Abstract:Pyrite ore has large reserves of resources and contains high valuable associated nonferrous metals. Under the current situation of resource shortage and severe environmental pressure, it is of great significance to develop efficient and clean utilization technology. At present, the main process of flotation of nonferrous metal sulfide ores containing pyrite is to first recover other useful metal minerals with the inhibition of pyrite, and then activate and collect pyrite. However, due to the crystal defects and the difference in the chemical composition of pyrite and the diversity and complexity of the flotation system, there are some unsatisfactory shortcomings of re-activation and separation between pyrite with other minerals. In this paper, the research status and frontier of the microscopic physical and chemical structure of pyrite crystals, depressant and its mechanism, activator and its mechanism on pyrite at home and abroad were summarized. It has certain reference values for the comprehensive utilization of pyrite resources.
Key words:
- pyrite /
- flotation /
- inhibition /
- activation
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