Experimental Research on Preparation of Ultra-low-density Ceramsite Proppant with Bauxite Waste Rock
首次以铝土矿废石为主要原料,制备超低密度陶粒支撑剂。主要研究了原料预烧、烧成温度、烧成时间、添加剂用量等对支撑剂性能的影响。试验结果表明:铝土矿废石在750℃预烧2 h,添加剂CMC用量为1.5%,在1 320℃条件下焙烧150 min,制备的20~40目陶粒支撑剂产品体积密度为1.42 g/cm3,视密度为2.55 g/cm3,52 MPa的闭合压力下破碎率为5.35%,各项指标均符合国家石油天然气SY/T 5108-2014的行业标准要求。
Abstract:In this work, the ultra-low-density ceramsite proppant was first prepared using bauxite waste rock as the main raw material. The effects of raw material pre-calcination, sintering temperature, sintering time and additive dosage on proppant performance were studied. The test results showed that under the conditions of the pre-calcination time of 2 hours in 750℃, the additive CMC dosage of 1.5%, calcination time of 150 min in 1 320℃, the bauxite waste rock could be prepared into ceramsite proppant with the size of 0.42 and 0.84 mm, volume density of 1.42 g/cm3, the apparent density of 2.55 g/cm3, the breaking rate of 5.35% at the closing pressure of 52 MPa. All indicators were in line with the national oil and gas SY/T 5108-2014 industry standard requirements.
Key words:
- Bauxite waste rock /
- ultra-low-density /
- ceramsite proppant
表 1 铝土矿废石化学多元素分析结果 /%
Table 1. Multi-elements analysis results of bauxite waste rock
Element Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 TiO2 K2O Na2O CaO MgO Content 40.26 42.33 1.30 1.95 0.11 0.01 0.16 0.07 表 2 铝土矿废石的物相分析结果 /%
Table 2. Chemical phase analysis resultsof bauxite waste rock
Mineral Diaspore Kaolinite Illite Hematite Anatase Rutile Content 5.10 89.90 1.10 1.30 1.55 0.40 表 3 不同预烧温度对成球性能的影响
Table 3. Effect of different pre-calcination temperatures on the balling properties
Pre-calcination temperature /℃ The properties of 20~40 mesh Phenomenon Yield /% Roundness/Sphericity 0 41.15 >0.6 Particle size is not uniform, roundness and sphericity is poor 650 49.62 >0.8 Particle size is uniform, roundness and sphericity is good 700 55.73 >0.9 Particle size is uniform, roundness and sphericity is good 750 62.36 >0.9 Particle size is uniform, roundness and sphericity is the best 800 48.35 >0.7 Particle size is not uniform, roundness and sphericity is poor, sphere is virtual and strength is low 表 4 铝土矿废石制备的超低密度陶粒支撑剂检测结果
Table 4. Testing results of ultra-low-density ceramicite proppant prepared by bauxite waste rock
检测项目 检测结果 低密标准要求 结果判定 体积密度/(g·cm-3) 1.42 ≤1.65 合格 视密度/(g·cm-3) 2.55 ≤3.00 合格 52 MPa破碎率/% 5.35 ≤9.0 合格 圆度 0.9 ≥0.80 合格 球度 0.9 ≥0.80 合格 浊度,FTU 53 ≤100 合格 酸溶解度/% 3.6 ≤5.0 合格 -
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