Distribution, Sources and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Sediments from Typical Coastal Areas of the Shandong Peninsula
摘要: 山东半岛海岸带面临着各类复杂的环境问题,尤其是受到了多环芳烃(PAHs)等持久性有机物的污染,本文研究了整个山东半岛典型海岸带62个站点表层沉积物中PAHs的含量及其分布特征,并对其来源和潜在风险进行解析与评价。研究表明,该地区表层沉积物中16种PAHs总含量为0.06~3191.40 ng/g(平均值262.08 ng/g),与国内外海岸带相比,山东半岛海岸带表层沉积物中PAHs整体污染状况处于较低水平,但个别站点的PAHs含量偏高。运用特征比值法、相关性分析及主成分分析法解析研究区PAHs主要来源为木柴、煤炭、油类的燃烧以及油类泄露的联合作用。采用效应区间低值法(ERL)和中值法(ERM)对PAHs进行生态风险评价,结果表明莱州湾周边所有站点及威海、青岛周边个别站点苊、芴浓度位于ERL值与ERM值之间,但多数站点对生态环境潜在负面效应很小。山东半岛典型海岸带中PAHs对生物的毒副作用尚在安全可控范围内,极少对生态环境产生负面效应。Abstract: Serious environmental problems occurred on the coast of the Shandong peninsula, particularly pollution from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The distribution, sources and ecological risk assessment of 16 PAHs in 62 sites of surface sediments from the Shandong coast have been investigated. Results show that the total concentrations of 16 PAHs in surface sediments from the coastal zones range from 0.06 to 3191.40 ng/g with an average of 262.08 ng/g. Except for a few sites, the concentration of PAHs was relatively lower than that in other areas around the world. The PAHs of the study area originated from mixed petroleum leakage, oil combustion, incomplete combustion of carbon, wood and fossil fuels indicated by the selected ratios of PAHs, the two-tailed Pearson correlation analysis and principal components analysis. The ecological risk assessed by the effects range-low (ERL) and the effects range-median (ERM) indicates little negative effect from surface sediments on the coast of the Shandong peninsula. However, acenaphthene and fluorenein in the sites of Laizhou Bay, Weihai and the Qingdao coast may pose a potential risk to the environment. In conclusion, the negative effects of 16 PAHs in the surface sediments from the Shandong peninsula were weak and easily controlled.
Key words:
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons /
- source /
- risk assessment /
- coastal zones /
- Shandong peninsula
表 1 国内外典型海岸带表层沉积物中PAHs含量对比
Table 1. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from other coastal zones of the world
表 2 主成分分析累计特征值、方差及PAHs在主成分上的因子载荷
Table 2. The characteristic value, variance of PCA and factor loading of principal component of PAHs
项目 主成分 1 2 3 4 特征值 6.999 3.541 2.487 1.701 方差(%) 41.169 20.827 14.628 10.007 累计方差(%) 41.169 61.996 76.624 86.630 萘 0.338 0.736 0.233 0.067 二氢苊 0.392 0.504 -0.088 0.108 苊 0.340 0.692 0.065 0.263 芴 0.238 0.828 0.028 0.404 菲 0.491 0.772 -0.08 0.205 蒽 0.804 0.164 -0.381 -0.335 荧蒽 0.212 0.058 0.864 -0.435 芘 0.855 0.181 -0.302 -0.230 苯并(a)蒽 0.925 -0.167 -0.28 -0.147 屈 0.813 -0.412 0.06 0.352 苯并(b)荧蒽 0.801 -0.054 -0.371 -0.358 苯并(k)荧蒽 0.514 -0.082 0.766 -0.289 苯并(a)芘 0.564 -0.503 0.257 0.554 二苯并(a, h)蒽 0.645 -0.483 0.209 0.527 苯并(g, h, i)苝 0.741 -0.217 -0.304 -0.222 茚并(1, 2, 3-cd)芘 0.821 -0.399 -0.068 0.171 总和 0.717 0.142 0.645 -0.188 表 3 山东半岛典型海岸带表层沉积物中PAHs含量与生态风险限值
Table 3. Concentration ranges of PAHs in the surface sediments of the coastal zones in Shandong peninsula and toxicity guidelines
PAHs种类 PAHs含量
(ng/g)生态风险限值(ng/g) ERL ERM 萘 ND~56.60 8.31 160 2100 二氢苊 ND~20.52 1.40 44 640 苊 ND~25.40 3.14 16 500 芴 ND~234.00 21.82 19 540 菲 ND~231.00 32.02 240 1500 蒽 ND~95.27 4.28 85.3 1100 荧蒽 ND~2989.00 73.94 600 5100 芘 ND~146.62 13.44 665 2600 苯并(a)蒽 ND~120.95 8.42 261 1600 屈 ND~206.22 14.23 384 2800 苯并(a)芘 ND~463.44 18.02 430 1600 二苯并(a, h)蒽 ND~227.08 11.47 63.4 260 总量 0.06~3191.40 262.08 4022 40792 -
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