摘要: 黄铁矿与黄铜矿、闪锌矿和方铅矿等矿物广泛共伴生。由于黄铁矿具有较好的天然可浮性,且常被铜离子和铅离子活化,容易混入其他精矿产品中,进而影响产品质量。因此需要使用抑制剂对多金属硫化矿中的黄铁矿进行选择性抑制,从而实现硫化矿资源的高效利用。本文介绍了多金属硫化矿中黄铁矿的抑制剂研究进展,从生产成本与绿色环保要求方面考虑,组合抑制剂的使用是黄铁矿浮选领域中重要的发展趋势之一。Abstract: Pyrite is widely associated with chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and other minerals. The pyrite is easily subjected to mix into other concentrate products, resulting in a decrease in concentrate quality. This is because the pyrite has good natural floatability, and it also can be activated by copper and lead ions. Therefore, it is necessary to use depressant to selectively inhibit pyrite during the flotation separation of polymetallic sulphide ore to complete the efficient utilization of resources. In this paper, the depressant progress of the pyrite flotation in recent years was reviewed. Considering the production cost and green environmental protection requirements, the use of the combined depressant is one of the important development trends in the pyrite flotation.
Key words:
- pyrite /
- flotation /
- depressants /
- polymetallic sulphide ore
图 1 羧甲基纤维素的结构[40]
Figure 1.
图 2 魔芋葡甘露聚糖的结构[46]
Figure 2.
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Figure 3.
图 4 改性木质素磺酸盐的结构[52]
Figure 4.
图 5 DETA与Cu2+以1:1摩尔比形成的配合物的示意图[60]
Figure 5.
图 6 甘油黄原酸钠的结构[61]
Figure 6.
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