纳罗虫属作为一类已经灭绝的节肢动物,主要分布在寒武纪地层中. 其中,黔东南寒武系杷榔生物群的纳罗虫保存在江南斜坡沉积相区,目前在台江革一和剑河辣子寨地区杷榔组中发现了大量纳罗虫标本. 本次研究基于采自剑河辣子寨剖面的213块标本,鉴定为Naraoia taijiangensis,化石主要保存在该剖面3个化石富集层中. 结合这3个化石层的岩性特征、沉积环境及化石保存状态,对N. taijiangensis的埋藏特征进行分析,发现化石保存与快速的沉积事件相关,以印痕化石保存为特征,局部有矿化现象;完整的化石个体出现在较厚的快速沉积层中;不完整的化石则多保存在相对较薄的快速沉积层中. 这一发现为揭示斜坡相区杷榔生物群的埋藏特征提供了依据.
Abstract:Naraoia, an extinct genus of arthropod, is mainly preserved in Cambrian strata. In eastern Guizhou, the Naraoia from Cambrian Balang Biota are distributed in the sedimentary facies of Jiangnan slope, where lots of Naraoia fossils have been found in the Balang Formation in Taijiang and Jianhe areas. Based on the 213 specimens collected from Lazizhai section in Jianhe County, the fossils are identified to be Naraoia taijiangensis, which are accumulated mainly in three fossil enrichment layers. By analyzing the lithologicl characteristics, sedimentary environment and fossil preserved situation of the three fossil layers, it is confirmed that the fossil preservation is related to a rapid sedimentation event. The preservation is characterized by fossil impression, with local mineralization. The intact individuals of N. taijiangensis are found at the bottom of thick rapid sedimentary layer, while the fragmentary fossils are preserved in thinner layer. This discovery provides a basis for the burial characteristics of the Balang Biota in the slope facies area.
Key words:
- Naraoia /
- paleogeography /
- taphonomy /
- Balang Formation /
- Cambrian /
- Guizhou Province
图 2 寒武纪Naraoia和Misszhouia的古地理分布图(据文献[23]修改)
Figure 2.
表 1 剑河辣子寨杷榔组3个采集层中N. taijiangensis化石保存类型数量统计
Table 1. Fossil numbers by preserved types of N. taijiangensis from Balang Formation in Laizizhai area
化石层位 Ⅰ类 Ⅱ类 Ⅲ类 总计 ①号层位 4 14 146 164 ②号层位 3 9 30 42 ③号层位 2 0 5 7 -
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