云母有着独特的片状结构和晶形,为了分析云母与其他粒状碎屑矿物的水力沉积差异,以黄河口段沉积物为对象,分粒级进行轻、重矿物鉴定,挑选出其中的白云母以及不同风化程度的黑云母,测量了5个样点、约12 000颗碎屑云母的粒径与厚度,以此比较片状云母与粒状石英和长石在水体中的等效沉积。结果表明,黄河口沉积物中云母含量约为1.8%~9.7%,其在不同样品和不同粒级之间差异很大,在1.5Φ~5.5Φ粒级之间云母含量由高至低急剧减少;云母厚度大都<20 μm,平均厚度仅8.93 μm,白云母的厚度一般小于黑云母;薄片状云母体积远小于相同粒径的粒状石英、长石,约为石英和长石的16%~55%;云母体积的变化可由其形状系数−径厚比来反映,云母的径厚比大都介于5~60。片状云母与粒状石英和长石在搬运与沉积过程中水力特性差异明显,等效沉积作用常使较大粒径云母与细粒泥质沉积密切共生。
Abstract:Mica has a unique sheet-like structure and crystal form. In order to study the hydraulic difference between mica and other granular detrital minerals, light and heavy minerals were identified for the sediments of different size taken from the Yellow River Estuary. Muscovite and the biotite with different weathering degree were selected as research objects. The particle size and thickness of about 12 000 detrital mica from 5 samples were measured to study the equivalent size for sheet-like mica and granular feldspar and quartz in water. The results show that the content of mica in the Yellow River sediments is about 1.8%~9.7% in general, which vary greatly between different samples and different grain size grades and the content of mica decreases sharply from high to low around the grain size of 1.5Φ~5.5Φ. The thickness of mica is mostly less than 20 μm with an average of 8.93 μm. Muscovite is generally thinner than biotite. The volume of sheet shaped mica is approximately 16% to 55% of granular minerals, which is much smaller than those of feldspar and quartz. The volume change of mica can be described with shape factor and the diameter-thickness ratio, which varies between 5~60. According to the Corey and Stokes law, for mica and granular minerals such as feldspar and quartz, the sedimentation rate of mica is only 0.12%~0.33% of that for feldspar and quartz if they are the same in grain size. If the sedimentation rates are same for the two kinds of sediments, the grain size distribution of mica is wider than that of feldspar and quartz, with a difference of about 1.0Φ~1.5Φ. Therefore, the hydraulic behavior of sheet-like mica and granular feldspar and quartz are obviously different in the process of transportation and deposition. Equivalent deposition often makes large-particles of mica deposited together with fine-grained muddy deposits.
表 1 黄河口沉积物代表性样品中各个粒级和全样中的云母含量
Table 1. The contents of mica in each fraction and bulk sample of representative sediments in the Yellow River Estuary
/% 样品编号 鉴定粒级/Φ 粒级含量 轻矿物含量 重矿物含量 轻矿物中白云母 轻矿物中风化黑云母 重矿物中白云母 重矿物中黑云母 LJ2 <1.5 0.02 100.00 0.00 13.92 8.86 0.00 0.00 1.5~2.0 0.05 100.00 0.00 0.59 3.26 0.00 0.00 2.0~2.5 0.03 100.00 0.00 17.25 45.32 0.00 0.00 2.5~3.0 0.24 97.81 2.19 36.13 50.32 3.83 86.90 3.0~3.5 1.30 99.61 0.39 11.68 20.96 2.71 48.98 3.5~4.0 38.86 99.56 0.44 2.13 2.44 0.68 8.54 4.0~4.5 49.10 99.15 0.85 0.57 1.14 0.00 0.81 4.5~5.0 6.95 97.82 2.18 1.55 0.62 0.00 0.79 5.0~6.0 2.06 99.99 0.01 4.00 0.92 0.21 0.00 ∑=98.61 云母加权平均值 1.535 1.966 0.001 0.026 HKZ9 <1.5 0.02 100.00 0.00 18.48 31.52 0.00 0.00 1.5~2.0 0.01 100.00 0.00 36.11 62.50 0.00 0.00 2.0~2.5 0.02 100.00 0.00 31.07 68.61 0.00 0.00 2.5~3.0 0.30 96.62 3.38 25.62 68.52 6.09 93.48 3.0~3.5 0.34 99.01 0.99 21.73 44.09 3.52 89.95 3.5~4.0 30.20 99.37 0.63 4.44 11.54 0.56 10.06 4.0~4.5 59.85 98.83 1.17 3.19 3.77 0.38 2.64 4.5~5.0 5.75 98.57 1.43 1.17 2.05 0.15 2.14 5.0~6.0 2.61 99.60 0.40 1.99 1.32 0.17 0.34 ∑=99.10 云母加权平均值 3.497 6.215 0.005 0.052 HH6 <2.0 0.01 99.63 0.37 37.70 62.30 1.89 96.23 2.0~2.5 0.02 95.93 4.07 35.08 64.92 2.08 95.83 2.5~3.0 0.05 95.47 4.53 30.15 60.57 3.74 92.52 3.0~3.5 2.57 98.66 1.34 3.98 6.82 5.61 69.91 3.5~4.0 39.01 98.49 1.51 0.24 1.18 0.24 10.12 4.0~4.5 44.67 94.29 5.71 0.60 1.00 0.15 0.15 4.5~5.0 4.52 89.07 10.93 2.07 1.81 0.00 0.00 5.0~6.0 0.30 89.95 10.05 1.06 2.90 0.55 0.91 ∑=91.16 云母加权平均值 0.559 1.182 0.007 0.091 HBZ12 <2.0 0.03 99.91 0.09 27.27 70.61 3.55 92.31 2.0~2.5 0.05 99.89 0.11 25.66 68.80 4.99 93.84 2.5~3.0 0.12 99.03 0.97 25.29 52.35 7.14 81.68 3.0~3.5 2.82 99.29 0.71 3.20 6.69 6.29 17.96 3.5~4.0 36.70 98.20 1.80 2.05 4.28 0.73 2.20 4.0~4.5 30.42 97.94 2.06 1.13 2.27 0.00 0.26 4.5~5.0 10.92 98.90 1.10 0.82 1.10 0.00 0.00 5.0~6.0 1.70 99.29 0.71 1.79 1.79 0.16 0.00 ∑=82.76 云母加权平均值 1.336 2.674 0.006 0.021 表 2 各样品云母平均粒径和厚度
Table 2. Average particle size and thickness of mica in each sample
/μm 矿物种类 筛分粒级/Φ HBZ13 HBZ12 HLJ2 HH6 HKZ9 平均粒径 平均厚度 平均粒径 平均厚度 平均粒径 平均厚度 平均粒径 平均厚度 平均粒径 平均厚度 白云母 1.5~2.0 303.39 13.26 316.66 10.87 302.01 9.79 299.84 8.34 306.65 12.94 2.0~2.5 186.85 10.82 202.29 7.56 208.60 9.14 208.67 9.29 209.86 10.83 2.5~3.0 159.04 10.08 157.64 8.74 153.52 8.02 158.77 9.21 159.04 10.08 3.0~3.5 115.66 7.44 114.07 5.64 112.92 8.17 113.34 2.30 110.53 7.57 3.5~4.0 85.71 4.24 80.56 3.27 79.44 4.15 77.05 4.78 75.83 4.18 弱风化黑云母 1.5~2.0 297.39 13.32 298.16 14.71 281.32 12.56 303.05 9.32 288.26 14.88 2.0~2.5 206.05 10.17 214.80 11.13 214.09 12.61 208.82 11.71 212.76 12.40 2.5~3.0 152.69 10.79 158.24 11.14 156.83 12.21 160.19 7.85 163.89 12.99 3.0~3.5 106.01 8.41 106.37 7.63 109.60 11.85 120.80 8.14 112.51 7.80 3.5~4.0 79.63 7.54 80.37 7.23 79.47 6.13 80.53 6.18 84.83 1.17 半风化黑云母 1.5~2.0 316.41 10.72 295.39 17.16 293.86 6.65 317.20 10.46 271.37 7.40 2.0~2.5 222.24 9.78 198.44 11.52 208.33 7.35 222.24 9.78 201.28 7.19 2.5~3.0 164.94 7.59 153.72 9.67 157.89 5.50 164.94 9.37 157.01 6.33 3.0~3.5 116.73 7.48 113.43 8.76 117.40 3.45 119.84 9.12 117.15 5.87 3.5~4.0 80.51 4.04 82.15 7.63 83.82 1.52 85.08 6.93 84.15 1.25 强风化黑云母 1.5~2.0 305.10 15.17 284.48 13.79 280.66 14.72 277.12 11.34 267.85 13.02 2.0~2.5 211.59 13.77 207.13 9.31 204.71 9.44 203.26 9.30 206.40 8.28 2.5~3.0 161.85 11.02 155.60 6.75 152.63 8.57 155.64 8.82 151.19 7.19 3.0~3.5 121.18 9.01 110.94 6.53 116.30 5.81 112.00 7.13 111.12 9.48 3.5~4.0 80.77 9.84 87.52 6.57 69.71 3.80 87.32 4.56 66.46 1.94 表 3 速度相同时云母与石英和长石粒径差异
Table 3. The particle size difference between mica and feldspar plus quartz at the same speed
D云母 D石英 粒度/μm 粒级/Φ 平均粒径/μm 平均粒径/μm 粒级/Φ 63~88 4.0~3.5 66.40~87.52 22.98~50.57 5.5~4.5 88~125 3.5~3.0 106.31~121.18 36.75~70.02 5.0~4.0 125~177 3.0~2.5 151.19~164.94 52.27~95.30 4.5~3.5 177~250 2.5~2.0 186.85~222.24 64.60~128.41 4.0~3.0 250~440 2.0~1.5 267.85~347.20 92.60~183.28 3.5~2.5 -
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