Identification Method of Marine Shale Gas 'High-Quality Layer' in the Lower Paleozoic Area, Southern China and Its Application
摘要: “优质层段”是页岩气勘探开发的重点和热点,国内外学者在相关领域作了诸多探索并取得重要进展,但在选区参数阈值、定性-定量系统分级评价及模板建立方面有待进一步完善。为掌握中国南方下古生界海相页岩气发育的“优质层段”,本文以上奥陶统五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组和寒武系牛蹄塘组为研究对象,对页岩气富集高产“优质层段”的识别要素进行分析,优选出中国南方下古生界海相具有页岩气商业勘探价值的区域。通过资料调研和数据分析,①遴选出页岩气“优质层段”三定性(沉积相、构造保存、岩性组合),八定量(含气量、压力系数、有机碳含量、有机质成熟度、孔隙度、脆性、有效厚度、埋深)识别参数;②按照“定性参数圈定有利区-定量参数识别优质层段”叠加递进判别原则,分析了参数获取方法和阈值,建立了中国南方海相五峰—龙马溪组和牛蹄塘组页岩气“优质层段”定量识别模板;③将该方法应用于贵州正安—务川地区,优选出7个页岩气有利区,识别出1个页岩气“优质层段”(安场向斜五峰—龙马溪组),并得到后期钻探成功验证。该方法对中国南方海相页岩气“优质层段”识别有一定的参考意义。Abstract:
BACKGROUND'High-quality layer' is the focus and hotspot of shale gas exploration and development. Many explorations and important developments have been studied by researchers at home and abroad. However, the threshold of selection parameters, qualitative-quantitative system classification evaluation and template establishment need to be optimized. OBJECTIVESTo identify the 'high-quality layer' and optimize areas of marine shale gas with the commercial value in the Lower Paleozoic area of southern China. METHODSThe Ordovician Wufeng Formation-Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation and Cambrian Niutitang Formation were the research objects. The identification factors of shale gas enrichment and high-yield 'high quality layer', and the shale gas area with commercial exploration value in the Lower Paleozoic marine facies in southern China were analyzed. RESULTSThree qualitative parameters including sedimentary facies, tectonic preservation, lithologic combination, and eight quantitative parameters including gas content, pressure coefficient, organic carbon content, organic matter maturity, porosity, brittleness, effective thickness, buried depth were optimized. A discriminating principle of qualitative parameters to delineate favorable areas, and quantitative parameters to identify the 'high-quality layer' was proposed. On the basis of this, the parameter acquisition methods and thresholds were analyzed. A 'high-quality layer' quantitative identification template for marine shale gas of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation and the Niutitang Formation was established in southern China. This method was applied to the Zheng'an-Wuchuan area of Guizhou Province. Seven favorable shale gas areas and one 'high-quality layer' of shale gas (the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation of Anchang syncline) were identified, which successfully verified by later drilling. CONCLUSIONSThe proposed method has certain reference significance for the identification of 'high-quality layer' of marine shale gas in southern China. -
表 1 中国南方海相富有机质页岩的发育与沉积
Table 1. Development and deposition of marine-riched organic shale in southern China
系 统 组 沉积亚相 盆地类型 分布范围 志留系 下统 龙马溪组 半深水-深水陆棚相 克拉通台内坳陷 扬子地区 奥陶系 上统 五峰组 半深水-深水陆棚相 克拉通台内坳陷 扬子地区 寒武系 下统 牛蹄塘组 深水陆棚相 被动大陆边缘 扬子地区 表 2 北美与中国典型含气页岩产层关键评价参数对比
Table 2. Comparison of key evaluation parameters of typical gas-bearing shale formations in North America and China
含气页岩产层 TOC(%) Ro(%) 孔隙度(%) 压力系数 Barnett 4.5 1.6 5 1 Fayetteville 4 2.5 6 / Haynesville 3.01 1.5 10 1.6~2 Eagle Ford 4.5 1.2 4 / Woodford 6 1.5 5 / Marcellus 4 1.2 10 1~1.6 Utica 3 1 4 / 五峰—龙马溪组 2.5 1.5~3 3~10 1~2.3 牛蹄塘组(筇竹寺组、水井沱组) 3.4 2.5~4.5 0.7~4.8 1 表 3 正安—务川7个页岩评价单元识别参数对比
Table 3. Comparison of identification parameters of seven shale evaluation areas in Zheng'an—Wuchuan
识别参数 五峰—龙马溪组 牛蹄塘组 安场向斜 桴焉向斜 斑竹向斜 务川向斜 高山—石朝向斜 高山—石朝向斜 茅垭向斜 定性参数 沉积相 深水陆棚 深水陆棚 深水陆棚 深水陆棚 深水陆棚 深水陆棚 深水陆棚 构造保存 褶皱宽缓,顶底板砂泥岩、灰岩 褶皱宽缓,顶底板砂泥岩、灰岩 褶皱宽缓,顶底板砂泥岩、灰岩 褶皱紧闭,顶底板砂泥岩、灰岩 褶皱紧闭,顶底板砂泥岩、灰岩 褶皱宽缓,顶底板白云岩、结晶灰岩 褶皱宽缓,顶底板白云岩、结晶灰岩 定量参数 岩性组合 黑色碳质页岩 黑色碳质页岩 黑色碳质页岩 黑色碳质页岩 黑色碳质页岩 黑色碳质页岩 黑色碳质页岩 TOC(%) 2~4 2~4 2~4 2~4 2~4 > 4 > 4 Ro(%) 2~2.5 2~2.5 2~2.5 2~2.5 2~2.5 2.5~3.0 2.5~3.0 孔隙度(%) 3.9 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 脆性矿物含量(%) > 60 > 60 > 60 > 60 > 60 > 60 > 60 有效页岩厚度(m) 20~30 20~30 20~30 20~30 10~20 > 40 > 40 埋深(m) 2000~3000 1500~2500 1500~2500 1500~2500 1500~2500 3500~4500 3500~4500 含气量(m3/t) > 2 1~2 1~2 1~2 1~2 < 0.5 < 0.5 压力系数 1.2 1.2 / / / / / -
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