Identification of Two Kinds of Seawater Cultured Gray Pearls by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Ultraviolet-visible Absorption Spectroscopy
摘要: Akoya珍珠属生物矿化有机宝玉石,该类珍珠的矿物组成与微结构分析、定性与其颜色形成属性的鉴定方法尚为缺乏。本文通过光学显微镜、紫外可见吸收光谱、傅里叶变换红外光谱、能量色散X射线荧光光谱对具有白色或灰色珠核的两类Akoya灰色珍珠的珍珠层与珠核的结构特征及显色机制、紫外吸收光谱、微量金属元素赋存特征进行了对比研究。结果表明:①灰色珍珠的珠核有白色与灰色两类,两类珍珠的直径主要分布在5~9mm,珍珠层厚度约300~500μm;②两类珍珠的珍珠层和珠核的主体矿物组成均为生物文石,且两者的珍珠层中均富Sr贫Mn。③灰色的珠核具有明显的富Mn特征,且由于辐照使得Mn元素的价态升高并使得珠核致灰色,并导致整个珍珠呈现灰色;④紫外可见吸收光谱检测中,一般而言具有白色珠核的灰色珍珠在300~400nm波段可见明显的反射带,而具有灰色珠核的灰色珍珠在400~500nm波段可见明显的反射带。两类灰色珍珠皆为海水养殖珍珠,研究表明这两类珍珠的紫外吸收光谱的差异可作为初步评判灰色系珍珠是否经辐照改色的依据之一。Abstract:
BACKGROUNDAkoya pearl is a biomineralized organic gemstone. The mineral composition and microtextural analysis, and the identification method of color formation of this type of pearl are still lacking. OBJECTIVESTo identify natural gray pearls from treated-color gray pearls. METHODSThe spectroscopic and textural characteristics of two kinds of seawater cultured gray pearls with white or gray nucleus were comparatively investigated by optical microscope, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. RESULTSThe gray pearls with white or gray nucleus had diameters from 5mm to 9mm, the thickness of 300-500μm. The nacreous layer and its corresponding nucleus of the two kinds of gray pearls were composed mainly of biological aragonite, and their corresponding nacreous layers were rich in Sr and poor in Mn. The pearl with the gray nucleus was rich in Mn. The valence state of Mn was increased due to irradiation, resulting in gray of the pearl core and the whole pearl. In general, the pearls with a white nucleus had an obvious reflection band from 300nm to 400nm in the ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra. On the contrary, those pearls with a light or heavy gray nucleus had a reflection band from 400nm to 500nm. CONCLUSIONSThe two types of gray pearls are all marine cultured pearls. The difference of ultraviolet absorption spectra of the two types of pearls can be used as a basis for judging whether the gray pearls are irradiatedly colored. -
Key words:
- gray pearl /
- ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy /
- structure /
- nacreous layer /
- nucleus /
- irradiation treatment
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