

徐颖, 邓利蓉, 芦玉峰, 左联, 杜广报. 热处理对柯尔碱膨润土微观结构和物化性能的影响[J]. 岩矿测试, 2019, 38(3): 280-287. doi: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.201804190062
引用本文: 徐颖, 邓利蓉, 芦玉峰, 左联, 杜广报. 热处理对柯尔碱膨润土微观结构和物化性能的影响[J]. 岩矿测试, 2019, 38(3): 280-287. doi: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.201804190062
Ying XU, Li-rong DENG, Yu-feng LU, Lian ZUO, Guang-bao DU. Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Bentonite from the Kerjian Region, Xinjiang[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2019, 38(3): 280-287. doi: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.201804190062
Citation: Ying XU, Li-rong DENG, Yu-feng LU, Lian ZUO, Guang-bao DU. Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Bentonite from the Kerjian Region, Xinjiang[J]. Rock and Mineral Analysis, 2019, 38(3): 280-287. doi: 10.15898/j.cnki.11-2131/td.201804190062


    作者简介: 徐颖, 硕士, 助理工程师, 从事矿物学与矿物材料学研究工作。
  • 中图分类号: P619.255;P575.4;P575.5

Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Bentonite from the Kerjian Region, Xinjiang


  • 文章访问数:  2224
  • PDF下载数:  73
  • 施引文献:  0
收稿日期:  2018-04-19
修回日期:  2018-08-22
录用日期:  2019-03-07
