Research Progress on Resource Utilization of Phosphorus Tailings, Phosphogypsum and Yellow Phosphorous Slag by Geological Polymerization
Abstract:With the increase of phosphate rock mining, the inventory of phosphate rock solid waste is also increasing year by year, which has caused serious harm to the natural environment. This paper summarizes the utilization status of phosphorus tailings, phosphogypsum and yellow phosphorus slag solid waste resources and the mechanism of alkali stimulated geological polymerization, compares alkali stimulated geological polymer concrete and ordinary portland cement concrete, and expounds the current situation of resource comprehensive utilization of phosphorus tailings, phosphogypsum and yellow phosphorus slag through alkali stimulated geological polymerization.
图 2 地质聚合反应示意图: (a)硅铝酸盐重组;(b)低聚物缩合形成凝胶;(c)聚合[14]
Figure 2.
表 1 磷石膏的杂质种类、存在形式及危害[9]
Table 1. Types, existing forms and hazards of impurities in phosphogypsum[9]
杂质种类 存在形式 危害 磷类 H3PO4、H2PO4-、HPO42-、共晶磷(CaHPO4·H2O)、磷酸络合物、未分解的磷灰石 水化预处理时,阻碍磷石膏水化,导致产品结构疏松,强度降低 氟类 F-、CaF2、SiF62-、NaAlF6、CaSiF6 可溶氟有促凝作用,当其质量分数超过0.3%时,会导致水化产物晶体粗化,结构疏松,强度减小 有机物类 固有的有机物、加入的有机添加剂(乙二醇甲醚乙酸酯、3-甲氧基正戊烷等) 加大磷石膏作为建材用途时的需水量,导致制品结构疏松,强度降低 其它 Na+、K+、硅、金属与磷酸盐形成的络合物、放射性元素(砷、氡、钍、汞、铅等) 钠、钾类碱金属盐使干燥后的石膏制品表面析晶;放射性元素对环境破坏大 -
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