Hydrogen-Oxygen-Sulfur Isotope Composition of Shihoushan Pyrite and Tungsten Polymetallic Deposit, Southern Jiangxi
摘要: 狮吼山硫铁-钨多金属矿床位于银坑-青塘整装勘查区北部,是赣南地区唯一大型硫铁矿床。磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿(-黄铜矿-白钨矿)矿体赋存于石炭系梓山组上段地层中含铁、含钙层位,主要形成于石英-硫化物阶段。本文通过分析原生矿石矿物中H-O-S同位素组成特征,结合Pb同位素和成矿年代测试结果,探讨成矿流体来源及成矿演化过程。矿石硫化物中δ34S组成特征(-5.50‰~-0.20‰,集中于-3.0‰~0.0‰)显示,硫源以岩浆硫为主,较宽的变化范围预示成矿流体遭受了叠加和改造作用。δD-δ18O同位素组成主要集中于岩浆水与变质水重叠区域(δD=-74.4‰~-48.0‰,δ18OH2O=3.76‰~10.86‰),说明成矿流体以岩浆水和变质水为主,后期有少量的天水混入。综合分析认为,该矿床成矿流体主要来自深部岩浆水,岩浆热液与含钙地层的接触交代作用形成大规模变质流体,再加上少量的天水混入,流体间的不混溶作用使成矿物质在岩体与含钙层位接触部位富集沉淀,形成热液充填交代型矿床。
- 硫铁-钨多金属矿床 /
- H-O-S同位素 /
- 成矿流体演化 /
- 岩浆期后热液充填交代型矿床 /
- 赣南
Abstract:BACKGROUNDShihoushan Pyrite and Tungsten polymetallic deposit, located in the northern of Yinkeng-Qingtang Au-Ag polymetallic integrated exploration area, is the only large pyrite deposit in southern Jiangxi. The pyrrhotite-pyrite (-chalcopyrite-scheelite) orebody hosts in calciferous sandstone in the Zishan Formation of Carboniferous System, mainly formed in the quartz-sulfide stage. OBJECTIVESIn order to better understand the ore-forming material source and the evolution processes of Shihoushan deposit, the primary ores were selected as laboratory raw materials for stable isotope testing. METHODSH-O-S isotope composition of primary ore minerals was analyzed combined with the Pb isotope and metallogenic age results. The ore-forming fluid source and ore-forming evolution process are discussed. RESULTSThe δ34S values range from -5.50‰ to -0.20‰, which are mainly concentrated at -3.0‰-0.0‰ (n=11), show the typical signature of mantle S. The wide range of variation indicates that the ore-forming fluid has been subjected to superposition and modification. H-O isotope analyses show that δD=-74.4‰--48.0‰ (n=9), δ18OH2O=3.76‰-10.86‰ (n=9), indicating that the ore-forming fluid is composed mainly of magmatic water and metamorphic water, with minor meteoric water. CONCLUSIONSAccording to the comprehensive analysis, the ore-forming fluid of this deposit mainly comes from deep magmatic water. The contact between magmatic hydrothermal fluid and calcium-bearing strata forms a large-scale metamorphic fluid, mixed with a small amount of meteoric water. The fluid immiscibility makes the ore-forming materials precipitate in the contact between the rock mass and the calcium-bearing strata, forming a hydrothermal filling and metasomatic deposit. -
图 3 狮吼山硫铁多金属矿床成矿流体氢氧同位素组成图解(底图据路远发[22])
Figure 3.
表 1 狮吼山硫铁多金属矿床矿石硫化物的硫同位素组成
Table 1. Sulfur isotopic compositions of ore sulfides from the Shihoushan pyrite polymetallic deposit
样品编号 采样对象 测试矿物 采样位置 δ34SVCDT(‰) 数据来源 KD-b1 致密块状磁黄铁矿矿石 磁黄铁矿 160中段V1 -1.99 KD-b2 致密块状磁黄铁矿矿石 磁黄铁矿 160中段V1 -0.87 本文 KD-b4 团块状磁黄铁矿矿石 磁黄铁矿 160中段V1 -1.18 SHS-05 团块状磁黄铁矿矿石 磁黄铁矿 160中段V11 -1.30 SHS-06 团块状磁黄铁矿矿石 磁黄铁矿 160中段V11 -2.50 文献[10] SHS-07 团块状磁黄铁矿矿石 磁黄铁矿 160中段V11 -2.10 SHS2#-5 团块状磁黄铁矿矿石 磁黄铁矿 160中段V11 -1.90 SHS2#-2 磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿矿石 黄铁矿 160中段V11 -0.20 SHS2#-6a 磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿矿石 黄铁矿 160中段V11 -2.10 文献[10] SHS3#-2 磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿矿石 黄铁矿 160中段V11 -5.20 SHS3#-3 磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿矿石 黄铁矿 160中段V11 -5.50 表 2 狮吼山硫铁多金属矿床氢氧同位素组成
Table 2. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of the Shihoushan pyrite polymetallic deposit
样品编号 矿石类型 测试矿物 采样位置 δDv-SNOW(‰) δ18Ov-pdb(‰) δ18Ov-SNOW(‰) t(℃) δ18OH2O(‰) 数据来源 KD-b4 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V1 -74.4 -21.5 8.8 360 3.76 Shs-Q01 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V1 -69.0 -18.7 11.6 360 6.56 Shs-Q02 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V1 -71.3 -17.1 13.3 360 8.26 本文 Shs-Q03 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V1 -63.7 -17.5 12.8 360 7.76 Shs-Q05 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V1 -66.3 -14.5 15.9 360 10.86 SHS2#-2 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V11 -55.0 / 9.4 360 4.36 SHS2#-4 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V11 -49.0 / 13 360 7.96 文献[10] SHS2#-5 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V11 -57.0 / 11.5 360 6.46 SHS3#-1 团块状磁黄铁矿 石英 160中段V11 -48.0 / 13.7 360 8.66 表 3 不同成因类型的硫铁矿床成矿流体特征对比
Table 3. Camparison of characteristics of ore fluids from different type pyrite deposits
特征 原生岩浆硫铁 变质流体 硫铁矿床 骆驼山式硫铁矿 向山式硫铁矿 狮吼山式硫铁矿 包裹体类型 液相和含子矿物包裹体 气液包裹体和CO2包裹体 液相为主,少量为气相CO2包裹体 液相包裹体 富气相包裹体和含子晶包裹体 流体体系 H2O-NaCl H2O-NaCl±CO2±CH4 H2O-NaCl-CO2 H2O-NaCl H2O-NaCl±CO2 温度(℃) >400 >200 370~520 90~270 180~500 盐度(wt%NaCl) 变化范围大 一般中低盐度 早期低→晚期高 8.01~21.1 1.05~4.24 δ34S(‰) -3~5 -20~22 0.24~6.46 10~23 -5.50~1.68 δ18O水(‰) 5~7 -16~25 -0.03~1.93 -11.01~1.60 3.76~10.86 δ18D水(‰) -80~-50 -140~-20 -85‰~-80‰ -51.6~-72.0 -74.4~-48.0 流体来源 岩浆水 变质水 以岩浆流体为主,晚期混入大气水 大气降水和热卤水 岩浆水与变质水混合成矿,晚期混入大气水 成矿类型 / / 岩浆热液交代型 热水沉积型 岩浆期后热液充填交代型 数据来源 徐兆文等[21]和张德会等[14] 徐兆文等[21]和张德会等[14] 梁新辉[23]和邢矿[24] 熊先孝等[25] 本文和赵正[10] -
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