Abstract:The Qinghai-Tibet-Yunnan-Burma-Indonesian η-type structure was gradually shaped from Middle Miocene when the earliest collision between the Australia plate and the Southeast Asia blocks began. This tectonic system has been formed since Early Pliocene with a unified deformation, motion and dynamical system. It belongs to a huge tectonic system with the serial vortex structures extending from southeastern Asia to Australia and the southwestern Pacific. Rediscovering of this tectonic system is because of that it is closely related to the tectonic geomorphic evolution of Tibet Plateau and the significant adjustment of the global ocean thermohaline current which caused to regional and even global climate change. To understand Professor J.S.Lee's scientific thought and his tectonic system theory needs to think and explore from a broader scope and the frontier of scientific development along the essence of his thought.
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Figure 1.
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Figure 2.
图 3 喜马拉雅东构造结的形成[9]
Figure 3.
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