Abstract:Ion flotation is an effective method of recovery of metal ions from the solution. because it has the advantages of high recovery and environmental protection. By adding surfactant to the flotation system, physical adsorption and chemical adsorption on the liquid-gas interface occurs with the target ions. Then ions separation is obtained by flotation method. Because of its high recovery rate, environmental protection and other advantages, it has been widely used in the fields of wastewater treatment, hydrometallurgy, and water resource utilization. In this paper, the mechanism and influencing factors of metal ion flotation are summarized in detail. The research progress and application status of ion flotation in related fields are briefly described. The technical problems of ion flotation application are analyzed. The development trend of metal ion flotation is pointed out.
Key words:
- metal ions /
- ion flotation /
- wastewater treatment /
- hydrometallurgy /
- water resource utilization
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