
廖军平, 黄自力, 崔军, 叶子青, 石家力. 某高硫磁铁精矿磁选—脱磁—复合活化反浮选脱硫试验[J]. 矿产保护与利用, 2019, 39(4): 125-130. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2019.02.031
引用本文: 廖军平, 黄自力, 崔军, 叶子青, 石家力. 某高硫磁铁精矿磁选—脱磁—复合活化反浮选脱硫试验[J]. 矿产保护与利用, 2019, 39(4): 125-130. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2019.02.031
LIAO Junping, HUANG Zili, CUI Jun, YE Ziqing, SHI Jiali. Desulfurization Experiment of a High Sulfur Iron Concentrate by Magnetic Separation-Demagnetization-Composite Activation Reverse Flotation[J]. Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 2019, 39(4): 125-130. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2019.02.031
Citation: LIAO Junping, HUANG Zili, CUI Jun, YE Ziqing, SHI Jiali. Desulfurization Experiment of a High Sulfur Iron Concentrate by Magnetic Separation-Demagnetization-Composite Activation Reverse Flotation[J]. Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 2019, 39(4): 125-130. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2019.02.031


  • 基金项目:
    作者简介: 廖军平(1991-), 男, 硕士研究生, 主要研究方向为选矿及二次资源综合利用
    通讯作者: 黄自力(1965-), 男, 博士, 教授, 主要从事矿物加工与资源综合利用研究, E-mail:huangzili0424@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TD951.1

Desulfurization Experiment of a High Sulfur Iron Concentrate by Magnetic Separation-Demagnetization-Composite Activation Reverse Flotation

More Information
  • 对TFe、S品位分别为55.61%、3.81%,主要硫化矿为磁黄铁矿和黄铁矿的某磁选铁精矿进行了系统的磁选—脱磁—复合活化反浮选脱硫试验研究。试验结果表明,该试样在磨矿细度-0.038 mm占88.32%条件下进行弱磁选,磁选精矿脱磁后,用硫酸调整矿浆pH值至5.5,以H2C2O4+CuSO4+Na2S为复合活化剂,高级黄药(烃基碳原子数为5~7,下同)+丁铵黑药为组合捕收剂,进行了一粗两扫三精反浮选全流程闭路试验,试验取得了铁精矿TFe品位66.71%、TFe回收率81.57%、S含量0.33%,副产品硫精矿S品位29.98%的良好指标。该研究较好地解决了矿山实际生产问题。

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  • 图 1  磁铁矿单晶

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  磁铁矿与磁黄铁矿连生

    Figure 2. 

    图 3  磁铁矿与黄铁矿连生

    Figure 3. 

    图 4  磨矿细度对磁选指标的影响

    Figure 4. 

    图 5  脱磁对分选指标的影响

    Figure 5. 

    图 6  活化剂试验流程图

    Figure 6. 

    图 7  浮选试验流程

    Figure 7. 

    图 8  H2C2O4用量对脱硫粗选指标的影响

    Figure 8. 

    图 9  Na2S用量对脱硫粗选指标的影响

    Figure 9. 

    图 10  CuSO4用量对脱硫粗选指标的影响

    Figure 10. 

    图 11  捕收剂总用量对脱硫粗选指标的影响

    Figure 11. 

    图 12  全流程试验闭路流程

    Figure 12. 

    表 1  试样化学多元素分析  /%

    Table 1.  Results of chemical multi-element analysis of the sample

    Composition TFe S Zn Cu CaO SiO2 As MgO Other
    Content 55.61 3.81 0.51 0.02 13.69 19.48 < 0.02 3.32 4.54
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    表 2  试样铁物相分析  /%

    Table 2.  Results of iron phase analysis of the sample

    Occurrence state Iron in magnetite Iron in pyrite Iron in pyrrhotite Iron in hematite Iron in silicate Iron in siderite Total iron
    Content 45.91 1.81 2.53 1.42 3.67 0.27 55.61
    Distribuion ratio 82.56 3.25 4.55 2.55 6.60 0.49 100.00
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    表 3  试样粒度组成/%

    Table 3.  Particle size composition of the sample

    Particle-size/mm Yield Grade Distribuion ratio
    TFe S TFe S
    +0.106 1.81 36.83 6.94 1.20 3.33
    -0.106+0.075 5.49 43.99 6.52 4.35 9.49
    -0.075+0.045 24.23 47.82 6.01 20.85 38.63
    -0.045+0.038 25.17 54.73 5.67 24.79 37.86
    -0.038 43.30 62.64 0.93 48.81 10.68
    总计 100.00 55.61 3.81 100.00 100.00
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    表 4  先磁后浮与先浮后磁试验结果   /%

    Table 4.  Test results of magnetic-separation to flotation and flotation to magnetic-separation

    Test schemes Iron grade of iron rough concentrate Iron recovery rate of iron rough concentrate Sulfur grade of iron rough concentrate
    Magnetic-flotation separation 65.22 82.87 0.90
    Flotation-magnetic separation 64.97 83.13 1.05
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    表 5  活化剂筛选试验结果

    Table 5.  Test results of activator screening

    Activator Iron grade of iron rough concentrate/% Iron recovery rate of iron rough concentrate/% Sulfur grade of iron rough concentrate/%
    H2C2O4 100 g/t 65.13 83.45 0.94
    Na2S 25 g/t 65.46 82.87 0.85
    CuSO4 100 g/t 65.50 82.77 0.82
    Na2S 25 g/t+CuSO4 100 g/t 65.89 82.51 0.73
    H2C2O4 100 g/t+Na2S 25 g/t+CuSO4 100 g/t 66.00 82.22 0.61
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    表 6  捕收剂种类对脱硫粗选指标的影响  /%

    Table 6.  Effect of collector types on iron roughing index

    Types of reagent Iron grade of iron rough concentrate Iron recovery rateof iron rough concentrate Sulfur grade of iron rough concentrate
    Ethyl xanthate 65.88 82.30 0.59
    Senior butyl xanthate 66.02 81.97 0.57
    Ethyl xanthate+senior butyl xanthate 65.95 82.00 0.58
    Ethyl xanthate+ammonium aerofloat 66.10 81.72 0.53
    Senior butyl xanthate+ammonium aerofloat 66.17 81.45 0.49
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    表 7  全流程闭路试验结果  /%

    Table 7.  Test results of whole closed-circuit process

    Product Yield Grade Rate of recovery
    TFe S TFe S
    Iron concentrate 68.00 66.71 0.33 81.57 5.89
    Sulfur concentrate 10.85 51.58 29.98 10.06 85.38
    Tailings 21.15 21.99 1.57 8.37 8.73
    Raw ore 100.00 55.61 3.81 100.00 100.00
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收稿日期:  2018-11-02
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