The Experimental Research and Application of Flotation Recovering Pb-Zn Mixed Concentrate from the Sulfur Concentrate
云南某高硫铅锌矿选矿厂硫精矿含铅、锌较高,铅、锌主要分别赋存在方铅矿和闪锌矿中;硫精矿中方铅矿、闪锌矿的粒度分别以微粒、细粒为主,且多为连生体,但闪锌矿的单体解离度相对较好。为综合回收该硫精矿中的铅、锌金属,以石灰为黄铁矿抑制剂、硫酸铜为闪锌矿活化剂及DF-341为捕收剂,经1次粗选、2次扫选—粗精矿再磨后4次精选的工艺流程,粗精矿再磨细度-45 μm占92%,获得了产率为3.16%、铅锌品位之和为54.96%的铅锌混合精矿。基于推荐的工艺流程,优化确定了合理的选矿工艺并选择了先进适用的选矿设备,建设了700 t/d再选车间投入生产使用,取得了较好的效益。
Abstract:The sulfur concentrate of a certain high sulfur lead-zinc mine in Yunnan province contains lead and zinc, they mainly exist in galena and sphalerite. The size of sphalerite is fine, and the size of galena is finer, they are mainly composed of a large number of rich aggregate, but the dissociation degree of sphalerite is relatively better. Experimental studies were carried out, that take lime inhibit pyrite, cupric activate sphalerite, DF-341 for collector, though once-roughing twice-scavenging and fourth-cleanings after that of rough concentrate regrinding was recommend, the fineness of regrinding is -45 μm 92%, the Pb-Zn mixed concentrate was got and the sum of lead and zinc grade is 54.96%, yield is 3.16%. Based on the recommended process, a 700 t/d mill plant was built, adopting advanced and applicable equipment after optimizing the reasonable processing technology, and good benefits have been achieved.
Key words:
- sulfur concentrate /
- process mineralogy /
- experimental research /
- technology design /
- application
表 1 主要元素分析结果 /%
Table 1. Analysis results of main elemental of test sample
元素 Pb Zn S Fe Au Ag Ge 硫精矿 1.12 1.90 51.62 44.23 <0.10 25.30 <0.005 注:Au、Ag单位为g/t。 表 2 矿物组成及相对含量分析结果 /%
Table 2. Analysis results of mineral quantitative of the test sample
名称 方铅矿 闪锌矿 黄铁矿 灰硫砷铅矿 毒砂 硫精矿 1.03 2.80 95.15 0.14 0.04 名称 黄铜矿 白云石 方解石 石英 其它 硫精矿 0.11 0.09 0.06 0.30 0.28 表 3 主要矿物的粒度分布 /%
Table 3. The particle size distribution of main minerals
粒级mm +0.15 -0.15+0.075 -0.075+0.038 -0.038+0.0096 -0.0096 合计 方铅矿 0 0 3.62 29.33 67.05 100.00 闪锌矿 0 0 12.07 52.31 35.62 100.00 黄铁矿 0.68 21.74 38.10 35.42 4.06 100.00 表 4 主要矿物的解离水平 /%
Table 4. The liberation degree of main minerals
解离水平 X<25% 25%≤X<50% 50%≤X<75% 75%≤X<100% 100% 合计 方铅矿 64.13 8.11 5.35 4.12 18.29 100.00 闪锌矿 32.75 10.67 9.52 10.64 36.42 100.00 黄铁矿 0.03 0.16 0.56 46.18 53.07 100.00 表 5 选矿试验结果
Table 5. The beneficiation test results
工艺流程 产品名称 产率 品位 回收率 Pb Zn Pb Zn 1次粗选、2次扫选、4次精选(-74 μm占85%) 铅锌混合精矿 4.23 10.96 28.91 42.53 62.72 提质硫精矿 95.77 0.65 0.76 57.47 37.28 硫精矿 100.00 1.09 1.95 100.00 100.00 1次粗选、2次扫选—粗精矿再磨后4次精选(-45μm占92%) 铅锌混合精矿 3.16 12.17 42.79 35.94 68.64 提质硫精矿 96.84 0.71 0.64 64.06 31.36 硫精矿 100.00 1.07 1.97 100.00 100.00 表 6 生产技术指标 /%
Table 6. The technical index of production
名称 产率 品位 回收率 Pb Zn Pb Zn 铅锌混合精矿 2.34 11.01 42.29 33.03 57.53 提质硫精矿 97.66 0.53 0.75 66.97 42.47 硫精矿 100.00 0.78 1.72 100.00 100.00 表 7 药剂种类及消耗量 /(g·t-1)
Table 7. The kinds and consumption of flotation reagents
名称 石灰 硫酸铜 DF-341 MIBC 试验用量 3 100 550 200 50 实际消耗量 2 627.31 394.59 246.73 10.13 -
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