内蒙古赤峰双胜地区早白垩世多斑流纹斑岩,发育气孔构造,具多斑状结构,斑晶含量高达70%,成分为透长石(30%)、石英(35%)及斜长石(5%). 斑晶透长石呈半自形宽板状且具有梳状反应边,反应边成分为Na-正长石,反应边中含针柱状矿物雏晶. 斑晶石英边缘或内部被强烈熔蚀,并发育碎斑结构,具有“裂而不离”或“离而不散”的特点,碎斑石英之间被基质成分充填. 岩石兼具熔岩及碎斑熔岩的双重结构. 岩石中含气孔. 岩石结构特征反映岩浆经历了绝热-减压快速上升过程,可能指示成岩时期区域伸展构造背景的开始.
Abstract:The Early Cretaceous dosemic rhyolite porphyry in Shuangsheng area of Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, is characterized by vesicular structure and multi-porphyritic texture, with 70% of phenocryst content, including sanidine(30%), quartz(35%)and plagioclase(5%). The sanidine phenocryst shows subhedral wide tabular structure with comb-like reaction rim, which is composed of Na-orthoclase and contains needle-columnar mineral crystallite. The edge or interior of the quartz phenocryst is strongly corroded, where porphyroclastic texture is developed, with the characteristics of "cracked or dispersed but not separated". Matrix components are filled in between the quartz porphyroclasts. The rock contains vesicles, showing the dual structure of lava and porphyroclastic lava. The structure characteristics of the rock reflect a rapid uplift process with adiabatic-decompression of magma, probably indicating the beginning of regional extensional tectonic setting in diagenetic period.
Key words:
- Early Cretaceous /
- rhyolite porphyry /
- dosemic structure /
- petrogenesis /
- Inner Mongolia
图 4 长石在Or-Ab-An体系中的成分和命名(据文献[8])
Figure 4.
表 1 透长石斑晶、梳状反应边及基质正长石电子探针数据及长石基本分子计算结果
Table 1. Electronic probe data of sanidine phenocryst, comb-like reaction rim and matrix orthoclase with calculation results of feldspar basic molecules
位置 Na2O SiO2 TiO2 FeO Al2O3 MgO CaO MnO K2O Total Or(K) Ab(Na) An(Ca) 斑晶透
长石9.29 66.02 0.01 0.16 20.93 — 2.57 — 1.82 100.81 11.92 78.01 10.07 7.83 67.03 0.01 0.23 18.55 0.02 0.80 0.08 6.63 101.16 3.49 61.97 34.54 8.09 66.50 0.03 0.23 18.97 — 1.00 — 5.68 100.49 4.48 65.32 30.20 8.54 66.23 0.01 0.90 20.09 0.12 1.85 — 2.38 100.14 9.20 76.71 14.09 7.57 67.71 — 0.24 18.87 — 0.97 0.06 5.83 101.26 4.49 63.40 32.11 斑晶透
状边缘4.27 67.32 0.01 0.26 17.39 0.00 0.07 0.10 9.58 99.01 0.36 40.25 59.39 5.85 67.47 0.02 0.32 17.35 0.02 0.32 — 7.59 98.95 1.61 53.10 45.28 6.34 67.67 — 0.29 17.67 — 0.35 0.01 7.89 100.21 1.63 54.07 44.30 6.13 69.47 0.04 0.22 17.02 — 0.32 0.05 6.66 99.90 1.66 57.34 41.00 5.49 66.35 0.05 0.36 17.48 — 0.19 0.06 8.80 98.79 0.90 48.23 50.87 基质中
正长石9.57 66.94 0.03 0.24 19.54 — 1.42 — 3.15 100.89 6.33 76.98 16.69 7.72 67.14 — 0.25 18.06 0.00 0.44 0.01 6.13 99.75 2.02 64.33 33.65 6.87 66.70 — 0.20 17.99 — 0.39 — 7.75 99.89 1.75 56.38 41.87 9.14 66.42 0.01 0.14 20.69 — 2.53 — 1.57 100.50 12.10 78.97 8.93 4.54 67.35 0.03 0.24 17.46 0.01 0.36 — 10.46 100.44 1.69 39.06 59.24 测试单位:东北矿产资源监督检测中心. -
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