淀、吸附、离子交换、膜技术和生物修复等修复方式的研究成果,展现了不同类型处理方式对地下水中砷的去除效果,总结各技术发挥除砷效果的内在机理及最新优化措施,并对含砷地下水治理技术的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为含砷地下水的综合整治提供有意义的参考。【结论】 目前的砷污染水处理技术存在诸多缺陷,产生的废物或污泥可能成为二次污染的潜在来源。因此,为了更好地保护环境免受As的影响,需要新的混合技术以及对 As 负载废物/污泥的安全处置方法。缺乏饮用水安全意识和偏远地区的适用性也给砷的治理带来了挑战,因此需要一种价格合理、易于构建、在社区或家庭层面运行的技术来解决这个问题。Abstract: This paper is the result of groundwater geological survey engineering.
[Objective] There are hundreds of millions of people in more than 70 countries in the world facing the threat of high arsenic groundwater. Long-term drinking high-arsenic groundwater will lead to chronic arsenic poisoning, cancer, and seriously endanger health. The distribution of arsenic concentration in groundwater is the result of multiple factors including sedimentary environment, meteorological hydrology, mineral environment, and human activities. Therefore, it is necessary to start from the different physical and chemical properties of arsenic and select appropriate and targeted treatment technologies. [Methods] Based on the current pollution status of arsenic-bearing groundwater, the current situation and progress of arsenic-bearing groundwater treatment were analyzed by comprehensively considering various factors such as removal amount, treatment cost, remediation rate, and reversibility. [Results] This study comprehensively introduces the arsenic-bearing groundwater treatment technology, covering the research results of chemical oxidation, coagulation- sedimentation, adsorption, ion exchange, membrane technology and bioremediation, and shows the removal effect of different types of treatment methods on high- arsenic groundwater. In order to provide a meaningful reference for the comprehensive treatment of arsenic-bearing groundwater, the internal mechanism and the latest optimization measures for the technology are summarized, and the development trend of the arsenic- bearing groundwater treatment technology is prospected. [Conclusions] The current arsenic-bearing water treatment technology has many defects, and the generated waste or sludge may become a potential source of secondary pollution. Therefore, to better protect our environment from As, new mixing techniques and safe disposal methods for As- laden waste/sludge are required. The lack of awareness of drinking water safety and availability in remote areas also presents challenges for arsenic management, so an affordable, easy-tobuild technology that operates at the community or household level is needed to address the problem. -
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