Geophysical Exploration Eethod of Concealed Hard Rock Type Uranium Deposit with Complex Topographic Conditions in Huayangchuan Area, North Qinling Mountains
Abstract:Uranium resources are very important strategic energy mineral resources. Qinling area is an important uranium ore forming area in China. The Huayangchuan uranium polymetallic deposit found in Huayangchuan area is located in the eastern part of the North Qinling uranium metallogenic belt. At present, many uranium deposits and uranium mineralization points have been found in and around Huayangchuan, and the uranium prospecting potential is huge. In order to meet the requirements of geophysical exploration methods and technologies for the exploration of concealed hard rock type uranium resources under complex terrain conditions in Huayang Chuan area and the realization of ore prospecting in the periphery, aerial geophysical surveys at different heights and scales have been carried out in Huayang Chuan uranium mining area with integrated airborne geophysical exploration systems such as airborne gamma ray spectrometry/magnetic method, airborne transient electromagnetic/magnetic method, airborne gravity/magnetic method, etc. At the same time, corresponding gravity, magnetic The effectiveness and applicability of these methods in the exploration of uranium resources under complex terrain conditions have been verified by geophysical exploration such as radioactive survey, IP sounding of different devices and multiple electromagnetic sounding, and demonstration exploration work has been carried out in the favorable areas for prospecting in the periphery. On this basis, the combination of geophysical exploration methods and technologies in different exploration stages of concealed hard rock type uranium deposits under complex terrain conditions has been screened out, It provides the geophysical exploration method and technology support for the breakthrough of uranium ore prospecting in Huayangchuan area, and also has reference value for the exploration of hidden uranium deposits and other hidden metal deposits in other complex conditions.
Key words:
- complex topographic /
- concealed /
- hard rock type uranium deposit /
- geophysical /
- exploration methods /
- combination
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