
王梦琦, 毛景文, 叶会寿, 王赛, 范成龙, 李洪英, 毕珉烽. 山西中条山地区篦子沟、南河沟铜矿云母40Ar-39Ar同位素年龄及其对成矿构造背景的约束[J]. 地质通报, 2022, 41(5): 727-739. doi: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2022.05.002
引用本文: 王梦琦, 毛景文, 叶会寿, 王赛, 范成龙, 李洪英, 毕珉烽. 山西中条山地区篦子沟、南河沟铜矿云母40Ar-39Ar同位素年龄及其对成矿构造背景的约束[J]. 地质通报, 2022, 41(5): 727-739. doi: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2022.05.002
WANG Mengqi, MAO Jingwen, YE Huishou, WANG Sai, FAN Chenglong, LI Hongying, BI Minfeng. Mica 40Ar-39Ar isotopic chronology of Bizigou and Nanhegou copper deposit in Zhongtiao Mountain region, Shanxi Province, and its constraint on metallogenic tectonic setting[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2022, 41(5): 727-739. doi: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2022.05.002
Citation: WANG Mengqi, MAO Jingwen, YE Huishou, WANG Sai, FAN Chenglong, LI Hongying, BI Minfeng. Mica 40Ar-39Ar isotopic chronology of Bizigou and Nanhegou copper deposit in Zhongtiao Mountain region, Shanxi Province, and its constraint on metallogenic tectonic setting[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2022, 41(5): 727-739. doi: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2022.05.002


  • 基金项目:
    作者简介: 王梦琦(1993-),男,在读博士生,矿物学、岩石学、矿床学专业。E-mail:Wangmengqi5766@163.com
    通讯作者: 叶会寿(1964-),男,研究员,从事矿床研究与资源勘查工作。E-mail:yehuishou@163.com
  • 中图分类号: P618.41;P597+.3

Mica 40Ar-39Ar isotopic chronology of Bizigou and Nanhegou copper deposit in Zhongtiao Mountain region, Shanxi Province, and its constraint on metallogenic tectonic setting

More Information
  • 篦子沟、南河沟铜矿床位于华北克拉通中部造山带南缘,是山西中条山地区胡篦型铜矿的典型代表,因严格受地层控制,呈层状、似层状产出,也被认为是沉积岩型层状铜矿床。这些矿床的成矿年龄仍未被精确测定,成矿时代长期存在争议。在矿床学研究的基础上,对篦子沟、南河沟铜矿内与矿化有关的蚀变黑云母开展了高精度的40Ar-39Ar测年。获得篦子沟铜矿床黑云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为1825 ± 13 Ma(MSWD=8.86),对应的等时线年龄为1820 ± 13Ma(MSWD=5.67),反等时线年龄为1820 ± 13 Ma(MSWD=5.63);南河沟黑云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为1861 ± 14 Ma(MSWD=8.17),对应的等时线年龄为1864 ± 16 Ma(MSWD=8.31),反等时线年龄为1865 ± 16 Ma(MSWD =8.47)。2个矿床的成矿年龄在误差范围内一致,表明胡篦型铜矿热液期矿化年龄限定在1850 Ma左右。此年龄与中部造山带约1.85 Ga峰期变质和退变质作用时间一致,综合已有研究成果推测,该期成矿事件与碰撞造山事件耦合。区域上,在侵入中条群的基性岩内发育含矿石英脉,对脉内与硫化物伴生的白云母进行40Ar-39Ar定年,获得其坪年龄1851 ± 13 Ma(MSWD=7.47),对应的等时线年龄为1844 ± 19 Ma(MSWD=7.30),反等时线年龄为1844 ± 19 Ma(MSWD=7.28),说明基性岩内的含矿石英脉与矿区内的热液期矿化为同一地质事件的产物,印证了碰撞造山过程中产生的变质流体广泛作用于区域各地质体,且影响范围广泛。

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  • 图 1  中条山地区大地构造位置(a)和地质图(b)

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  矿区地质图

    Figure 2. 

    图 图版Ⅰ   

    Figure 图版Ⅰ. 

    图 3  基性岩内硫化物石英脉及镜下照片

    Figure 3. 

    图 4  篦子沟铜矿床黑云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄(a)、等时线年龄(b)和反等时线年龄(c)

    Figure 4. 

    图 5  南河沟铜矿床黑云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄(a)、等时线年龄(b)和反等时线年龄(c)

    Figure 5. 

    图 6  基性岩内含矿热液脉中的白云母40Ar-39Ar年龄谱(a)、等时线年龄(b)和反等时线年龄(c)

    Figure 6. 

    表 1  篦子沟铜矿黑云母40Ar/39Ar阶段升温测年数据

    Table 1.  40Ar/39Ar stepwise heating analytical data for biotite from the Bizigou copper deposit

    T/℃ 36Ar[fA] 37Ar[fA] 38Ar[fA] 39Ar[fA] 40Ar[fA] 40(r)/39(k) 40Ar(r)/% 39Ar(k)/% 年龄/Ma
    800 176.69583 0.000000 36.50807 30.6123 67116.21 486.81277 22.20 1.91 1832 52
    840 92.04321 0.000000 19.80003 38.4186 46725.32 508.25295 41.79 2.40 1882 30
    880 50.57066 0.000000 20.61411 172.1045 102693.61 509.85963 85.45 10.74 1885.5 7.8
    980 21.44286 66.750257 16.91062 205.6011 112053.42 514.33801 94.35 12.82 1895.7 9.8
    1020 19.67498 0.000000 15.17454 178.7073 95857.73 503.85685 93.93 11.15 1871.6 6.2
    1090 57.88834 0.000000 33.20047 335.4301 180910.60 488.33723 90.54 20.92 1835.4 6.8
    1120 12.13816 0.000000 18.43790 255.5425 128499.68 488.80957 97.21 15.94 1836.5 5.3
    1150 8.10220 0.000000 16.24498 240.7596 118507.76 482.27536 97.98 15.02 1821.0 3.8
    1180 1.07863 0.000000 6.96763 105.7083 51211.25 481.43828 99.38 6.59 1819.0 4.1
    1210 0.17933 0.000000 1.69050 27.8751 13496.72 482.28008 99.61 1.74 1821.0 5.0
    1240 0.99908 0.000000 0.69618 10.5787 5433.65 485.72934 94.57 0.66 1829.2 7.7
    1400 3.55914 0.000000 0.66327 1.7329 1944.94 515.43722 45.92 0.11 1898 43
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    表 2  南河沟铜矿黑云母40Ar/39Ar阶段升温测年数据

    Table 2.  40Ar/39Ar stepwise heating analytical data for biotite from the Nanhegou copper deposit

    T/℃ 36Ar[fA] 37Ar[fA] 38Ar[fA] 39Ar[fA] 40Ar[fA] 40(r)/39(k) 40Ar(r)/% 39Ar(k)/% 年龄/Ma
    830 73.83705 0.00000 14.72764 39.4528 38567.6 424.52253 43.43 2.02 1687 22
    860 52.17596 0.00000 11.17139 62.3765 43778.1 454.65584 64.78 3.19 1764 12
    890 88.03006 0.00000 17.61674 48.3965 49039.0 475.77527 46.95 2.48 1815 22
    920 71.23406 0.00000 17.06537 145.6097 94135.9 501.92783 77.64 7.45 1877.1 5.9
    980 12.25865 0.00000 3.40258 57.2300 30985.5 478.11929 88.31 2.93 1820.9 4.6
    1010 42.87751 0.00000 11.56203 154.1373 88390.9 491.24955 85.66 7.89 1852.1 4.8
    1040 92.97176 67.87742 21.30473 165.2197 109539.5 496.89904 74.92 8.45 1865 13
    1070 76.36794 216.13466 18.24138 186.1223 116213.3 503.69451 80.59 9.52 1881 18
    1100 29.05731 0.00000 9.87440 196.6160 105293.6 491.85293 91.84 10.06 1853.5 7.5
    1130 11.65506 0.00000 7.23272 226.6876 116192.4 497.36828 97.03 11.60 1866 12
    1160 7.28902 0.00000 5.26340 195.9159 100811.9 503.56868 97.86 10.03 1880.9 7.0
    1190 1.20144 0.00000 3.93210 190.7202 94653.9 494.43091 99.62 9.76 1859.6 6.1
    1220 2.08648 0.00000 4.62702 207.6087 103852.4 497.25665 99.41 10.63 1866 11
    1250 1.31157 0.00000 1.41558 61.3139 29824.9 480.10337 98.70 3.14 1825.6 4.7
    1300 2.00591 0.00000 0.49516 11.6520 6226.9 483.53157 90.48 0.60 1833.8 9.8
    1400 3.61588 0.00000 0.63980 4.9203 3307.1 454.97528 67.69 0.25 1764 21
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    表 3  基性岩内石英硫化物脉中白云母40Ar/39Ar阶段升温测年数据

    Table 3.  40Ar/39Ar stepwise heating analytical data for muscovite from the sulfides-bearing quartz veins in basic rock

    T/℃ 36Ar[fA] 37Ar[fA] 38Ar[fA] 39Ar[fA] 40Ar[fA] 40(r)/39(k) 40Ar(r)/% 39Ar(k)/% 年龄/Ma
    800 192.49119 0.000000 35.23279 8.1862 58186.8 159.48477 2.24 0.23 823 377
    860 182.24442 20.265783 36.34226 170.8720 142391.4 518.20823 62.18 4.90 1908 15
    950 62.43436 0.000000 16.92114 310.7092 179613.2 518.69200 89.73 8.91 1908.9 5.8
    970 88.84845 0.000000 24.61812 482.0375 283437.2 533.52739 90.74 13.82 1942.3 4.5
    1000 67.70976 0.000000 21.04461 643.7855 342349.7 500.69218 94.15 18.45 1868 11
    1010 32.33111 0.000000 11.97875 467.8146 243796.0 500.71095 96.08 13.41 1868 10
    1020 5.73966 0.000000 5.98579 371.6080 186383.5 496.99038 99.09 10.65 1859 10
    1030 3.83061 0.000000 2.24855 127.8202 64188.6 493.31844 98.24 3.66 1850.3 4.4
    1040 4.65581 0.000000 2.47282 138.1459 69678.5 494.42010 98.02 3.96 1852.9 4.6
    1050 3.63382 0.000000 1.64754 86.0923 43276.1 490.19353 97.52 2.47 1842.9 4.3
    1060 3.03562 0.000000 1.21217 60.1632 30213.1 487.27011 97.03 1.72 1836.0 6.0
    1080 3.26425 0.000000 1.36329 59.4172 29920.7 487.33156 96.78 1.70 1836.2 4.3
    1120 2.26651 0.000000 1.80064 104.1546 52818.1 500.67696 98.73 2.99 1867.5 4.5
    1140 3.15040 0.000000 2.48257 145.1779 74117.0 504.10790 98.74 4.16 1875.4 5.3
    1170 2.98468 0.000000 2.30369 143.1514 72817.8 502.51077 98.79 4.10 1871.7 5.1
    1200 2.73909 0.000000 1.87604 107.2493 54743.5 502.88105 98.52 3.07 1872.6 4.5
    1240 4.11148 0.000000 1.38814 54.4692 28616.6 503.06264 95.75 1.56 1873.0 4.3
    1400 19.53027 0.000000 3.55394 7.6203 9340.3 468.37206 38.21 0.22 1791 29
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