Quantitative staging of alluvial fan geomorphic surfaces in arid areas based on SAR imagery: A case study of the Shule River alluvial fan in the western desert region of the Hexi Corridor
Abstract:The alluvial fans and river terraces formed by river processes effectively record past tectonic activities, climate changes, and geomorphic evolution processes. Accurately dividing the alluvial fan into stages is the basis for the subsequent research. Previous researchers used L-band SAR backscatter coefficient values as a substitute parameter for geomorphic roughness to achieve quantitative zoning of geomorphic surfaces. However, these studies did not consider the impact of different time data sources on the geomorphic surface results. This study selects the Shule River alluvial fan as the research object. It determines the optimal data source by analyzing the posterior statistical indicators of multi-temporal L-band SAR data and evaluating atmospheric conditions. The maximum likelihood classification method is used to complete the classification of backscatter intensity values and achieve quantitative staging of the geomorphic surface. The results indicate that the posterior statistical indicators of staging can be used as the standard for selecting the best temporal image data to obtain better staging results. L-band HH monopolarization data provides better staging results, demonstrating advantages in distinguishing landforms of different ages compared to C-band data. Moreover, L-band data is more accessible and holds potential for automated staging. SAR image quality and staging results are closely related to imaging atmospheric conditions but show minimal seasonal dependence. Therefore, the study recommends prioritizing images with low surface water content during imaging, such as in high-evaporation intensity summer seasons. The proposed method for analyzing remote sensing data quality and staging landforms can be applied to rapidly and quantitatively stage large-scale alluvial fans in arid regions, providing valuable information for studies on tectonics and climate.
图 2 洪积扇演化示意图(据Blair and McPherson,1994修改)
Figure 2.
表 1 选取的SAR影像数据信息
Table 1. Information of selected SAR images
影像名称 分辨率 极化方式 入射角 飞行方向 成像时间 轨道号 ALPSRP056830790 15 m HH/HV 38.692° 升轨 2007年7月5日 7696 ALPSRP083670790 38.705° 2007年8月20日 8367 ALPSRP090380790 38.705° 2007年10月5日 9038 ALPSRP123930790 38.689° 2008年5月22日 12393 ALPSRP130640790 38.691° 2008年7月7日 13064 ALPSRP137350790 38.669° 2008年8月22日 13735 ALPSRP144060790 38.672° 2008年10月7日 14406 ALPSRP184320790 38.685° 2009年7月10日 18432 ALPSRP191030790 38.705° 2009年8月25日 19103 ALPSRP191030790 38.692° 2009年10月10日 19774 表 2 不同时相各期地貌面后向散射系数分布方差
Table 2. Variance of numerical distribution of backscatter coefficients on different levels of landforms at different time periods
地貌面 2007−7−5 2007−8−20 2007−10−5 2008−5−22 2008−7−7 2008−8−22 2008−10−7 2009−7−10 2009−8−25 2009−10−10 AC 1.5245 1.2200 0.9606 0.9437 0.9969 1.1416 0.9937 1.2543 1.2041 0.8612 F1 0.7381 0.8257 0.8918 0.7449 0.7331 0.7746 0.8273 1.2045 0.8015 0.7470 F2 0.7405 0.7454 0.7653 0.6887 0.6971 0.7335 0.7472 0.7573 0.7222 0.7841 F3 0.7502 0.7334 0.8169 0.7905 0.7476 0.8111 0.8169 0.7008 0.7372 0.7205 F4 0.6851 0.7970 0.8042 0.6798 0.6812 0.7482 0.8146 0.6046 0.7129 0.7532 总和 2.9139 3.1015 3.2782 2.9039 2.8590 3.0674 3.206 3.2672 2.9738 3.0048 表 3 不同时相相邻地貌面后向散射系数分布重叠面积
Table 3. Overlapping area of numerical distribution of backscatter coefficients on adjacent geomorphic surfaces at different time periods
地貌面 2007−7−5 2007−8−20 2007−10−5 2008−5−22 2008−7−7 2008−8−22 2008−10−7 2009−7−10 2009−8−25 2009−10−10 F1-AC 0.6122 0.5584 0.3641 0.4786 0.2117 0.6216 0.2541 0.9063 0.5875 0.4119 F1-F2 0.2789 0.2174 0.1600 0.2628 0.2647 0.1395 0.1744 0.3071 0.1817 0.2702 F2-F3 0.2264 0.1948 0.1581 0.1638 0.2252 0.1877 0.1314 0.2316 0.3263 0.2319 F3-F4 0.1386 0.3730 0.5331 0.1388 0.1245 0.4245 0.4210 0.2282 0.2729 0.1576 总和 0.6439 0.7851 0.8512 0.5653 0.6144 0.7517 0.7268 0.7668 0.7809 0.6597 表 4 最大似然法获得的分类区间
Table 4. Classification interval obtained by maximum likelihood method
日期 左边界 F4−F3地貌面 F3−F2地貌面 F2−F1地貌面 F1−AC地貌面 右边界 2007−10−5 −24.9515 −23.0302 −21.3683 −19.2148 −17.1550 −15.5466 2008−7−7 −24.1847 −22.1909 −20.1365 −18.5141 −16.7880 −15.4257 -
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