Study of the Contents and Distribution of Selenium in Water Samples from the Western Sichuan Plateau and the Incidence of Kaschin Beck Disease
摘要: 川西高原是大骨节病比较集中的区域之一,低硒是大骨节病的重要致病因素,研究该地区硒含量对于防治大骨节病有重要意义。本文采用原子荧光光谱法研究川西高原阿坝地区大骨节病高发区水体样品中硒的含量特征。结果表明:该区域水体中硒含量较低,地下水的硒含量明显高于地表水和山泉水;山泉水的硒含量为0.001~0.058 μg/L,平均值0.0067 μg/L,硒的分布受地质背景、pH值和氧化还原电位(Eh值)等条件的控制,低硒的地质环境是导致山泉水的硒含量很低的最主要因素;地表水的硒含量为0.001~0.148 μg/L,平均值0.0221 μg/L,硒分布的影响因素为地质背景、地理条件以及水体地球化学条件;地下水的硒含量为0.001~0.210 μg/L,平均值0.0523 μg/L,硒分布的影响因素为地质背景、pH值和Eh值,有机质含量也是关键因素之一。研究认为,对于以山泉水为主要饮用水源的藏民,低硒的山泉水不能提供人体需要的硒营养,不适合作为水源;川西高原地表水资源丰富,但水中的元素迁移性极强,地表水中的硒不易进入生态链的循环,也不适合作为饮用水源;地下水的硒含量较高,应推广作为当地的生活饮用水,减少大骨节病的发病率。Abstract: The West Sichuan Plateau is one of the most concentrated areas for Kaschin Beck disease. Lack of selenium is an important factor of Kaschin Beck disease, therefore, selenium content study in this area is important for its prevention. Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry was used to analyze the contents of selenium in water samples in the Aba region, West Sichuan Plateau. Results show that the content of selenium in water is low, and the content of selenium in groundwater is obviously higher than that of surface water and spring water. The content of selenium in spring water is 0.001-0.058 μg/L, with an average value of 0.0067 μg/L. The distribution of Se is controlled by geological background, pH and Eh. The low selenium geological environment is the most important factor leading to low selenium content in spring water. The selenium content of surface water is 0.001-0.148 μg/L, with an average value of 0.0221 μg/L, and the influence factors of selenium distribution are geological background, geographical conditions and water geochemical conditions. The content of selenium in groundwater is 0.001-0.210 μg/L, with an average value of 0.0523 μg/L, and the influence factors of selenium distribution are geological background, pH and Eh, as well as the content of organic matter. This study indicates that low selenium spring water cannot provide the selenium nutrition needed by Tibetans whose main drinking water source is spring water, and is thus not suitable as a water source. The surface water resources in the Western Sichuan Plateau are abundant. However, the migration of elements in water is very strong. Therefore, it is difficult for selenium in surface water to enter the ecological chain, making the surface water unsuitable as a source of drinking water. In order to reduce the incidence of local Kaschin Beck disease, groundwater with high selenium content should be used as a source of local drinking water.
表 1 阿坝地区水样品中硒含量统计
Table 1. The statistics of Se content of water samples in Aba region
样品类型 样本数(N) pH平均值 Eh平均值 Se含量(μg/L) Se含量 < 0.001 μg/L的统计 最大值 最小值 平均值 中位数 样本个数(n) 占总样本数的比例(%) 山泉水 36 7.81 165 0.058 < 0.001 0.0067 < 0.001 25 69.4 地表水 46 7.91 194 0.148 < 0.001 0.0221 0.011 20 43.5 地下水 21 7.47 119 0.210 < 0.001 0.0523 0.050 6 27.3 表 2 阿坝县阿柯河—阿曲河地表水样点环境参数和硒含量统计
Table 2. Environmental parameters and Se content of surface water in Ake River and Aqu River of Aba region
样品编号 采样点所在的乡镇 采样点所在的村 海拔(m) pH Eh (mV) Se含量(μg/L) ABW-05 安斗 派克 3373 8.19 170 0.089 ABW-07 各莫 查不壤 3343 8.19 182 0.068 ABW-08 河支 甲依 3313 8.22 187 0.074 ABW-11 安羌 中安 3170 8.04 192 0.061 ABW-14 安羌 下安 3109 7.95 210 0.027 ABW-12 茸安 阿斯久 3108 7.68 188 0.013 表 3 壤塘县则曲河地表水样点环境参数和硒含量统计
Table 3. Environmental parameters and Se content of surface water from Zequ River in Rangtang county
样品编号 采样点所在的乡镇 采样点所在的村 海拔(m) pH Eh (mV) Se含量(μg/L) RTW-03 上壤塘 雪木达 3534 7.84 200 < 0.001 RTW-05 中壤塘 中壤塘 3481 8.13 194 < 0.001 RTW-13 南木达 阿加 3365 8.41 168 0.04 RTW-10 茸木达 甲拉 3345 8.32 143 0.06 RTW-07 茸木达 茸木达 3326 8.20 152 0.02 表 4 阿坝地区不同县地下水环境参数和硒含量平均值及相关分析统计
Table 4. Environmental parameters, Se content of surface water and correlation analysis of groundwater from different counties in Aba region
参数 马尔康县(n=2) 壤塘县(n=9) 阿坝县(n=4) 红原县(n=4) 松潘县(n=2) 相关分析 相关系数 pH 7.48 7.77 7.58 6.97 7.54 pH:Eh 0.1486 Eh -22 169 176 133 141 pH:Se 0.6781 Se含量 0.0360 0.0861 0.1049 0.0134 0.0213 Eh:Se 0.4355 表 5 壤塘、阿坝、红原县地下水环境参数和硒含量相关分析统计
Table 5. The correlation analysis of groundwater environmental parameters and Se content in Rangtang, Ngapa and Hongyuan county
区域 pH:Eh相关系数 pH:Se相关系数 Eh:Se相关系数 壤塘县 -0.1888 -0.4097 -0.0228 阿坝县 0.3167 -0.3054 -0.9979 红原县 0.2548 0.9771 0.3733 表 6 马尔康和红原两个水井地下水环境参数和硒含量统计
Table 6. Environmental parameters and Se content from two wells in Barkam and Hongyuan county
样品编号 采样所在的县、乡 采样所在的村 海拔(m) 岩石 地下水 Se含量(μg/g) 有机质含量(%) pH Eh (mV) Se含量(μg/L) MEKW-07 马尔康县松岗乡 邓家桥 2559 0.169 6.80 6.72 4 0.034 HYW-07 红原县安曲乡 中心小学 3515 0.058 2.20 6.82 158 < 0.001 -
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