Experimental Study on the Comprehensive Recovery Process of Lead in A Gold Concentrate
为了有效回收某金精矿中的铅,针对金品位45.60 g/t、铅3.01%的浮选金精矿,进行了选矿流程方案技术经济对比。试验结果表明:最终采用铅硫分离—铅、硫精矿分别再磨浸出工艺替代原有金精矿再磨浸出工艺,不仅可以综合回收伴生的方铅矿,而且可提高金银回收率,获得指标为:铅精矿铅品位56.73%、回收率79.83%,金总回收率为94.55%,银总回收率为91.67%,分别高出现场生产工艺3.85、9.42个百分点。该工艺解决了从原矿直接进行金、铅分离成本高、从浸渣中回收泥化方铅矿难的问题,分别再磨浸出避免了部分金进入铅精矿中导致金收益低的问题,有效提高了该类伴生资源综合利用水平。
Abstract:Taking a gold concentrate containing 45.60 g/t Au and 3.01% Pb as the research object, a process of lead-sulfur flotation separation, regrinding and leaching was finally selected to replace the original regrinding-leaching process based on the technical and economic comparison of beneficiation process. The associated galena was comprehensively recovered with a grade of 56.73% and a recovery of 79.83% in the lead concentrate, and the recoveries of gold and silver were also improved. The total recoveries of gold and silver were 94.55% and 91.67%, respectively, which were 3.85 and 9.42 percentage points higher than those of the original process. The process solves the problem of high production cost from raw ore and the difficulty in recovering fine-grained galena from the leaching residues. Meanwhile, separate grinding and leaching avoids the misplacement of some gold in lead concentrate, thereby effectively improving the comprehensive utilization level of associated resources.
Key words:
- gold ore /
- lead /
- comprehensive utilization /
- beneficiation process /
- leaching /
- flotation
表 1 金精矿主要化学成分分析结果 /%
Table 1. Main chemical components of gold concentration
成分 Au Ag Pb Zn As S TFe Al2O3 SiO2 含量 45.60 142.00 3.01 0.14 0.023 21.45 21.21 5.41 28.12 注:Au、Ag的含量单位为g/t。 表 2 方案一浮选闭路试验结果
Table 2. Closed-circuit test results of scheme 1
产品名称 产率/% 品位/(g·t-1) 回收率/% Pb Au Ag Pb Au Ag 铅精矿 5.26 44.44 385 874 80.16 45.43 36.17 硫精矿 94.74 0.61 25.65 85.55 19.84 54.57 63.83 金精矿 100.00 2.91 44.54 127.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 注:Pb品位为%,下同。 表 3 方案一浸出试验结果
Table 3. Leaching test results of scheme 1
产品名称 品位/(g·t-1) 作业浸出率/% 对原矿回收率/% Au Ag Au Ag Au Ag 贵液 / / 84.09 79.19 45.89 50.55 浸渣 4.08 17.8 15.91 20.81 8.68 13.28 硫精矿 25.65 85.55 100.00 100.00 54.57 63.83 表 4 方案二一段浸出试验结果
Table 4. First leaching test results of scheme 2
名称 品位/(g·t-1) 作业浸出率/% 对原矿回收率/% Au Ag Au Ag Au Ag 贵液1 / / 80.47 57.91 80.47 57.91 一段浸渣 8.70 53.46 19.53 42.09 19.53 42.09 金精矿 44.54 127 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 5 方案二浮选闭路试验结果
Table 5. Closed-circuit test results of scheme 2
产品名称 产率/% 品位/(g·t-1) 作业回收率/% 对原矿回收率/% Pb Au Ag Pb Au Ag Au Ag 铅精矿 3.67 54.61 97.40 467.00 73.00 41.10 32.0 8.03 13.47 硫精矿 96.33 0.77 5.32 37.70 27.00 58.90 67.93 11.50 28.62 一段浸渣 100.00 2.75 8.70 53.46 100.00 100.00 100.00 19.53 42.09 表 6 方案二二段浸出试验结果
Table 6. Second leaching test results of scheme 2
名称 品位/(g·t-1) 作业浸出率/% 对原矿回收率/% Au Ag Au Ag Au Ag 贵液2 / / 36.84 54.38 4.24 15.54 二段浸渣 3.36 17.2 63.16 45.62 7.26 13.48 硫精矿 5.32 37.70 100.00 100.00 11.50 28.62 表 7 方案三浮选闭路试验结果
Table 7. Closed-circuit test results of scheme 3
产品名称 产率/% 品位/(g·t-1) 回收率/% Pb Au Ag Pb Au Ag 铅精矿 4.59 56.73 434 1211 79.83 41.88 38.33 硫精矿 95.41 0.69 29.00 93.80 20.17 58.12 61.67 金精矿 100.00 3.26 47.60 145.12 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 8 方案三浸出试验结果
Table 8. Leaching test results of scheme 3
产品名称 品位/(g·t-1) 作业浸出率/% 对原矿回收率/% Au Ag Au Ag Au Ag 贵液2 / / 93.50 59.80 39.16 22.92 浸渣2 27.7 435 6.50 40.20 2.72 15.41 铅精矿 434 1211 100.00 100.00 41.88 38.33 贵液1 / / 9.38 13.51 52.67 53.34 浸渣1 2.72 12.67 90.62 86.49 5.45 8.33 硫精矿 29.00 93.80 100.00 100.00 58.12 61.67 表 9 经济技术对比
Table 9. Comparison of economic and technical indicators
方案名称 作业名称 产品名称 产率/% 品位/(g·t-1) 回收率/% 产值/(万元·d-1) Pb Au Ag Pb Au Ag 方案一 浮选段 铅精矿 5.26 44.44 385 874 80.16 45.43 36.17 27.79 浸出段 贵液 / / / / / 46.57 50.83 方案二 浮选段 铅精矿 3.67 54.61 97.40 467 73.00 8.03 13.47 28.16 浸出段 贵液 / / / / / 83.97 73.53 方案三 浮选段 铅精矿 4.59 56.73 27.7 435 79.83 2.72 15.41 29.11 浸出段 贵液 / / / / / 91.83 76.26 现场工艺 浸出段 贵液 / / / / / 90.70 82.25 27.33 -