Chemical field of geothermal water in Xiong'an New Area and analysis of influencing factors
研究目的 雄安新区地热水化学场特征及其影响因素对了解区域地热资源聚敛机制具有重要意义。
研究方法 在区内5个主要构造单元(容城凸起、牛驼镇凸起、霸县凹陷、保定凹陷和高阳低凸起)开展地热水水化学采样和测试分析工作。
研究结果 研究区内主要分布有砂岩热储和岩溶热储,水化学类型以Cl-Na型和Cl·HCO3-Na为主。从浅入深,地热水TDS值呈增大趋势。自西向东,地热水TDS含量表现为增大的趋势,指示着地下水流向。受断裂带导水作用影响,部分深部雾迷山组与馆陶组地热水发生混合现象。雾迷山组岩溶热储地热水的变质系数和脱硫系数低,热储封闭性较好,处于相对还原状态,而馆陶组和明化镇组砂岩热储地热水封闭性相对较差。
结论 区内地下水化学场主要受水岩相互作用程度、断裂、储层封闭性等因素影响。研究成果对于认识雄安新区地热资源、科学合理开发利用地热能,推进北方地区冬季清洁取暖具有重要意义。
Abstract:This paper is the result of geothermal geological survey engineering.
Objective The hydrochemical formation and evolution of the geothermal water in the Xiong'an New Area have great significant implications to understand the formation mechanism of geothermal resource.
Methods Geothermal water and cold groundwater in the Rongcheng uplift, Niutuozhen uplift, Baxian depression, Baoding depression, and Gaoyang low uplift were sampled for hydrochemical analyses.
Results There are two thermal reservoirs: Sandstone and karst thermal reservoirs. The main hydrochemical types were Cl·HCO3-Na and Cl-Na. The TDS values of geothermal water increased with well depths. Mixing of the geothermal water of the Wumishan Formation and the Guantao Formation was observed in the fault zone. The metamorphic coefficients and desulfurization coefficients of geothermal water in the Wumishan Formation were low, indicating a relatively closed thermal reservoir and reduced state, while the sealing of the reservoirs in the Guantao Formation and Minghuazhen Formation was relatively poor.
Conclusions The chemical field of geothermal water in the study area is controlled by the extent of water-rock interaction, faults, the sealing of the reservoirs, and so on. Our result is of great significance for understanding the geothermal resources in Xiong'an New Area and promoting clean heating in winter in northern China.
图 7 雄安新区地热水水化学成因模式示意图(修改自Cui et al., 2019)
Figure 7.
表 1 各单元水化学特征(平均值)
Table 1. Hydrochemical characteristics of each unit (average value)
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