Distribution Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in Plants and Soils from the Bayan Obo Mining Area
摘要: 白云鄂博矿区是稀土的主要产出地,在矿山开采和选炼等过程中,稀土元素通过迁移、富集等作用进入植物体,研究稀土元素的分布特征和迁移规律,可为白云鄂博矿体闭坑后的生物修复提供数据支持。本文设置了7个土壤采样点,采集铁花、沙蒿、沙打旺、沙朋、青蒿、小叶杨、猪毛菜七种植物,用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定土壤和植物的根、茎、叶及整株的稀土含量,研究稀土元素在土壤和植物中的分布特征和迁移规律。统计分析结果表明:随着采样区与主矿区的距离增加,土壤样品中的稀土含量逐渐减少;在七种植物中,铁花的稀土含量最高,青蒿最低;对不同植物的整株稀土含量和各部位(根、茎、叶)稀土含量进行多元线性回归分析,叶(或花)的稀土含量在整珠植物中的占比最大。此外在不同季节,植物中的稀土含量基本保持不变,含量较高的稀土元素为Ce(0.0035%~0.020%)、La(0.0012%~0.011%)、Nd(0.0010%~0.0094%)和Pr(0.00036%~0.0046%),其中Ce最高。本研究提出:根据土壤样品中的稀土含量逐渐减少的特征,矿区周围土壤的稀土来源可能是矿石在采、选过程中的扩散造成的;根据植物富集稀土的能力,在矿山闭坑后,可种植富集稀土能力强的植物——铁花,进行矿山生物修复。Abstract:
BACKGROUNDThe Bayan Obo mining area is the main producing area of rare earth elements. During mining and refining, rare earth elements enter plants through migration and enrichment. Study on the distribution characteristics and migration patterns of rare earth elements will provide data support for bioremediation following the closure of the Bayan Obo ore body pit. OBJECTIVESTo study the distribution characteristics and migration patterns of rare earth elements in soil and plants. METHODSSeven soil sampling points were set up, and seven plant types including Honeysuckle, Artemisia desertorum, Astragalus Adsurgens Pall, Agriophyllum squarrosum (L.) Moq, Artemisia carvifolia, Populus simonii Carr and Salsola collina Pall were collected. The content of rare earth elements in soil and roots, stems, leaves (or flowers) and whole plants was determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. RESULTSWith the increase of the distance between the sampling area and the main mining area, the rare earth element content in the soil samples decreased. The rare earth element content of Honeysuckle was the highest in the studied plants, whereas it was the lowest in Artemisia carvifolia. The rare earth element content in whole plant and various parts (root, stems, leaves or flowers) in different plants were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. The rare earth element content of leaves (or flowers) accounted for the largest proportion in whole bead plants. In addition, the content of rare earth elements in plants was basically unchanged in different seasons. The rare earth elements with higher content were 0.0035%-0.020%, 0.0012%-0.011%, 0.0010%-0.0094% and 0.00036%-0.0046% for Ce, La, Nd and Pr, respectively. CONCLUSIONSAccording to the gradual reduction pattern of rare earth elements in soil samples, the rare earth source of the soil around the mining area may be caused by the diffusion of ore during mining and refining. According to the rare earth enrichment ability of plants, Honeysuckle with strong enrichment ability of rare earth can be used for bioremediation of mines, after the mine is closed. -
Key words:
- Bayan Obo Mine /
- soil /
- plant /
- rare earth element /
- tie hua /
- inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry /
- bioremediation
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